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So, uh, Athens...


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It was a tech raid, your post states we are crushing an entire alliance into the ground. If you think actions speak louder then words, then our actions of only 2 ground attacks and peace to any nation we tech raided should give you a contrary view to what you stated earlier.

lol are you really think im THAT stupid? You were bored and entertained yourself to the expense of another alliance. This is not a techraid, it is sadistic torture.

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Actions speak louder than words. If there is a plausible reason for this attack, im keen on hearing about it.

The acquisition of tech, land, and dongs is the generally accepted reason for raiding. I know it's far fetched, but it could be plausible.

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Try looking at there alliance NS, looks like yer crushin 'em.

They lost about 2,000 NS average, when they restock military that was expended that figure will be much lower. It's hardly a bob shattering moment in history.

The changing of your charter shows you once knew it was wrong. Now you are big its time to throw your (and your blocs) weight around.

What goes around comes around...

I like your assumption that we at some point didn't tech raid, or found it distasteful, you are wrong, Athens has always raided, we have in fact had at least one in an active war for many months due to raiding.

Also, 'What goes around comes around...' are you making a threat to Athens? Or what are you implying exactly? I am unsure as to what you meant here.

lol are you really think im THAT stupid? You were bored and entertained yourself to the expense of another alliance. This is not a techraid, it is sadistic torture.

It's a tech raid, alliances have been doing it for a very long time, why are you suddenly so opposed to it?

Edited by Jack Diorno
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The acquisition of tech, land, and dongs is the generally accepted reason for raiding. I know it's far fetched, but it could be plausible.

So no particular reason, just cause they can. Worked well for so many alliances before.

No, wait...

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lol are you really think im THAT stupid? You were bored and entertained yourself to the expense of another alliance. This is not a techraid, it is sadistic torture.

No. Athens are doing what they have always done. Just like heaps of other tech raiding alliances.

The person who is bored is you. Here you are, in a thread- kicking up a fuss over nothing. Why? For entertainment.

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It's a tech raid, alliances have been doing it for a very long time, why are you suddenly so opposed to it?

Im opposed to it when you do it to a whole alliance who has no friends who could protect them. You are just cowards. If you want entertaintment, you can have a real fight pretty easily.

Again, it's also bad for the community if small alliances are attacked and decimated. Kinda ruins the morale. What point is there in putting effort and contribution to planet bob and you get techraids in return? You are driving people from our planet.

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So no particular reason, just cause they can. Worked well for so many alliances before.

No, wait...

Several of your allies condone tech raiding as well. It seems to have worked for them pretty well.

Again, it's also bad for the community if small alliances are attacked and decimated. Kinda ruins the morale. What point is there in putting effort and contribution to planet bob and you get techraids in return? You are driving people from our planet.

Not really. It is bad for the community to have neutral alliances that don't do anything except building and building.

Edited by kriekfreak
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KoN is free to take any path they want, I can not tell you what they will choose to do.

And Athens is sovereignty to pay or not the reparations because KoN do not have military or political power behind them.

A tech raid on 40 nations is the same as one on a single nation.

Really? :facepalm:

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Im opposed to it when you do it to a whole alliance who has no friends who could protect them. You are just cowards. If you want entertaintment, you can have a real fight pretty easily.

The quantity of tech raids should matter little to your opinion, if Athens tech raided 20 none nations is that just as bad? because we have been doing it for awhile and you never said a thing to us.

Again, it's also bad for the community if small alliances are attacked and decimated. Kinda ruins the morale. What point is there in putting effort and contribution to planet bob and you get techraids in return? You are driving people from our planet.

I can argue that zero wars and total boredom for anyone who enjoys the war side of things as opposed to collecting taxes and paying bills can kill morale just as equally. If you want to look at the statistics for total nations we can see when the most nations are around is during war, and during peace they drop off.

And Athens is sovereignty to pay or not the reparations because KoN do not have military or political power behind them.

Athens has the choice here yes, I personally could not make an official statement on the matter, but I feel our history of reps payment to many alliance on planet bob would set a precedent for our leadership.

Edited by Jack Diorno
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I like your assumption that we at some point didn't tech raid, or found it distasteful, you are wrong, Athens has always raided, we have in fact had at least one in an active war for many months due to raiding.

This is not one raid, its 2 C&G alliances smashing a small alliance for fun. Its the cowardly act of a bully boy, you know the saying dont you. Try picking on someone your own size, my guess is you wont -_-

Also, 'What goes around comes around...' are you making a threat to Athens? Or what are you implying exactly? I am unsure as to what you meant here.

Im saying when people stomp on other alliances for a few giggles karma eventually comes knocking, you should know this all the crying that was done and is still done from you lot about NPO.

