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Final Zero Hour Announcement


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The basis of the alliance was a lie compounded by more lies. It was never supposed to have a future.

Still, I wish the individual members well as they seek new alliances, VE apparently among them--you could do much worse.

The basis may have been a lie, but they simply wished to forge their own path in the Cyberverse. After cancelling their mission, should they not have a chance like any other protectorate?

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The basis may have been a lie, but they simply wished to forge their own path in the Cyberverse. After cancelling their mission, should they not have a chance like any other protectorate?

And they could have by just moving on since they cancelled their mission long ago. Yet they chose to try and get revenge on Mhawk or TPF and there is where their punishment comes from.

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And they could have by just moving on since they cancelled their mission long ago. Yet they chose to try and get revenge on Mhawk or TPF and there is where their punishment comes from.

They chose to come clean about their past out of guilt. I doubt they would sacrifice themselves to try and damage someone who has no effect on them. They may have been spies or whatnot, but they weren't stupid.

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And they could have by just moving on since they cancelled their mission long ago. Yet they chose to try and get revenge on Mhawk or TPF and there is where their punishment comes from.

so because they wanted to be good allies (well at least honest allies) of Athens (that MDoAP treaty they were waiting to sign) and they came clean about their past, they should be punished or is it because they stated that Mhawk/TPF were the ones who put them up to it, they should be punished? which is it? if it was because Mhawk/TPF put them up to it then that is the weakest reason i have seen.

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It will be a shame to see some of you leaving. I know most of zh and they are some good people. I wish you all the best beyond this, especially those that are leaving Planet Bob.

The only thing that is sad to see is OOC stuff coming between people. It's a shame that everyone cannot get along, but so it is, everything moves along.

Like I said, I wish ya'll the best if you do decide to leave Planet Bob. You were some great people that I had the chance to meet from when you first came over in the Elysium merge and I don't regret having ya'll as members of TPF.


Edit: A rare time I show Iowa winning anything )):

Edited by Desperado
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so because they wanted to be good allies (well at least honest allies) of Athens (that MDoAP treaty they were waiting to sign) and they came clean about their past, they should be punished or is it because they stated that Mhawk/TPF were the ones who put them up to it, they should be punished? which is it? if it was because Mhawk/TPF put them up to it then that is the weakest reason i have seen.

Generaly speaking those whom feel guilty becuase of a shamefull act are just being selfish when 'coming clean' and in so doing absolving themselves of those feelings of guilt. Not because coming clean helps or is wanted by the party being told about said act....

No different then a cheating spouse feeling like crap and because they cant hack that feeling they 'come clean' to the other spouse. In doing so making the other person feel like hell, putting the relationship in jeapordy and possibly cuasing a dangerous situation when and if the two people ever meet....

Just saying ;)

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Dear MK puppet,

You're cute. Post more



PS: I'm glad ZH disbanded

If Athens was an MK puppet they wouldn't have declared the last war (see: all of Archon's posts about that situation) you bumbling moron. Seriously, get some originality and intelligence, or just stop posting.

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Generaly speaking those whom feel guilty becuase of a shamefull act are just being selfish when 'coming clean' and in so doing absolving themselves of those feelings of guilt. Not because coming clean helps or is wanted by the party being told about said act....

No different then a cheating spouse feeling like crap and because they cant hack that feeling they 'come clean' to the other spouse. In doing so making the other person feel like hell, putting the relationship in jeapordy and possibly cuasing a dangerous situation when and if the two people ever meet....

Just saying ;)

oh i know that. does not make it any less than what it was. ZH was expecting to be thrashed by Athens for coming clean. to me, that means that they wanted to be upfront and honest with someone they respected. regardless of whether they wanted to absolve themselves of guilt they still thought they would be punished. hence the relatively good feelings between Athens and ZH versus those allied to TPF and ZH.

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meh, not like this didn't stain your reputation anyways, the past few weeks will follow many of you even if you decided to hide behind a different AA.

If we're hiding, why did we remain on the ZH AA for weeks after revealing everything to Athens? If we were trying to hide, wouldn't we have been sitting in hippy for the past 18 days? I mean seriously? What do we have to hide, or hide from? No one who thought we should be punished had enough cojones to do it themselves, so why worry about that? protip: think before you hit the post button. If you have so much of a desire to see us get wrecked, do something about it rather than sitting here flapping your tongue.

Anyway, sad to see ZH go, it was a good community to be a part of, no matter what the peanut gallery thought. Best of luck to my former alliance mates as they look for new homes.

