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MASH - 3, conflicting treaties but chose convenient ones in Karma, I believe. if not, change to 5, hah.

That "convenient" :rolleyes: treaty was an ODP (which was quickly upgraded to a MDoAP after the war) with Athens. We asked M*A*S*H if we could count on their support should Athens be declared upon. This was during the time when it looked like only CnG and SF would be going in. They said of course and to keep them updated. So we did. We declared war on NPO. The Grand Global Alliance declared war on Athens a day or two later. During this time, we asked M*A*S*H for their assistance. They talked to Legion, and told them about the situation and M*A*S*H and Legion agreed to not activate their treaties. M*A*S*H declared war on GGA shortly after. And the rest is history. I remember all the hate they got from purple because of this. Was very amusing. :P

I am proud to call M*A*S*H a close and trusted friend and ally of Athens. I love them to death and know they will always have our backs, and we will always have theirs. To say they activated a treaty out of convenience is pure !@#$%^&*. They would of gone to hell and back with Legion or any of their other allies. We asked for assistance they gave it. No questions asked.

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Thought I'd go ahead and do this properly

TOP = 3 --> Not impressed with several of your OWF posters, the whole "we're better than you so there" attitude doesn't sit high in my books.

MHA = 6 --> You've got some good people in there, who I enjoy just talking to, but a few of your political moves I just can't agree with.

Sparta = 5 --> A few of your members I just can't stand, but dealing with Sethly or Tulak in particular if I need to talk to gov, I can always get a straight answer from.

NpO = 10 --> Whilst I don't know absolutely everyone in NpO, I've met enough of you to be in awe of such a great alliance. If I didn't join STA after I disbanded TIO, NpO was next on my list.


ODN = 5 --> Haven't had much to do with you, but those I have spoken to, were upfront, honest, and got things done.

FARK = 6 --> See above


NPO = 4

FOK = 3

MK = 7

WTF = 2 --> Get political guys, you're sanctioned, you're huge, you might aswell start communicating with the rest of the planet, even if you are neutral

TOOL = 9 --> Whilst I haven't put much thought into if I would join TOOL or not, they are one of my favourite white alliances, great gov members, and personally would like to see more STA-TOOL relations.


VE =

Legion = 3 --> Legion? Haven't heard anything major from them in......ages....

RoK = 5 --> Hopefully having some changes for the best with the new and improved Hoo

GATO = 6 --> Haven't had too much contact with them, but those I have spoken to are great guys

CSN = Apart from knowing they are in SF, I haven't really heard much else from you.

Athens = 7 --> I've known some of you guys for quite a long time (Londo/Jgoods/rsoxbronco), I kind of see you in MK's shadow, but only just. Probably tone down the mergers a little ;)

Gremlins = 4 --> I've had a decent amount of respect for you guys, but you've gone quiet after the Karma war. Needs more Darklordtim in gov

MCXA = 4 --> Got to know them a bit during the TIO time, but I didn't really hear from them much apart from the usual pokes from Damsky


RIA = 5 --> As it has been said before, you might not always be on the same page as STA, but you've got guts, and when you have something to say, you'll voice it. Probably my favourite Maroon alliance for that reason.

STA = 10 --> Kind of obvious ^_^

Invicta = 4 --> Personally, I don't mind you guys, I've spoken to Haflinger a few times, and he seems like a good enough guy.

RnR = Who?

MASH = 4

NADC = 4 --> Amazed at the fact you are such a big alliance, yet hardly have anybody on IRC. You really need to fix that.

WAPA = 2 --> Not a big fan

NV = 8 --> Haven't spoken to many of them, but those I have are great people, glad to be their ally

NSO = 9 --> As above

NEW = 7 --> K1L10 and Cyrus are old friends, I have a lot of respect for them.

MA =

Umbrella =

FAN = 7 --> I've got a lot of respect for FAN, you've done really well after 2 years of being stomped on. Glad to see you back up on your feet

LoSS = 3 --> Not happy after abandoning Zenith. You've got a few good members there, but that move really disappointed me.

TSO = 1 --> My opinion has already been voiced by many others. What else is there to add?


Nordreich =

GR = 6 --> Seemed to go a bit quiet after Drai left, but I've still got a lot of respect for you guys ;)

Vanguard = 7 --> Haven't actually spoken to any of you, but you're an ally of STA, and a friend of Tyga is a friend of mine.

GOD = 3 --> A few people kind of over dramatize things more than needed, drops the ball over the line for me.

FoB = Does what they want because a pirate is free.... (Don't really know much else about them, they have a good flag though)

PC = 1 --> Not impressed at all

Valhalla = 1 --> Dropped a lot of notches after I read a bit of STA history in depth. I do like a few members, Lucas perry is a cool guy to talk to, other than that, I really think you should get your act together.

