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Announcement from the desk of the custodial engineer third class


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Funny.. if former protector really held weight, then Kronos was super-dishonorable to attack RLMMO in the first place.

That is if any of what you typed mattered.

You're threatening with nukes. Both alliances are allied to the 1 and 2 in terms of nukes. You're seeking mercs to hit either alliance. Do you REALLY think any alliances allied to either one of parties would let that happen? People would be dumb to accept such a situation at the risk of being pounded by Polaris and TOP nations.

I think you didn't think this through entirely.

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No one went nuke rogue, but when they do they are booted out for attacking another alliance or alliances because warring another alliance with your AA is an act of war if it is approved by the goverment. Why is tech raiding an alliance any different? Because you don't fear reprecussions?

I read:

No one did something but when people do do that they get kicked out because it's an act of war if something happens. Something happened, it wasn't the something that gets people kicked out of an alliance for, but why is this other thing any different?

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I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Nobody's mind is going to get changed by your backwards assessment of handling tech raiding. Either way, let me reiterate: You can play with semantics all you want, but we really don't want to hear it. We abide by the standard rules of this world, they didn't. Fact of the matter is their warmongering policy got them this war, and now they will pay the price.

We're attacked first, yet we're IN THE WRONG HERE???

You're batsquat crazy.

Anyone who claims otherwise just is justifying their own bad behavior.

Edited by Shayde
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We're attacked first, yet we're IN THE WRONG HERE???

You're batsquat crazy.

Anyone who claims otherwise just is justifying their own bad behavior.

You should have abided by the rules of the community at large; now you'll likely get your teeth punched in. There's no real right or wrong about it, just smart and stupid.

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I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Nobody's mind is going to get changed by your backwards assessment of handling tech raiding. Either way, let me reiterate: You can play with semantics all you want, but we really don't want to hear it. We abide by the standard rules of this world, they didn't. Fact of the matter is their warmongering policy got them this war, and now they will pay the price.

Lol. I'm playing symatics? I tech raided a good deal, and I used my size to scare others from retaliating, it's a perfectly viable stratigy. But a tech raid is a war for tech, there is no symantics about it. You allowed your alliance mate to declare war for tech on another alliance, how is your alliance innocent?

I'm saying man up is all, this "we got attacked" is being used by everyone.

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We're attacked first, yet we're IN THE WRONG HERE???

You're batsquat crazy.

Anyone who claims otherwise just is justifying their own bad behavior.

Sigh, fine, I'll explain it one last time.

Sure we attacked you, we attack lots of people, most of them insignificant. Your unattached <15 member alliance was a ripe target.

So you decided to handle it by declaring war back, go you, thanks for taking the initiative. Oh, wait, Problem: You have absolutely no chance to do any meaningful damage or political damage. We don't need to justify anything. You made a mistake. The situation called for diplomacy but you blew it. I have no sympathy.

I can commend you for being even more warmongering than us though, good work, that policy has really worked out for you.

Edited by Sardonic
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They knew he risks. They declared war on us.

We have every right to retaliate in kind. Now the Goonsbags jumping in was just vultures waiting to butt in... now that was general stupidity.

Fail is the one raiding an alliance who thinks there are no repercussions for doing so.

You have every right but coming out in public and declaring war on two alliances over raids by a grand total of 2 nations is just gonna get you rolled. I assumed you wanted war because instead of a 30 second on convo with GOONS and Kronos you began attacking random nations in Kronos and then came out on public and declared war on both of them. Also why did you attack Kronos and not GOONS? GOONS raided you first. Also a member of Posion Clan is now raiding you, will you be attacking them as well?

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You should have abided by the rules of the community at large; now you'll likely get your teeth punched in. There's no real right or wrong about it, just smart and stupid.

Just because a group of people do the wrong thing, it doesn't make it right.

Just ask the nazi party... or those who did the Macarena.

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Just because a group of people do the wrong thing, it doesn't make it right.

Just ask the nazi party... or those who did the Macarena.

Well, I wasn't actually discussing whether you were right or wrong, or even the nature of right and wrong itself. But thank you for responding to me I guess.

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Nothing like the good old OWFA. I know FA were supposed to be between the alliances involved, but I guess now it's more of and Open World Forum Affairs. Bad jokes, but it is true. I guess people forgot how to keep their own issues private.