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When people stand up, admit their wrong doings and wait for their punishment, why is it that we're blaming them for the fact the people wronged decided not to throw the punch at them? ZH fully expected to have to face some sort of punishment for what happened during Karma, and they can't take the blame for people deciding not to do it when they stand there ready to take what they think they deserved.

At the end of it all ZH has lost everything, and that is punishment far worse than any loss of infrastructure. I wish all my friends and acquaintances that were in ZH the best of luck, whever their paths may lead ^_^ Even VE.

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If we're hiding, why did we remain on the ZH AA for weeks after revealing everything to Athens? If we were trying to hide, wouldn't we have been sitting in hippy for the past 18 days? I mean seriously? What do we have to hide, or hide from? No one who thought we should be punished had enough cojones to do it themselves, so why worry about that? protip: think before you hit the post button. If you have so much of a desire to see us get wrecked, do something about it rather than sitting here flapping your tongue.

Declaring on ZH would have been a sideshow that no one particularly wanted. A restart of the recently concluded war and a strategic mess militarily speaking. I'm sorry but...you weren't *that* important. <_<

Somehow though, I think you already knew that.

PROTIP: Don't sit inside an honorable alliance with numerous treaties to its credit proclaiming how people should "do something about it" if they find your past dishonorable behavior objectionable. It reflects badly on your new home, but mostly it reflects very badly on you.

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cant say im sorry to see this. ZHs membership who didnt know are being punished by being forced to find new homes however DM, Ayrrie and any of the founders you deserve way more than this. Your time will come im sure of that.

As should be abundantly clear to you, Valhallian, not everyone who deserves it get punished.

Better not accept any aid from someone on a ZI list, the fee for that is 2000 tech. :)

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Generaly speaking those whom feel guilty becuase of a shamefull act are just being selfish when 'coming clean' and in so doing absolving themselves of those feelings of guilt. Not because coming clean helps or is wanted by the party being told about said act....

No different then a cheating spouse feeling like crap and because they cant hack that feeling they 'come clean' to the other spouse. In doing so making the other person feel like hell, putting the relationship in jeapordy and possibly cuasing a dangerous situation when and if the two people ever meet....

Just saying ;)

Excuse me chefjoe,

I am only casually interested in this (and I didn't even read the thread, TBH), but I stumbled upon your post and I was wondering what would be the course of action you would follow. Is it "sweeping it under the carpet" the correct way to deal with that? Or, what else?

(If my question is stupid because of my ignorance of the previous conversation, sorry: it's entirely my fault.)

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the only reason ZH did not get hit was because peace broke out so quickly. They deserved the same punishment that TPF received.

I am glad the ZH is no more as well, the whole alliance was made in dishonor, and its act of trying to save its skin was in dishonor as well. CN has no need of an alliance like that here.

I do wish the membership that had nothing to do with this to find a safe home where they can move to

Edited by Guffey
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PROTIP: Don't sit inside an honorable alliance with numerous treaties to its credit proclaiming how people should "do something about it" if they find your past dishonorable behavior objectionable. It reflects badly on your new home, but mostly it reflects very badly on you.

While I would agree that no one should do what you posted above, VE is very glad to have old friends like Zuli joining the alliance, and giving us the opportunity to meet new friends as well. All of the interactions I have had with the former members of ZH have me believing that they are excellent people who will fit the mold of VE well and hopefully work to improve the alliance from within. That being said, they are in VE now, and afforded all protections and benefits that membership offers, and we wouldn't think twice about defending them just as we defend every one of our members.

I think all of the saber rattling in this thread is unnecessary, and hopefully it comes to an end.

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Especially when the real culprits in all of this were able to escape completely unscathed, considering that they ran to hippy as their alliance was slaughtered around them.

Bloodied up a bit, but slaughtered....I think not.

Back off, little boy, and take your mysognistic hatred of me elsewhere. I'm sick of your harassment. It's undeserved.

What, praytell, were my actions, or the actions of most of my alliance? It was a very select few who were involved. I'd like you to note that I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of TPF or any of its affiliates.

Ah, but remember that the entire alliance, regardless of knowledge, bears the sins of it's leaders.....right?

I echo the sentiments of my alliance mate Desperado in saying that I wish nothing but the best for the former members of ZH, especially the ones I knew well from TPF. They are a great group of men and women.

....as for the alliance of Zero Hour itself, nothing of value was lost.

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