Edited by Alterego
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I dont really have much of influence in TOP. Im just a member. Also, techraiding a 40 man alliance? lol. Thats an organized attack, not a techraid.

It's no surprise that you don't have much influence. Any intelligent person can see that this is a tech raid.

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Several of your allies condone tech raiding as well. It seems to have worked for them pretty well.

Not really. It is bad for the community to have neutral alliances that don't do anything except building and building.

How is that possibly bad?

That statement makes no sense. There is a reason why alliances have put protection over colours (red, yellow) and there is a reason allianecs have generally not attacked alliances over 5 or 10 members. Hint: it's not because they couldn't raid them effectively. It's because growth in Bob is needed outside the major alliances, it's what makes the planet grow.

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So no particular reason, just cause they can. Worked well for so many alliances before.

No, wait...

It does. It's worked great for the guesstimated 40-50% of alliances out there who practice and enjoy raiding. Heck, even some neutral alliances do it.

If I'm not mistaken, you were until recently a long standing member of an alliance which practiced raiding and never made an effort to abolish the practice. What changed after all these years?

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The quantity of tech raids should matter little to your opinion, if Athens tech raided 20 none nations is that just as bad? because we have been doing it for awhile and you never said a thing to us.

I also dont like people raiding individual None nations, but it is a whole new level of asshattery when you do it to a sovereign alliance who swore to protect their members. You force them to take action against you, which you will then use as your new found reason to stomp them to the ground. Ive seen all kinds of excuses for such behavior and you can not fool a single person with your behavior. Such things stick to the mind. Karma is real in this game, ask GOONS, NpO or NPO.

I can argue that zero wars and total boredom for anyone who enjoys the war side of things as opposed to collecting taxes and paying bills can kill morale just as equally. If you want to look at the statistics for total nations we can see when the most nations are around is during war, and during peace they drop off.

I must have missed the announcement where Knights of Ni agreed to get attacked. If they didnt, then it is as much fun as the mouse has playing with the cat.

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How did you come to the conclusion that Knights of Ni! has no other small alliance treaty partners?

CN forums where searched for any treaty announcements,looked for their DoE to see if there was a protectorate, looked at their nation bios etc etc. Pretty much ended up with the conclusion there where no treaties.

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I would like Continuum v. GPA stricken from the former hegemony's record please. GPA only had a DoN, no allies or real strength to back them up. It wasn't our fault they didn't know how to defend themselves, nor taught their members to. We wanted land, tech and money. However like most alliances, we fought back harder every time a member of GPA attacked back, thus the reason why the war lasted so long. Some of their members even used aircraft attacks and talked some !@#$ on IRC, so this is the reason we required reps. Had they wanted to survive in better shape, they would have been better off laying down and expelling any member that fought back. Another reason for the reps is because we could. They had no allies, nor any real strength to come back with so in the interest of our alliances, we took what was rightfully ours. It of course was rightfully ours because we had allies and strength.

/end sarcasm

Since this is just a raid, I have aided one of the affected nations. Personally I can only pray it was the wrong thing to do.

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It does. It's worked great for the guesstimated 40-50% of alliances out there who practice and enjoy raiding. Heck, even some neutral alliances do it.

If I'm not mistaken, you were until recently a long standing member of an alliance which practiced raiding and never made an effort to abolish the practice. What changed after all these years?

We never sanctioned raids on alligned nations. And yes, thats a huge difference to me. The nation on none has a choice, he can choose one of the many alliances around to be protected, or even one of the semi-alliance proctetion AA's. But when the alliances are not a safe place anymore, where can people go?

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I'd really like to know how you decided that Knights of Ni had no allies. I need to know what extra measures I have to do to ensure that our friends and loved ones are not going to get surprise attacked by Athens just because they didn't fill out a wiki page. I'm assuming you didn't go to Knights of Ni's forums and ask them if they had allies first...

EDIT: Answered above.

By those standards, we have at least 2 protectorates that you could have accidentally hit. Be careful, it's a minefield at there.

Edited by Penguin
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This is not one raid, its 2 C&G alliances smashing a small alliance for fun. Its the cowardly act of a bully boy, you know the saying dont you. Try picking on someone your own size, my guess is you wont -_-

It's the same as any other tech raid, people will always have fun, people will always get upset. I haven't seen your reply for the whole 'BAPS condones tech raids so this is something we partake in, but when you do it its wrong and upsetting' yet.

Im saying when people stomp on other alliances for a few giggles karma eventually comes knocking, you should know this all the crying that was done and is still done from you lot about NPO.

Athens stood for the single principle of standing by treaties.

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Dance Jack! Dance! :lol1:

Now to be fair Karma, in the form of Athens in this case, inheirted one hell of a mess from the former regime. So it's not any wonder things are slightly worse for now. But give it another 3 -7 years we'll all be sitting pretty.

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