-Private forums

-Private messages

Why would anyone use those three methods to belligerently insult people when you can do it on the OWF and get attention?

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What.. testicles?
Hard for you to speak of something you never had to begin with Reach.
Sounds like you are having fun, Reach! Good for you! Send some missiles with my name on it or something ^^.

Good luck.



Wow, that was almost sincere boys, now quit it. You are making me giggle too :lol1:
I'll second that. Having been victim to some of RLMMOs wrath in the past, I can say that it will be fun to watch RLMMO do their thing from the outside. :popcorn:
I'm not sure that wrath is appropriate my friend. Perhaps it was an inconvenience? A minor scuffle? A stiff breeze?
A wet fart would be more accurate I think.
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Hard for you to speak of something you never had to begin with Reach.

I suppose you have some much bigger?

(You talk down to a man facing incredible odds, much like Echelon during Karma)

"On April 22nd, 2009, Echelon Entered the Karma War in Defense of its long-time ally, the New Pacific Order. Echelon entered the war vastly outnumbered, at times fighting more then 10 different alliances, and quickly lost many members and great amounts of nation strength. Echelon surrendered from the Karma War on July 7th, 2009, over two months after entering. Many believed that Echelon was in her final chapter, however those left were dedicated to rebuilding Echelon to its former glory, and true to the legend of the Echelon's mascot the phoenix, Echelon rose from the ashes and today Echelon remains strong and vibrant and as dedicated to the future as ever."

Why kick a person when they are down?

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It was replaced by a little known concept called, "natural consequences". These come into play whenever you are faced by superior numbers, talk big, makes threats, and then launch a counter attack.

I think they launched a counter attack first, talked big, but threats never had to be made, they already had attacked. Plus these guys get raided monthly, and it starts with one guy raiding one of their alliance members then it's an alliance wide tech raid all around by different alliances. And they are often given white peace as the only prize for the 3 days of destruction.

Natural consequence comes to any alliance that is not treatied to anyone big is what you should be saying. Everyone jump on the treaty web or your dead. At least in the NPO days you had the option of just jumping in a small out of the way alliance and having the option of growing quietly, now because so many want war, but not a war they would loss, the only targets are alliances like RLMMO and everyone loves a good curb stomp as long as your not on the recieveing end of it.

Edited by Khyber
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I think they launched a counter attack first, talked big, but threats never had to be made, they already had attacked. Plus these guys get raided monthly, and it starts with one guy raiding one of their alliance members then it's an alliance wide tech raid all around by different alliances. And they are often given white peace as the only prize for the 3 days of destruction.

Natural consequence comes to any alliance that is not treatied to anyone big is what you should be saying. Everyone jump on the treaty web or your dead. At least in the NPO days you had the option of just jumping in a small out of the way alliance and having the option of growing quietly, now because so many want war, but not a war they would loss, the only targets are alliances like RLMMO and everyone loves a good curb stomp as long as your not on the recieveing end of it.

I guess you haven't been paying much attention too the OWF lately. No moralist approves of a good curb stopping.

Edit: Where is Vilein at when you need him?

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I think they launched a counter attack first, talked big, but threats never had to be made, they already had attacked. Plus these guys get raided monthly, and it starts with one guy raiding one of their alliance members then it's an alliance wide tech raid all around by different alliances. And they are often given white peace as the only prize for the 3 days of destruction.

Yeah, no.

Natural consequence comes to any alliance that is not treatied to anyone big is what you should be saying. Everyone jump on the treaty web or your dead. At least in the NPO days you had the option of just jumping in a small out of the way alliance and having the option of growing quietly, now because so many want war, but not a war they would loss, the only targets are alliances like RLMMO and everyone loves a good curb stomp as long as your not on the recieveing end of it.

It became a curbstomping when they disregarded the "Tech Raid; PM for Peace" and the peace offers sent to them. Tech raids do not go on forever and ever. Once the victim nation says "Hey, WTF" the attacking nation sends peace. Well, they should or they aren't really raiding.

Seriously Khyber, you need to be educated on this? You cannot meld "War" and "Tech Raiding" together. The two are treated completely differently.

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