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Again with the deflection and attempt at derailing. This is not about TPF at all, and this is the last time that I'll engage this issue directly before clicking that wonderful "ignore posts" button to miss all your attempts at misdirection away from this colossal failure at a smear campaign:

"We understand, based on recent actions undertaken by Ragnarok, they they see spying as a crime of serious magnitude; as such, we are confident that quick action will be taken on the matter." From OP.

Yes, it is about TPF.

Timing of actions means nothing. If I commit an assault then am not caught till after the statute of limitations is up, am I any less guilty?

Except this was an action of war made during war.

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if that multi was 1200 days old, that would have covered his time as Triumvir of RoK.

Ragnarok has not existed for 1,200 days. If anything, this serves to further the argument that Ragnarok was not behind rishnokof's spying.

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Well this here announcement is certainly delivering.

Based on the spirit of this rule
Multiple Forum Accounts

With the exception of moderators, if you are caught with multiple forum accounts, the multiple account(s) will be banned, warn level raised, and your identity will be announced by a moderator to the CN community so rule-abiding players can take IC action against you. Multiple forum account offenders will receive a varying percentage warn level raise and/or a permanent ban on a case-by-case basis.

I will confirm that the two nations in question were deleted for being multis.

[ooc]Doesn't really apply since he is being accused of having two nations unless he did have 2 forum accounts. But whatever.

May I have links to the two forum accounts just because?[/ooc]

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How? Can you not spy unless your nation is younger than your alliance? What?

His multi is older than his RoK nation as well.

So Rish is actually the multi, not President Magee.

NATO was spying on RoK.

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His "multi" is older than his "original"?

Oh, now this is just getting pathetically funny.

Clearly it was NATO spying on RoK, as we must assume the elder to be the "original" and thus the beneficiary of acquired information. ;)

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Is it possible this is a legal multi that was grandfathered in when they were legal?

Well, considering it was 1200 days old, and I'm 1311 days old and not old enough to have a legal multi, I would guess not, although it actually is possible I may be wrong considering I didn't pay much attention when I first started the game. I'm pretty sure though when I started, multis were illegal, which means they would have been 1200 days ago.

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"We understand, based on recent actions undertaken by Ragnarok, they they see spying as a crime of serious magnitude; as such, we are confident that quick action will be taken on the matter." From OP.

Yes, it is about TPF.

Like I said, that's not even the issue being addressed here. You're taking one small facet of the OP (a cheap shot at RoK) and turning it into the entire deal, rather than looking at the whole OP. Reading it, evaluating it, weighing the evidence, then coming to a conclusion about the current issue based on what has been presented.

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Please provide a screen shot of the nation before it was deleted stating it's age. It's not that it's impossible, merely that proof of this kind has not been presented yet, and arguing based on innuendo and assumption is never a good way to go.

Bill N Ted already did this earlier in the thread.


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If it were legal, it wouldn't have been deleted by the mods. :P

True, but the accusations made in the OP are on the assumption RoK advocated it and no alliance in the OP has proof that this was RoK sanctioned. However in the case of TPF the OP was set in motion by TPF gov. TPF gov should have notified the alliances it surrendered to of the ops it was engaged in. I am also of the belief that this war really was caused by a cat fight out of control...[/ooc] much like the Tiger Woods scandal[/ooc] Actually there are a lot of comparisons that can be made to that situation.

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Yet another topic filled with baseless accusations, assumptions and other such false leaps of logic. I will no longer hesitate to say that posters on both sides of this argument are clearly brain dead. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Get out while you still can.

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If you don't like your original nation, you make your improved nation and just keep the older one for fun. My brother didn't like his original nation. He just deleted it before creating his new one.

So for 3 years he kept up two nations flawlessly and was not caught, yet just recently he very conveniently forgot how he'd done it all along and started logging in from the same computer / IP to get deleted and for you to catch him? Wow that's a rock-solid theory right there.

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Clearly it was NATO spying on RoK, as we must assume the elder to be the "original" and thus the beneficiary of acquired information. ;)

Hey, it's every bit as credible as the thread's OP. :awesome:

Edited by Aurion
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Well, considering it was 1200 days old, and I'm 1311 days old and not old enough to have a legal multi, I would guess not, although it actually is possible I may be wrong considering I didn't pay much attention when I first started the game. I'm pretty sure though when I started, multis were illegal, which means they would have been 1200 days ago.

Yeah, I don't remember when that policy was canceled. I know a few NAAC members had legal multi's that they left in limbo most of the time. Except theblitz, he tried to use his for other things.

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