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Siberian Tiger Alliance Announcement


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I never liked NSO, during the last days I have been reading STA posts and started to have a great admiration for them. However, deep inside I always felt..well but these guys are NSO friends...

This announcement is a great joy to me.

Congratulations STA. I have a profound respect for you guys!

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A number of the posters congratulating you in the thread appear to think it does.

Doesn't mean we are right, as we are not STA.

Assumptions can be wrong, and seeing Uhtred's post I apologize.

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Sad to see.

Wow. Someone really hates IRON.
That treaty is irrelevant to this.
Angry Tyga is Angry.

Best of luck to both former signatories.

I've seen Tygaland angry, and this isn't it.
A number of the posters congratulating you in the thread appear to think it does.
A number of posters are ill-informed. Edited by Fallen_Fool
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A number of the posters congratulating you in the thread appear to think it does.

I personally know that most of the people hailing this didn't like NSO long, loooooooong before the IRON treaty. It was just pus-icing on the poo-cake.

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We never really did get along, did we?

STA was a great ally and had our backs on numerous occasions, regardless of how unhappy they were about whatever situation we were in. I hold a lot of respect, and they're a great ally to whoever has them. Unfortunately we have not always seen eye to eye on things, and the recent crisis has only further emphasized that. NSO has decided on its own path, but it is not the same path STA wishes to take, and I understand that. I am saddened to see this, due mainly to history and having had a long love for STA, but this was necessary and we both understand that. That all there is to it. We have no ill will towards the STA, and wish them well.

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I bet you've been waiting a while to use that.

A number of the posters congratulating you in the thread appear to think it does.

And they'd be mistaken. We aren't so fickle to cancel treaties based on who allies are allied to. If you lot really believe that then you must have forgotten about that Polar-Valhalla treaty.

Edit: Grammar. <_<

Edited by Uhtred
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