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No More celtic Promise


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GGA has a MDAP with Echelon.

This is correct.

Actually, from what I've heard, it was GGA's allying with both IRON and Echelon once again that kinda got ODN's panties all wadded up over the GGA deal, among other deals I'm sure.

It makes perfect sense for me that GGA would cancel on ODN, theres no sense in GGA maintaining an ally for the sake of not shaking things up when ODN has been wavering on the treaty for months now, dragging the treaty through senate votes several times in recent history. Considering the quality of ODN as an ally under normal circumstances to the alliances they do like, I certianly don't blame GGA canceling a treaty with an ally who apparently didn't really respect them. For all this hating of GGA, they made the right decision, the treaty had run its course and it had reached a point where 1) they and ODN didn't match up all that much on ideals and 2) ODN repetitively showed they we're considering canceling it, but lacked the stones to get it done.

From my understanding, GGA didn't cancel this treaty because they thought ODN was going to cancel, it was because ODN had become and had acted in ways that made it no longer reasonable for GGA to be allied to them. (differences in ideals, repetitively questioning GGA on their actions and voting on the treaty on multiple occasions.)

Best of luck to both parties, particularly that awesome bunch GGA.

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Actually, from what I've heard, it was GGA's allying with both IRON and Echelon once again that kinda got ODN's panties all wadded up over the GGA deal, among other deals I'm sure.

heh IRON maybe but Echelon? :rolleyes: Do not assume that yourselves figure too highly in our collective thinking :P. As for lacking the stones to cancel may i suggest you re-read the number of posts by Arsenal on the subject of the treaty coming up before the Senate.

Edited by Cataduanes
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I will again reiterate that this is the first cancellation review for this treaty. Save for its ratification, there were never any votes on the GGA treaty.

Best of luck to both parties, particularly that awesome bunch GGA.

Thank you. Luck unto ye as well, good sir.


heh IRON maybe but Echelon? :rolleyes: Do not assume that yourselves figure too highly in our collective thinking :P. As for lacking the stones to cancel may i suggest you re-read the number of posts by Arsenal on the subject of the treaty coming up before the Senate.

To be fair, Cata, I, among others, was less than thrilled to learn of the Echelon MADP.

Edited by Style #386
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This is extremely dumb. Do you guys even know what your fighting about? GGA having a treaty with an alliance that they really like and are good friends with. Is that some sort of crime? Just because other people dont like your friend you cant be friends with them? Okay and anyways your also arguing about GGAs past. This is the future. People Change. Get over it.

Yes it's a crime because it's GGA we talking about here...:P

And ironchef is the culprit for all the crimes that GGA commited...:D

Throw her into the dungeon where she can never see light again... :lol1:

And again this thread PHAILS horribly...Mods really need to close this %$#^ing thread already..

Edited by mylife125
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Oh wow, looks like people are STILL not reading treaties. Good to know VE's joined the in crowd.

Green and Orange Squishy Stuff.

According to their wikis, neither IRON nor GGA have any MADPs.

The wiki (for GGA at least) has been edited recently to mark the downgrade of the treaty from MADP to MDoAP, which was mentioned in my treaty web thread recently (since the last update I think) by an IRON poster. IRON's MADPs have appeared as such on the web for almost a year and have only recently been altered by IRON, in an unannounced move.

It appears the original treaty was indeed a MDoAP and not an MADP, but it has been recorded on the wiki as an MADP for a long time.

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The wiki (for GGA at least) has been edited recently to mark the downgrade of the treaty from MADP to MDoAP, which was mentioned in my treaty web thread recently (since the last update I think) by an IRON poster. IRON's MADPs have appeared as such on the web for almost a year and have only recently been altered by IRON, in an unannounced move.

It appears the original treaty was indeed a MDoAP and not an MADP, but it has been recorded on the wiki as an MADP for a long time.

Well, after the Karma war, IRON downgraded all MADP's to MDoAP's to prevent god-awful chaining.

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It's good to see that in this politically anemic time on Planet Bob we at the GGA can still inspire 25 page threads. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

ODN and GGA still have much in common, you see. Putting us together is like a perfect storm for attracting rabble-rousers, malcontents, authors of speculative fiction and other ne'erdowells.

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I didn't find out IRON downgraded all their treaties until this event and after talking to shane. I sympathize with people who are confused as I don't think IRON ever announced this(Correct me with a link to the announcement it I'm wrong. <_<

Edited by SonOfHoward
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I didn't find out IRON downgraded all their treaties until this event and after talking to shane. I sympathize with people who are confused as I don't think IRON ever announced this(Correct me with a link to the announcement it I'm wrong. <_<

That was never announced, but it was brought up in Bob Janova's treaty web topic a bit back.

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I wonder which one I am... B)

You might need your own category - that list was not exhaustive.

Sometimes ODN & GGA threads also attract friends, considerate allies, thoughtful commentators, and other productive citizens of Bob. Even in this age, civil discussion remains possible.

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You might need your own category - that list was not exhaustive.

Sometimes ODN & GGA threads also attract friends, considerate allies, thoughtful commentators, and other productive citizens of Bob. Even in this age, civil discussion remains possible.

Quite the diplomatic response. I applaud you sir.

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It's good to see that in this politically anemic time on Planet Bob we at the GGA can still inspire 25 page threads. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

<sniff> ^_^

Yaknow..last time you had a thread go longer than a couple pages you got quite the verbal beating during Karma war and in that 60+ page coup lulfest

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