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The Christmas Miracle

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Wow, good timing. I get my Manhattan Project to-day!

Hey Doitzel, wanna MADP?

\m/ >_< \m/ MEEEEEEEEEEETAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!! \m/ >_< \m/

Also, I give you ten days before folding. Just like the real \m/!

Congratulations RV on staying in a single alliance for more than a month. If you can do that, \m/ can do anything.

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Well, not really. Surprisingly, Polar's terms didn't mention clearing ZI lists or ongoing wars.
We gave up ZI lists, and most of our old grudges after the Second Patriotic War. It's what made events like acting as the midwife for GOONS rebirth, and re-establishing diplomatic relations with FAN months before it was the "cool" thing to do, possible.

As for my feelings on this new \m/... I guess I'll reserve judgment for now. Good luck to you all.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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Congratulations RV on staying in a single alliance for more than a month. If you can do that, \m/ can do anything.

Actually, I'm fairly consistent. I was in NPO for over a year and a half, and in MK for three months. Most other alliances I join are simply for rebuilding purposes. If I have the intent to remain, I will. Also, I have severe doubts about \m/'s ability to do anything. Not with that joke of a leadership cadre you got going there.

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Actually, I'm fairly consistent. I was in NPO for over a year and a half, and in MK for three months. Most other alliances I join are simply for rebuilding purposes. If I have the intent to remain, I will. Also, I have severe doubts about \m/'s ability to do anything. Not with that joke of a leadership cadre you got going there.

Well I hope we can live up to your standards in a week's time. I know we will all do our very best to make everyone happy. That's the most important thing to us.

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Well, this looks somewhat like \m/. I'll give you credit for that. But there's maybe three people I actually remember being in \m/ here, none of whom are WarriorConcept, ChairmanHal, mythicknight or Jason8, who I would consider the most famous remaining members. Chief Savage Man is probably the best you've got.

Also, you don't have the Initiative to back you up in doing whatever you want. How on Planet Avril do you expect to uphold the reputation of \m/ as "ruining the game for everyone else" when you can't hide behind the protection of a hegemonic bloc?! You certainly can't threaten to attack members of actual alliances not within your treaty web for saying things you disagree with, as back in the day.

And it's certainly fun to brag about tech raiding, but come on, it doesn't work any more. There's no vast supply of nukeless unaligned 50k NS nations out there.

So, why are you reforming \m/? It will be nothing like the exaggerated nostalgia and can never be, and has everyone's negative opinions of both \m/ and Bel Air piled onto it. In short, this is the dumbest idea I've seen in a long time.

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Well I hope we can live up to your standards in a week's time. I know we will all do our very best to make everyone happy. That's the most important thing to us.

So you're another alliance Hell bent on playing by the current norms and taking no risks, yet at the same time claiming to be thugs and hard? Yeah, sounds like the original \m/ to me. Good job.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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If the wiki is to be believed:









were all at war with you when you disbanded. Since there was no surrender or legal secession of hostilities, they can re-start the war at their leisure, and I highly encourage them to do so.

Or you could declare war on us. That'd be fun too.

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Well, this looks somewhat like \m/. I'll give you credit for that. But there's maybe three people I actually remember being in \m/ here, none of whom are WarriorConcept, ChairmanHal, mythicknight or Jason8, who I would consider the most famous remaining members. Chief Savage Man is probably the best you've got.

Also, you don't have the Initiative to back you up in doing whatever you want. How on Planet Avril do you expect to uphold the reputation of \m/ as "ruining the game for everyone else" when you can't hide behind the protection of a hegemonic bloc?! You certainly can't threaten to attack members of actual alliances not within your treaty web for saying things you disagree with, as back in the day.

And it's certainly fun to brag about tech raiding, but come on, it doesn't work any more. There's no vast supply of nukeless unaligned 50k NS nations out there.

So, why are you reforming \m/? It will be nothing like the exaggerated nostalgia and can never be, and has everyone's negative opinions of both \m/ and Bel Air piled onto it. In short, this is the dumbest idea I've seen in a long time.

That's what I'm saying. I could care less if it has the same members or the fact that it's \m/, but I don't see how you could continue the 'legacy' so to speak without any of the factors the original had going for it. I mean, that was mostly what fueled its growth. I'm just expecting this to fizzle out once the excitement dies down and become another mediocre alliance that never breaks 3m NS.

But, I could also be completely wrong.

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