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Tabloid Tribune #152 | Now Externally Focused!

Sir Paul

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Upon reading The headlining tabloid of this thread I have made a couple obvious deductions.

1. You have effectivly proven that this NPO has ineffective leadership and is incapable of handling even tiny problems.

2. That you only bother to gather one side of the facts. (I suppose, that is why this work of half-truths and fiction is a tabloid.)

3. This article shows that the NPO cannot even do something as simple as make and update report.

Based on this article, I have been shown that though NPO was allowed to keep some dignity and not be dissolved after this Karma war that they are petty, spiteful, and unappreciative.

I would think an alliance as apparently esteemed as the NPO could handle their problems in a more professional manner. (Perhaps they could finally allow the other parties representative to join their forum?)

Your use of fancy words and the layout of this article is nice. However, in the future I would like to all sides of the story. This unbiased approach could make me an avid reader.

1. If I had a dollar for every time some's said that, I'd have one of them fancy billion dollar warchests, yet they're still around, having survived numerous attempts to destroy them, not just this time, but also by a bunch of fine gentlemen who called themselves the CoaLUEtion, the League and Aegis. Plainly, the NPO is just $&%#ing lucky. :P

2. Yes, although saying one interpretation of the facts would be more correct ;)

3. This was never intended to be a serious update report. The BR get those fairly regularly.

What makes you think they could have disbanded us? :rolleyes:

The Pacifican ambassador to VE is trying very hard to improve relations, I would know this, because he used to report to me. Also, VE have forum access, they just don't have a dedicated sub-forum. It would be helpful, but it's not like they've been banned from the forum.

I'm not sure if you're new or a re-roll, but you rarely get the full story here.

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The Pacifican ambassador to VE is trying very hard to improve relations, I would know this, because he used to report to me. Also, VE have forum access, they just don't have a dedicated sub-forum. It would be helpful, but it's not like they've been banned from the forum.

Its not the lack of embassy that bothers us so much as the constantly being told its going to be created and it not appearing, Its not like we need access to your spam boards and whatever else is open to diplos, It'd be foolish to pretend were ever going to be friends any time in the foreseeable future, but I'd love to at least move our relations up to 'civil' instead of the current 'Lets take pot shots and be obstructionist wherever we can' attitude coming from the NPO now. We have no reason to like each other at this point, but we are all adults we should at least be able to be polite.

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Its not the lack of embassy that bothers us so much as the constantly being told its going to be created and it not appearing, Its not like we need access to your spam boards and whatever else is open to diplos, It'd be foolish to pretend were ever going to be friends any time in the foreseeable future, but I'd love to at least move our relations up to 'civil' instead of the current 'Lets take pot shots and be obstructionist wherever we can' attitude coming from the NPO now. We have no reason to like each other at this point, but we are all adults we should at least be able to be polite.


What exactly do you call this?

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I just love that twitter list.

Funny they have the time to run, manage, and update their twitter feed, but not the time to send anyone around to us to ask something to be done to actually help their member nations in need.

Whelp, if their priorities are such that they'd rather run a sad PR attempt against us than actually put in the same amount of effort to work with us to the benefit of their own member nations, that just speaks volumes don't it?

Edited by TypoNinja
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Funny they have the time to run, manage, and update their twitter feed, but not the time to send anyone around to us to ask something to be done to actually help their member nations in need.

Whelp, if their priorities are such that they'd rather run a sad PR attempt against us than actually put in the same amount of effort to work with us to the benefit of their own member nations, that just speaks volumes don't it?

Actually it takes no time to manage the twitter, it's automatically posted by our targetting sytem. Only time I am aware of the twitter, is when the RSS feed pops up locally for a new post.

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Its not the lack of embassy that bothers us so much as the constantly being told its going to be created and it not appearing, Its not like we need access to your spam boards and whatever else is open to diplos, It'd be foolish to pretend were ever going to be friends any time in the foreseeable future, but I'd love to at least move our relations up to 'civil' instead of the current 'Lets take pot shots and be obstructionist wherever we can' attitude coming from the NPO now. We have no reason to like each other at this point, but we are all adults we should at least be able to be polite.

I'm not sure what was going on or where the problem lies, but I created it as soon as I caught wind of the issue (via Straylight).

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Am I the only one smiling at people taking a tabloid seriously?

This seems to be a pretty common defense. So what if it's a tabloid? You can call it whatever you want, it's still an official publication of your alliance, written for the most part by the "Longest Continually Serving Member of the Order". If you're going to post an alliance announcement taking potshots at various alliances, expect them to respond.

Marked in red?

Now your just being insulting. Remove the name.

I thought it was funny. :P

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Actually it takes no time to manage the twitter, it's automatically posted by our targetting sytem. Only time I am aware of the twitter, is when the RSS feed pops up locally for a new post.

Well isn't that cute, why didn't you send that list to us via your target system, you know, by email, courier, pigeon, IM, etc?

You know that VE gov is always around or easy to contact. Instead you chose to be childish by not communicating to us about a nation that was being attacked and tweet it instead to make yourselves feel important and high and mighty.

You, NPO, failed to communicate with your protectors. That is no different than a failing students not asking a teacher for help.

I hope you enjoy your F and after school detention mopping the floors of the bathrooms, cause you deserve it.

