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So, uh, Penkala

Neo Uruk

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Alright, after having reviewed the chain of events leading up to this unfortunate situation, I have this clarification on my earlier statement to add:

You know who you are. You know what you did. When I find you, you will wish you had not.

How about you tell us what this is about? This secrecy over the matter really does remind me of the days of the NPO and Co. where they felt they didn't need to explain why they were pummeling an innocent party into the ground. We just had to take their word for it that it was only with the best intentions at heart, and a matter of alliance security. So, what secret is so vital to RIA's well being that it cannot be made? Is this, a rogue? A spy? Or did he make a dreaded (OOC: *gasp* OOC ATTACK!!! *gasp* /OOC)? I really can't think of any reason why you should be keeping a secret, besides the fact that Penkala made a big mistake and is using more force than necessary against his victim, and the RIA doesn't want to admit that. Instead you hide your wrongdoings in the hope that we will not notice. Well too bad sweetheart, I know everything. You can't slip a thing past me, and you can be sure I won't let this be the end of it. I shall let no injustice go unforgotten, and that is a promise.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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How about you tell us what this is about? This secrecy over the matter really does remind me of the days of the NPO and Co. where they felt they didn't need to explain why they were pummeling an innocent party into the ground. We just had to take their word for it that it was only with the best intentions at heart, and a matter of alliance security. So, what secret is so vital to RIA's well being that it cannot be made? Is this, a rogue? A spy? Or did he make a dreaded (OOC: *gasp* OOC ATTACK!!! *gasp* /OOC)? I really can't think of any reason why you should be keeping a secret, besides the fact that Penkala made a big mistake and is using more force than necessary against his victim, and the RIA doesn't want to admit that. Instead you hide your wrongdoings in the hope that we will not notice. Well too bad sweetheart, I know everything. You can't slip a thing past me, and you can be sure I won't let this be the end of it. I shall let know injustice go unforgotten, and that is a promise.

Don't ever change.

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Let me help you with this

Bolded my addition to help you comprehend the situation. Someone else made the threats (or whatever was done) under the nick of the person penkala was at war with.

That was exactly the same as I said, thanks for trying.

Delta came out and said what Penkala did was not okay and will have his raiding freedom restricted. Which means there is some sort of jurisdiction inside RIA taking care of such things. Athens government just clearly stated that they dont give a damn about what everyone else thinks and that they are gonna raid that alliance and if people cared they should "do something about it".

No, i dont think this was worse. One could converse about the fact that RIA is techraiding, but thats all there is to it.

Oh yes, I will agree with you that the way Delta reacted to this was praiseworthy but he came to this thread too late. The damage was then already done by several other RIA members (hopefully not RIA government) trying to justify Penkala's nuke and claiming that what Penkala did was not hypocrite at all. Also I think Penkala's response to this was even worse than the way Athens responded. Refusing to give a logical explanation to an absurd techraid while he himself wanted a logical explanation when Athens (absurdly) techraided Ni!.

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Well then, how about you, instead of making childish remarks that you think are clever (ha ha ha) simply answer my question. What is so secretive that RIA cannot bear to tell us?

What secrets? I already explained what I was refering to in the post you quoted.

Edited by Delta1212
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For those who don't feel like reading the thread thus far, I shall recap. Penkala's actions broke several of our guidelines, one written directly into our charter. He had privileges restricted as a result. The only reason I am still paying attention to this situation is that someone pretended to be the raid victim and goaded Penkala into nuking, presumably with this as the intent. This does not change the fact that Penkala broke our guidelines, but nor does that absolve the culprit from responsibility and I will find out who it was.

If you still have an axe to grind, do it on someone else. I am going to bed.

Edit: Auto-spell correct is annoyingly wrong.

Edited by Delta1212
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How about you tell us what this is about? This secrecy over the matter really does remind me of the days of the NPO and Co. where they felt they didn't need to explain why they were pummeling an innocent party into the ground. We just had to take their word for it that it was only with the best intentions at heart, and a matter of alliance security. So, what secret is so vital to RIA's well being that it cannot be made? Is this, a rogue? A spy? Or did he make a dreaded (OOC: *gasp* OOC ATTACK!!! *gasp* /OOC)? I really can't think of any reason why you should be keeping a secret, besides the fact that Penkala made a big mistake and is using more force than necessary against his victim, and the RIA doesn't want to admit that. Instead you hide your wrongdoings in the hope that we will not notice. Well too bad sweetheart, I know everything. You can't slip a thing past me, and you can be sure I won't let this be the end of it. I shall let know injustice go unforgotten, and that is a promise.

Now this is interesting, you seem to know something the public doesnt. Care to enlighten us?

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For those who don't feel lime reading the thread thus far, I shall recap. Penkala's actions broke several of our guidelines, one written directly into our charter. He had privileges restricted as a result. The only reason I am still paying attention to this situation is that someone pretended to be the raid victim and goaded Penkala into nuking, presumably with this as the intent. This does not change the fact that Penkala broke our guidelines, but nor does that absolve the culprit from responsibility and I will find outwho it was.

If you still have an axe to grind, do it on someone else. I am going to bed.

Well then, thank you for the explanation. For something this simple I have no idea why you had to keep this for so long. You would have avoided yourself a lot of pain had you done so. But who am I to be lecturing the great Delta1212 on common sense?

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Well then, thank you for the explanation. For something this simple I have no idea why you had to keep this for so long. You would have avoided yourself a lot of pain had you done so. But who am I to be lecturing the great Delta1212 on common sense?

It was all in the thread already.

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Now this is interesting, you seem to know something the public doesnt. Care to enlighten us?

Where did I claim to know anything? I was merely calling RIA out for their obstruction of justice and refusal to answer for the crimes of their member. They have since done that, so they are forgiven for their sins. As for you, take your silly posturing elsewhere. It is not needed.

It was all in the thread already.

Then I must have missed that. My humblest apologies.

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Where did I claim to know anything? I was merely calling RIA out for their obstruction of justice and refusal to answer for the crimes of their member. They have since done that, so they are forgiven for their sins. As for you, take your silly posturing elsewhere. It is not needed.

Silly posturing? It was an honest question. But i guess you are in trolling mode now.

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OOC threats should be met with nuclear force.

OOC: Actually they will be met with live firearms if you're stupid enough to make such a threat and cross the threshold of my home...your local laws however may not permit you to defend yourself...in which case...nahh not going there. There's digressing, there's derailing the thread, then there's high explosives and napalming the charred remnants of the thread. <_<

IC: Stupid, empty OOC threats merit whatever punishment the receiver of such threats has the ability to bring to bear.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Actually, I think this goes for a lot of people who were "outraged" only a few days ago, not just Penkala.

Hypocrisy on my Planet Bob? Surely it isn't so!

90% of all the posts on these fora are made without any actual belief in principles of any sort.

If he really meant what he said, there's a [OOC] block/report feature.

Yeah, I'd tend to agree with this.

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So, turns out Penkala had complete justification for a total wipeout, except that he was the victim of an IRC impersonator. When that person's found, they should have to pay reps to cover the nuke he intentionally got dropped on another nation.

Depends if you consider IC actions for OOC wrongs just.

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