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Athens gov announcements

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We got govs, yo!

I know you care as little about this as I do so I'll make this short and sweet.

Londo and Max still run the show.

I still yell at them when something goes wrong.

And I got yelled at for forgetting havok. (Max's regent)

For the Minister positions we have as follows:

Strategos (MoD) - Kazeki - He's held the fort down for a while now and he's done a good job of it. Also, he probably hates you.

Theorodokos (MoFA) - Jgoods45 - Our MoFA for almost the entire life of our alliance, Jgoods returns for his millionth term. Also, he definitely hates you.

Agoranomos (MoF) - b tard - Coming to you straight from the !@#$%^& of the internet, b tard is resuming his duties as Minister of Finance. He held the job for a while earlier this year and is now taking it back. Also, he despises everything about you.

Dikast (MoIA) - Eragon55 - Keeping track of the membership is Eragon55. He's a wonderful human being who loves everyone except you.

Didact (MoEdu) - Medtech - Making sure our noobs realize that buying more than 50 tech while dealing will earn them a lobotomy, Medtech continues her duties as MoEd. Also, she hopes you all spontaneously combust.

Choregos (MoM) - Ruggsymuggs - Our Minister of Men is ruggsymuggs. It's either that or Minister of Media. Probaby both. Also, ruggsy hates everyone even if they're in Athens.

Hierophant (MoR) - green muffins - Our Minister of spamming Recruiting, GM is guaranteed to hate you, but at least everyone hates him back.

Minister of being a tard: shamedmonkey.

The terms last from Dec. 1 until March 1, 2010 unless we fire someone.



Edited by rsoxbronco1
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You are correct, I do not care about this and this has wasted my time. I shall be sueing you for roughly 20 seconds of reading, 30 seconds of typing this reply and 5 minutes extra for the pain and suffering you have caused me.

Also, nice gov.

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