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End of an Era


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Please just get over yourself. FCC is better off without you and your drug fueled inactivity. To all of CN, stop feeling sorry for us or telling us that we can count on your support. Although its very appreciated, its not needed.

This will be my only post in this thread. You're not worth my time.

I can assure that you can not count on my support.

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Please just get over yourself. FCC is better off without you and your drug fueled inactivity. To all of CN, stop feeling sorry for us or telling us that we can count on your support. Although its very appreciated, its not needed.

This will be my only post in this thread. You're not worth my time.

Ah, nothing like some good PR to get things onto the right track. Methrage, I think you won out on this deal.

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The day the NSO starts to worry about looking "classy" on the OWF will be the day I resign my position there.

Methrage is a strong and respected member of the community. Some people disagree with him and he can be abrasive. Naturally, he would be a perfect fit with most of the NSO population. We are pragmatic. I have no problem with recruitment in a resignation thread. I have never stated that I am not an opportunist.

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Please just get over yourself. FCC is better off without you and your drug fueled inactivity. To all of CN, stop feeling sorry for us or telling us that we can count on your support. Although its very appreciated, its not needed.

This will be my only post in this thread. You're not worth my time.

Ha, wow, looks like you aren't miss much Methrage. Good luck wherever you choose to go. I certainly hope that this post doesn't reflect the view of FCC. Hopefully both parties will have a bright and productive future

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Thanks for all the kind comments for those still in FCC and those of others. I think within the FCC should realize I was banned me right away, I had changed my mind and decided to run again, but Amp replied by saying nomination were now over and banned shortly after.. When I ran for King the only vote I didn't get was Rich333 and the majority of the alliance ha always been supportive of me until recently.

, b

I do think the drug jabs are in bad taste because they don't mean it well, they are trying to use it as an insult. I've seen alliance wars start over such slander, but don't tempt me :P

o/ New CItadel ORder

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that seemed like an act of grumpiness and poor taste chairmanR. you weren't ever that ornery when you were in GLOP, what happened?

Saccharine is not sugar. chairmanR, or any other sound and rational individual, would have good reason to take umbrage with a public relations contrivance which only delays more productive pursuits for all parties involved. Suffice to say I am very disappointed with the absurdity of it all.

Move on, and focus on more noble pursuits.

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When did it become un-classy to recruit people in an announcement of them leaving their alliance? It's not like FCC disbanded.

That said, judging by chairmanR's little outburst, I'd say Methrage is definitely better off pursuing a different home. Best of luck to both parties.

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Saccharine is not sugar. chairmanR, or any other sound and rational individual, would have good reason to take umbrage with a public relations contrivance which only delays more productive pursuits for all parties involved. Suffice to say I am very disappointed with the absurdity of it all.

Move on, and focus on more noble pursuits.

Damn, and I was going to get you a thesaurus for Christmas!

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Thanks, I appreciate all the kind comments and well wishes. For those wondering where I've been lately my laptop got busted, so no computer and I lost the links to all the forums I normally go to. I will have enough computer access to keep my nation active though, so don't think of me as an easy tech raid target.

Edited by Methrage
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To the morons posting "classy", youwish's post was a joke - we had a rather public feud with Methrage, though I'm glad to see he's come to his senses.

As a total outsider, it looked to me as if you were not a particularly good fit with the alliance. So, good luck wherever you end up, I guess.

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