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An Announcement from Athens and Ragnarok


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Except the real terms are we beat on you for a bs reason until you leave your alliance

I think we all know you are a troll by now, but seriously could you find something at least interesting to troll about?

As far back as i can remember we have offered similar individual surrender terms in our conflicts. We did so in the UJW (even if almost nobody took us up on that) we did so during Karma etc.

you can agree or disagree that nations should have the right to get out of wars individually, but frankly wether they want to surrender or go down with their alliance should be their choice shouldn't it?

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Well, at least you can't complain at the 4 alliances for not offering terms to those who were caught in a crossfire. At least they're doing that properly.

Although I do agree with King Xander, that these are boring terms. [ooc]Stop having boring terms, stop having a boring game[/ooc]

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i have never gotten the point of this as any alliance worth it, will defend their leaders if they got attacked..... so why just hit the leaders? it is pointless in my opinion. not to mention, the leaders are chosen by the people and thus, the people pay for that decision. learn to pick smarter leaders who don't do dumb crap and you won't have this problem.

As it is pointless to request the membership surrender.

o/ TPF

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not to mention, the leaders are chosen by the people and thus, the people pay for that decision. learn to pick smarter leaders who don't do dumb crap and you won't have this problem.

I hope you never have a leader that tries to win a war. That would just be awful.

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I imagine they're working on figuring out how to prevent nations from declaring war.

I've been playing this game for some time now, and the only time I've ever been raided is during our "protection." G15 won't even have the offending party pay reparations to cover the damage he caused.

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Sir, in response to your Surrender terms the citizens of Huntonian send you this message:


good day

Okay, that was awesome. Either way, I doubt the surrender terms will be accepted by many. After the last war they fought, you gotta figure most of that type are long gone.

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I've been playing this game for some time now, and the only time I've ever been raided is during our "protection." G15 won't even have the offending party pay reparations to cover the damage he caused.

Once I was NpO pow and the next day I hit my toe. It really hurt. Where do I direct my complaints?

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Oh man, doesn't asking alliance members to leave there alliance and community chance having the effect of destroying their community?, what a HEINOUS ACT*

*(for those who couldn't tell, I am being facetious to show that all aspects of war, no matter how accepted, diminish and can destroy the community of an alliance)

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You're serious? You just gave TPF surrender terms during Karma War, and now you are giving them surrender terms again for harming you during the Karma War?

A good example of how I interpret this situation:

During war:

Karma collation: You surrender and pay reps and we will allow you to live.

TFP: Sure


A few months later:


TFP: ...

Athens, Ragnarok, and other alliances declare war on TFP

If you want to be illogical, I would expect you to declare war again on TFP a few months from now for attacking you during the war.

Edited by HHAYD
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