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A Joint Announcement from the Orange Defense Network and Athens

Style #386

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- Imagine a fancy speech here. Like one of Potato's announcements if you please. Something about friendship and aiding and Athens and ODN. Also llamas.-

Orange You Glad Athens Has Your Back?

Article 1: Should you find yourself at war with one party, you will likely find yourself at war with the other.

Article 2: This treaty may be considered null and void seventy two hours following the private notification of such by either party, as addressed to the other.


-imagine signatures here-

Edited by Style #386
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Nice ODP you got there.
It's so very... optional!

Congratulations on your powers of deduction.

To avoid more super sleuths popping out of the woodwork, I will confirm that this is an oAoDP.

They've already backed down, you can stop acting tough now.

That doesn't even make sense.

Edited by Style #386
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Not quite as good as the first draft I must say, but a more then adequate treaty. I'm very happy to see it finally signed. It's been along time in the works and I've enjoyed watching our relationship emerge. To those conspiracy theorists, try to remember that it takes ODN roughly 3-4 days for both our senate and general assembly to sign a treaty(not to mention setting up an announcement) and treaties are usually discussed for a number of days before any voting occurs. Add in a few changes to the text of the treaty, and things can take a little while to get done. To the other conspiracy theorists...well at least you are in the right ballpark.

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