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Well isn't that cute, why didn't you send that list to us via your target system, you know, by email, courier, pigeon, IM, etc?

You know that VE gov is always around or easy to contact. Instead you chose to be childish by not communicating to us about a nation that was being attacked and tweet it instead to make yourselves feel important and high and mighty.

You, NPO, failed to communicate with your protectors. That is no different than a failing students not asking a teacher for help.

I hope you enjoy your F and after school detention mopping the floors of the bathrooms, cause you deserve it.

Every attack is posted by either our Military IOs or General on the Athens forum when they get reported. Not my fault Karma isn't checking their command area where we report it.

However, I am glad to see VE step up out of the rest of our protectors and be proactive and come to our forums to solve the communication problem. I look forward to seeing a better than 19% protection rate in the future due to VE's vigilance and the improved open dialogue between our two alliances that has resulted from this tabloid.

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If you don't both start talking to each other I'm going to spank both of you.


*cowers in the corner*

I've heard he wields a mighty paddle.

We report every attack on the forum that was designated for that purpose. The irc channel created for communication between the NPO and the Karma alliances is pretty much empty much of the time . So we post on the appropriate forum; we go to the appropriate irc channel. What more would you have us do?

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I agree its sad that some of the designated areas have seen less than stellar activity, however if it came to that, how hard it is it to /j #VE ? I've actually been PM'd by people since the start of this thread volunteering to do the foot work if they are just pointed in the right direction, obviously there is motivation there, even if we don't like each other we do need to both put work in on this.

You know we'll take care of it if its but brought to our attention, without wanting to sound like a broken record, we did DoW GDI over persistent rogues. We have not, and will not deliberately shirk our responsibilities, but we are not psychic. We can only deal with what is brought to our attention.

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*cowers in the corner*

I've heard he wields a mighty paddle.

We report every attack on the forum that was designated for that purpose. The irc channel created for communication between the NPO and the Karma alliances is pretty much empty much of the time . So we post on the appropriate forum; we go to the appropriate irc channel. What more would you have us do?

Dammit cow, learn to put more effort in, you have to track down where they live and give it to them in their hands.

No wonder you have issues.

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We report every attack on the forum that was designated for that purpose. The irc channel created for communication between the NPO and the Karma alliances is pretty much empty much of the time . So we post on the appropriate forum; we go to the appropriate irc channel. What more would you have us do?

Oh, I don't know, maybe follow up or have your ambassadors to those alliances also follow up since your IOs are too busy tweeting?

If you don't hear back on something important, you follow up on it. No different than working an IT trouble ticket for a customer, requesting a grade from a teacher, etc.

If there was such a communication breakdown like what you're describing, maybe going to those alliances directly and individually, would have gotten things moving or the situation resolved. You could have easily told the VE ambassador to your alliance about this, same to any other Karma ambassador on your boards. I believe that's what ambassadors are for unless you kicked out ambassadors of the alliances that fought against you, in which case, it's your fault for closing off other means of communication.

Thankfully, Straylight, Corath, and a few others let us and others know when there are problems instead of grandstanding.

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*cowers in the corner*

I've heard he wields a mighty paddle.

We report every attack on the forum that was designated for that purpose. The irc channel created for communication between the NPO and the Karma alliances is pretty much empty much of the time . So we post on the appropriate forum; we go to the appropriate irc channel. What more would you have us do?

That's a failure on both our ends really. However, it's being rectified now.

Also, Paul needs to remove the name.

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And that's good news. If the public thread has incited private discussions, then I'm glad.

Get over yourself, taking a 12 year old's dig at us didn't cause us to do anything.

By the way, if you care to go back and look at what you said you'd find that you're only making yourself look like an $@!. As it has been said plenty of times, the Entente has done a tremendous amount of protecting Pacifica, and we're hardly trying to "get [our] reward money for flipping on NPO after licking NPO's gooch for two years."

If you don't hear back on something important, you follow up on it. No different than working an IT trouble ticket for a customer, requesting a grade from a teacher, etc.

They were good at following up on stuff when they were the powerhouse and felt "slighted." And when trying to negotiate peace terms. Just saying.

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/me remembers querying/messaging 3 different people daily while MK was under NPO terms to get reps targets, saying a week ahead of time when I'd need those targets, and still having weeks worth of delays in getting them. The officials were nice about it (when they answered) but it was still frustrating as hell. B)

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Sooner, there was no intent in my comments to accuse VE of shirking their responsibilities; we know you have probably done more than any other Karma alliance in this regard. I was speaking more in general, and I genuinely wanted to know what more was expected of us. And as I just learned, new processes have been implemented so as to eliminate as much as possible the problems around protection, and that is good for everyone concerned.

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NPO is currently involved in 17 active wars. It should be involved in 0. Each one of these should be followed up by someone in Karma to determine which of the wars initiated by NPO members are in reality ghosts and appropriate action taken. Of those initiated by real NPO members, NPO needs to follow up and take appropriate action. All wars initiated against NPO, regardless of AA are illegal actions and should be dealt with through standard channels.

Thing is...it took me all of about 3o seconds to make an initial determination that wars were going on and that they may need followed up on. Assuming you are bright enough to assemble a small team of individuals from representative Karma alliances, they could maintain vigil 24/7 and rapidly make determinations regarding all conflicts involving NPO.

Has this not been explored? If not, why not?

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