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2009 CN Award Nominations


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Friendliest Alliance:


Most Hostile Alliance:

Dark Fist

Best Diplomatic Team:

Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations (Without WickedJ, I'm not sure what I'd do on my lonely saturday nights)

Best Econ System:

The Corporation

Best Military:

Poison Clan

Best Recruiting Staff:

The Huns

Best Propaganda Staff:

Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes

Best Alliance Growth:

Republic of Allied Defenses

Best Rookie Alliance:

Rage Company

Most Honorable Alliance:

Orange Defense Network

Most Active Alliance:


Best Flag:

The Huns

Most entertaining IRC channel:


Best CN meme:

Vote Michiel De Ruyter for Purple Senate

Best OWF topic(s):

Stickmen/Purplol voting

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Karma seems to broad. You have the cancellations, and then you have something that encompasses the cancellations. In other words Karma was nomination for controversy is fail.

I'd like to nominate this for best OWF Topic

Karma, We're a, well...you get the idea


Fair enough, removing that from controversies then.

Who put WickedJ for most controversial? I had him down for Funniest and he isn't there. :ph34r:
Really? Wow..you put me among some elite company.

Err, sorry. That was the wrong category <.<

Also, do we want to add new categories? I was going to limit it to just what was done last year. Thoughts?

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Here are the rest of my nominations

Friendliest Alliance


Most Hostile Alliance

New Pacific Order

Best Diplomatic Team

New Polar Order

Best Economic System

Citadel in general

Best Military


Best Recruiting Staff

Federation of Armed Nations

Best Propaganda Staff

Vox Populi

Scariest Alliance

Zombie Defense Plan

Best Alliance Growth (Jan 1st - Present)

Mushroom Kingdom

Best Rookie Alliance (under 4 months old)

I'd hate to toot my own horn, but I'd say Browncoats. Also, some of the current nominations are not under 4 months old :P

Most Honorable Alliance

Siberian Tiger Alliance

Most Active Alliance

Orange Defense Network

Best Flag

Vox Populi

Best War Flag

The Phoenix Federation

Best Forums

Cult of Justitia

Most entertaining IRC Channel

#vox_populi while it was still active

Most Powerful Alliance


Alliance of the Year

I've got several nominations

New Sith Order

Federation of Armed Nations

New Polar Order

Vox Populi

Mushroom Kingdom


Orange Defense Network

Alliance most likely to succeed in 2010


Player Categories

Most Powerful Player


Best Alliance Leader


Most controversial Player


Funniest Player


Most Active Player


Player of the Year

Electron Sponge


Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2010

Asriel Belaqua

Political, Forum, and Game Categories

Most Powerful Alliance Bloc


Best OWF Topic

Already made some nominations here

Best Water Cooler Topic

Justy's Bar

Best Declaration of War

There weren't that many great ones this year, even with the Karma war.

Best Treaty Announcement

NpO-MK Treaty

Best Game addition/change

Mars/Moon Wonders

Best Wall of Text

I doubt it'll win anything, or that it'll even be an accepted nomination, but I'll say it anyway.


Best player Avatar


Best player Sig


Best Player Quote (IRC or Forum)

Dear Planet Bob,

I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

Best CN Meme

The immoral meme

Funniest Event

Airme's reaction to the NPO cancellations.

Best OWF/AP Forum Poster

I pretty much agree with all the current nominations, however would like to add two



Best OOC Forum Area Poster



Biggest Controversy

TWiP. I'm pretty sure every issue was this year :P

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I hate reading all the replies to these things, so if I can't nominate my own alliance, disregard.

Best flag: NADC


Best Avatar: FreddieMercury

Edited by Kajdav
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Friendliest Alliance


Most Hostile Alliance

The Sweet Oblivion

Best Diplomatic Team


Best Economic System

Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Best Military


Best Propaganda Staff

Vox Populi

Scariest Alliance


Best Alliance Growth (Jan 1st - Present)

Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Most Honorable Alliance

Siberian Tiger Alliance

Most Active Alliance

Mushroom Kingdom

Best Flag


Most entertaining IRC Channel


Most Powerful Alliance

The Order of the Paradox

Alliance of the Year

Vox Populi

Alliance most likely to succeed in 2010



Most Powerful Player


Best Alliance Leader

Ivan Moldavi

Most Controversial Player

Astronaut Jones

Funniest Player

Jack Diorno

Player of the Year

Ivan Moldavi

Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2010



Most Powerful Alliance Bloc


Best OWF Topic

Zhadum reveals NPO information: organized logs

Best player Avatar


Best Player Quote (IRC or Forum)

<Batallion>: we managed to coordinate a 3-way break-off flank attack on our enemies

Best CN Meme

The infamous triple breakoff flank attack

Best OWF/AP Forum Poster


Biggest Controversy

Athens+FoB tech raid

Edited by Voytek
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