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Greatest CN Rivalry?


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True, but it was hilarious as we made them go from feared overlord to how people feel about him today. Which is more indifference.

Also, Atlantis/TPF was fun for a bit.

How did I forget about TPF/Atlantis too. If Atlantis hadn't disbanded that rivalry could have really gotten interesting.

I can't say I was part of it, but even from afar that was a fun one to watch. Probably the best rivalry between two alliances which never actually went to war (other than NPO-NpO).

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If you don't say LUE vs. NPO you are either too young to remember or too arrogant to see the truth. This rivalry shaped this game, created the bloc system, started the two most influential great wars this game has ever seen, and established many of the common terms that you see floating around today. It wasn't just the precedent for all rivalries that have followed but it was also some of the most bitter hatred I have ever seen between two entities in this game.

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NPpO and NAAC was the greatest rivalry the game has ever/will ever see.

Going to specify this a bit, but in general, yes.

How can any of you say anything besides NPO/NAAC?

They are retarded. That's not an attack, it's a true mental condition. Deal with it. :P

You didn't win that ...

>_> Don't remember why I quoted this. Oh well...

NpO militarily defeated NAAC, but NAAC's leader took over the NpO. Who beat who?

Yeah, that was the best rivalry.

Our beef with TSO isn't a rivalry, that is hatred.

That's a good question. :P

I have to agree with this one. And to this day, NAAC is winning. They've infiltrated our government at the highest levels.

I'd say it's a tie. NAAC's leader is loyal to NPO, NAAC is dead, however NAACers are still around, in relatively good number, and in many influential spots. Tie it is!

On the NAAC/NPpO rivalry:

Yes, it is a rivalry, NAAC and NPpO both wanted control of the blue sphere. I say NPpO because there really is no other reason for NpO to be created by NPO than this, among a few other things, which basically were meant to take people out of the NAAC.

I'd say it's the greatest rivalry and here is why: Explosiveness: They experienced 3 great wars, many other wars and fought bitterly until NAAC decided to disband (yes, they CHOSE TO). Political Influence: NAAC was an upper-tier alliance. They were sanctioned and were for a long time the strongest alliance on blue. They help lead the League and CoaLUEtion and AEGIS. To say it was all LUE is a lie. Long lasting: This rivalry is, arguably, still going on to this day. Is it a bitter/explosive fight? No. Do NAACers and NpOers get along? Yeah. However, we still strive to outdo each other, I think, in certain ways.

Two words: NAAC Reunions.

If you have never seen one before, next time one is announced, look at the NAAC AA and you'll see what I mean by strong-spirited/tightly-grouped community. Even death cannot stop us. :)

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The Orders have so much gravity B-)

Understanding 'rivalry,' as WalkerNinja defines it, I would put forward the NADC-BLEU Senate competitions. Certainly not the greatest rivalry or opposition in the game, but I recall at one point we had all three seats and there was some celebration, at least in Polar leadership channels.

A quality antagonism (not a fun one, but a real one) was the Polar-CIN rivalry that existed for a few months in early 2007. While CIN were never our military or political equals, they may have rivaled us in terms of active membership, especially at the time of the secession. While we won the war without contest, it was always on the Polar agenda to see CIN destroyed.

Edited by Proko
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The intrigue and animosity behind the scenes of the time between the first and second great wars was amazing, it's a real shame only a small group of players really got to experience it. I dunno about the Initiative side, but for the former CoaLUEtion we basically had the equivalent of red scares, accused people who looked toward a peaceful solution instead of the inevitable war as being "pro-NPO", all that !@#$%^&*. The internal politics of CoaLUEtion alliances (and between CoaLUEtion alliances) was basically a single metric, your opinion on the NPO. Some alliances were more radical (NAAC, LUE) while others tended to be more willing to talk with the NPO (ODN, Legion). I certainly have a skewed view on it, but it seems hard to think that kind of cold war atmosphere could ever have been reproduced.

NPO just randomly stumbling into it's own demise years later was so anticlimactic. I always imagined some sort of revolution or civil war taking them down, not ignoble senility.

Edited by jalopy
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The intrigue and animosity behind the scenes of the time between the first and second great wars was amazing, it's a real shame only a small group of players really got to experience it. I dunno about the Initiative side, but for the former CoaLUEtion we basically had the equivalent of red scares, accused people who looked toward a peaceful solution instead of the inevitable war as being "pro-NPO", all that !@#$%^&*. The internal politics of CoaLUEtion alliances (and between CoaLUEtion alliances) was basically a single metric, your opinion on the NPO. Some alliances were more radical (NAAC, LUE) while others tended to be more willing to talk with the NPO (ODN, Legion). I certainly have a skewed view on it, but it seems hard to think that kind of cold war atmosphere could ever have been reproduced.

NPO just randomly stumbling into it's own demise years later was so anticlimactic. I always imagined some sort of revolution or civil war taking them down, not ignoble senility.

Ummm... where were you during the Karma war? That was a giant revolution, and it brought the NPO to its knees and totally redefined the political landscape.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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Ummm... where were you during the Karma war? That was a giant revolution, and it brought the NPO to its knees and totally redefined the political landscape.

The NPO that stumbled into such a blatant trap was not the same NPO which fought it's way through dozens of alliances to the top, and the several vulturous alliances which took the opportunity to feed on it's corpse were not revolutionaries.

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Not the same you say...despite the same leadership clique calling the shots during and pre-Karma War :rolleyes:

Doesn't mean they were the same. They'd gotten complacent. They let their own allies drift away. That, not some sort of revolution, killed them. When half of what you thought was your own army ends up fighting for the other side because you alienated them, you've failed. Most of the forces of Karma had fought for the Hegemony in the War of the Coalition.


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Historically you have many arguments, but to me it has always seemed LUE vs. NPO always wins by far. LUE might have disbanded, but it continues to this day with LUE 2.0. LUE and its second version have been in every great war on opposite sides of the NPO. There are others which you can argue for, but none seem to have that stigma from an outsiders point of view.

From what I have personally experienced:

Val vs Legion when nW was in command was epic, purplegate, Valhalla on the UjP side of things, and the Dove War (Original Peace Mode Conflict)


Rok vs Legion, well known hate and a continued rivalry to see who would end up better.

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NATO vs. ALMEA of course :P

Immortalized by coincidence on the old forums as it was the hot event right before it was shut down and dominates the first page of alliance politics (or whatever it was called back then).

Actual answer: MK vs. NPO has to be the most entertaining and longest lasting rivalries, with brilliant minds on both sides.

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