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Countdown to Athens Rep Payment


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The topic is a farce and im pretty sure my postings are in line with that.

P.S. That doesnt mean that Gre or I want you to stop though ;)

Since you obviously didn't respect the OP's request to stay on topic I will make my own. Not respecting my request is not advised.

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If you could point somewhere here that does know, or find out and drop me a private message, I would appreciate it, if only because I am curious.

Well, look at that, Heft pretty much took the words out of my mouth. In the end, as I said before, the "why" doesn't matter much for the original message. It was a valid point of inquiry, albeit done in a manner I don't agree with. If you wish to attack his messages AFTER Athens clarified why they haven't sent and clarified that they would indeed be paying the reparations from their own nations, that makes complete sense. It, however, makes very little sense to attack someone simply because they brought up something you don't like and you happen to have something to smear him with that the larger community will agree with. That's just plain unintelligent. The best way to truly win an argument is with facts, not baseless insults, attempts to spin, or threats. If you say something truthful and follow through with it, you will gain far more in the long term than what the short term gain is by posting ridiculous things.

How does Heft's statement validate your argument whatsoever? Considering I'm an ally of Athens, I'd be surprised if I didn't know why Athens hadn't sent reps yet. I don't need a public announcement to verify what I've already been told by their government. Just because you were ignorant of the reason doesn't mean that I was too.

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How does Heft's statement validate your argument whatsoever? Considering I'm an ally of Athens, I'd be surprised if I didn't know why Athens hadn't sent reps yet. I don't need a public announcement to verify what I've already been told by their government. Just because you were ignorant of the reason doesn't mean that I was too.

Because you said that Bilrow didn't care about the Knights of Ni! and Heft said no one did and I agreed with that perspective. I'm not really sure what you aren't getting here or why you're going on about public announcements and such.

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Ok, let's spell this out. We have two NPO nations, N1 and N2. We have 4 Athens nations, A1, A2, A3, and A4. We have two KofN nations, K1 and K2.

A->C method:

N1 sends 3 mil to K1

N2 sends 3 mil to K2

meanwhile Athens uses their free slots for tech deals:

A1 sends 3 mil to A3

A2 sends 3 mil to A4

A3 sends 50 tech to A2

A4 sends 50 tech to A1

End result:

N1 loses 3 mil, uses 1 slot

N2 loses 3 mil, uses 1 slot

A1 loses 3 mil, gains 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A2 loses 3 mil, gains 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A3 gains 3 mil, loses 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A4 gains 3 mil, loses 50 tech, uses 2 slots

K1 gains 3 mil, uses 1 slot

K2 gains 3 mil, uses 1 slot

A->B->C method:

N1 sends 3 mil to A3

N2 sends 3 mil to A4

A3 sends 50 tech to A2

A4 sends 50 tech to A1

A1 sends 3 mil to K1

A2 sends 3 mil to K2

End result:

N1 loses 3 mil, uses 1 slot

N2 loses 3 mil, uses 1 slot

A1 loses 3 mil, gains 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A2 loses 3 mil, gains 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A3 gains 3 mil, loses 50 tech, uses 2 slots

A4 gains 3 mil, loses 50 tech, uses 2 slots

K1 gains 3 mil, uses 1 slot

K2 gains 3 mil, uses 1 slot

Please describe the practical difference in the end result of these two methods.

I'm quoting this because it seems people kind of overlooked it. As shown, there is no difference.

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While I am flattered by your flattery since imitation is the highest form of flattery, I must ask you to please stay on topic with the thread. In case, you have forgotten, we are discussing how long it will take for Athens to pay their reps for their violation of an alliance and calling it a "tech raid.

And you're responding with the equivalent of "blah blah I'm not listening!" to all the people who pointed out how retarded what you're saying is. Your attempt at just reinforcing it with repetition just makes you look stupid.

Pissing all over a piece of !@#$ doesn't make it any harder for anyone to tell it is a piece of !@#$. Continuing to !@#$ on the table just makes the smell even worse.

I also agree with Chairman Hal, which in itself is scary enough, Athens should have had each of their nations who participated in the "tech raid" send 3 million dollars to the nation they attacked and then worked out a final agreement with the government of Knights of Ni! if more reps was requested by the victim of the egregious action. Yes, it might not be efficient and breaks the paradigm of how Athens would want to utilize their slots, but hey just remember Karma is a !@#$%*. Maybe next time they will take that into consideration into their thought process when they get a wild idea.

And as was pointed out to you earlier, perhaps KoN wants to use their slots differently? Or didn't want money sent to certain nations?

Unlike NPO it seems, most people are smart enough to realize that sending money, even reps, to a large nation is just a waste of that nation's aid slot in most circumstances. As your alliance hasn't advanced past 2006/early 2007 in terms of economic theory, I don't expect you to understand it, but most of the rest of us do.

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Is it really anyone elses business what is going on between the 2 alliances that are involved at this point? No it isn't. If the 2 alliances have come to an agreement on the fact that reps will be made, which it appears that they have, let the govs from the 2 alliances work out the kinks on how much it will be and when it will be paid. Give the 2 some room and let them work it out. These kind of topics can really only lead to folks getting upset and maybe posting stuff they shouldn't.

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Misread the NPO flag under his avatar, but I'd be content if Legion was paying the reps to Ni instead of NPO.

Legion has to pay the reps in soldiers to NPO, who has to pay the reps in tech to Athens, who has to pay the reps in apologies to KoN. Go!

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Because you said that Bilrow didn't care about the Knights of Ni! and Heft said no one did and I agreed with that perspective. I'm not really sure what you aren't getting here or why you're going on about public announcements and such.

Once again, that absolutely doesn't advance your argument with my post whatsoever. I never said people cared, I don't myself and I agree with Heft that really no one does.

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You know, if you look at the link he provided, you'll find a CB. Several of them, in fact.

Not kicking someone from a channel is not a reasonable CB. Editing someone's post on private forums is not a reasonable CB. Please show me where there was any threat at all to the NPO the necessitated the use of aggressive action, please. It was a tech raid on a 700-man alliance. Which brings me to...

As fun as it would be to have clones, I am the only Brookbank around here. I personally hated the GPA war, but you seem to be missing the point. GPA was declared upon by the alliances that fought it. Athens committed their alliance to a full scale war WITHOUT bothering to post a declaration of war or any casus belli, even a terrible one like the one used in the GPA war.

You basically just proved my point that you people have no real ability to discuss or hold your own in an argument, as you attempted to mock what I said by misquoting me and showing that I was correct with my statement about Athens not declaring war or having a casus belli.

Sorry about that. My mistake, my computer displays your name as Jonathan Brookba... so I don't see it very often.

Anyway the point I was making, and apparently didn't make clear enough, was that the posting of a DoW is really not all that important provided that there isn't a casus belli to begin with. It was a tech raid because Athens declared in order to attempt to gain tech. It's disappointing to see that you have to extrapolate from a single, if perhaps unclear, post into an insult.... and what exactly do you mean by "you people?"

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Since you obviously didn't respect the OP's request to stay on topic I will make my own. Not respecting my request is not advised.

Warning people who posted off-topic after this, and quoting in case some of you managed to miss it.

Here's some emotes to make sure you notice this one!

)): )): )): )): :facepalm: )): )): )): )): :(

That's what we look like when you ignore moderator warnings!

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