GGA = 3 --> In the past, I really did not like you, but you've probably come out a little stronger than you originally were before the Karma war. Hopefully you can piece what is left of your remains and perhaps have some political pull again.

TPF = 6 --> Hanging in the war longer than expected, plus I know a lot of them from my Zenith days

Those I have no opinion on are blank.

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IRON - 3. I always thought you got your strength from being so close with other huge alliances. Once NPO was brought down, you got the opportunity to stand on your own two feet and show the world that you are strong, but benevolent unless provoked. I was hopeful until this morning, when one of your government people showed up to ask us to stop attacking a nation that went rogue on you and threatened to make us pay you money if our nation didn't declare peace. That's just straight up bullying, and is crap. Benevolence to alliances you are requesting a favor from this morning would have gotten you a rating of 6. The fact that you showed STA that you prefer bully tactics to polite requests nets you a solid negative rating.

Bullying? I thought I was quite polite and straight forward. I don't skip round the point as there is no point dressing everything up in candy floss. However I don't see how the conversation we had yesterday could be interpreted as bullying in anyway. If you interpreted it that way I am very sorry. I tried to explain IRON's position in as simple a way as I possibly could, I assure you we don't look to bully anyone. I'd also stress that when your nations are looking to exploit rogue nations by raiding them and preventing IRON from protecting itself that you have taken liberties and you are doing us no favours. While your raiding nation of equal strength is able to attack and raid the said rogue, our attacked member looses his tech and cash to the rogue party who is significantly bigger than him. Consequently your raider ends up in the possession of 3rd part raided IRON tech and cash. I hardly see how I would be asking you to do a massive favour in ensuring that your nation returns the stolen goods which your member gained from nothing more than sheer opportunism. Nevertheless if you were seriously scarred by the incident I have been told I am a good shoulder to cry on, please feel free to send me a PM.

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Darn, I was kind of hoping this thread would cause a war.

That's funny because your Belgian and I thought they were normally neutral. In all seriousness if you thought that then you are either taking LSD or you're just incredibly stupid.

Edited by MCRABT
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*shrugs* their loss man, but hey maybe its this mysterious drama ive heard so much about. maybe ill go cause some just to get our name out

I've declared my love for CSN on several occasions, and have indeed had an affair with SpacingOutMan. If you wish, I can invite the remainder of you all to my personal quarters.

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Athens - 6. There's something about you that makes me want to dislike you, and I've never been able to put my finger on it. I still can't. But MK really adores you, and you're also closely allied with Vanguard, another of our allies, and so I trust their judgment. Maybe we should sit down and talk.

I'd be up for a chat. I'd like that very much, actually.

Point and case, really. I have nothing personal against Athens. But all I know is whenever TOOL gets mentioned or comes up, there is a member of Athens making some derogatory remark this way or that. I never said you had it in for us, or anything of the like. That tone from Athens was first pointed out to me a while ago from someone, and maybe its tilted my head a little now when I go to read a thread or discussion. I would love to disprove the notion, but alas it keeps reoccurring.

This actually has no reference to the incident between us before. That was regrettable and handled badly on both sides. Im glad it didnt go !@#$ up completely. But its not what im referencing at all. You can see us as boring all you like, but when attempts are made to get more involved and all that is returned is antagonising and flippant remarks. Its not exactly an incentive to be involved. I guess I just find it more enjoyable to stay clear of just this sort of response.

(the following contains minor OOC content. viewer discretion is advised)

NONPARTICIPANT in this world of ours that you are, Athens still holds TOOL

IN the highest regard. Although politically inactive, you have mastered

CN gameplay mechanics to the highest degree possible. Because you disdain

POLITICS, while we revel in them, there is a gap in understanding between us.

PLEASE try to understand that this cultural gap between us doesn't mean that we

DO not respect and even admire you. How could it possibly be otherwise? Do we

NOT share TOOL's appreciation and love for nuclear stockpiles? If you would only

INVOLVE us in your affairs, think of the connection which could be built between you and

ME, one as strong as the bond between MK and Athens in the noCB war, in fact. If

IN any way we have offended you, we call on you to forgive us our tresspasses. Is there

ANY person who has not sinned against his fellow man? Instead of loving, we fight

WARS. This is so terrible. It prevents all alliances from building a better world one

I hope to see come to pass soon, where infrastructure can be hugged tightly and no one

WILL mock or laugh at those of us who do it. There shall be no more casualties, and every

NUKE shall be decommissioned, to save on bills and improve the environment. I mean,

YOU know that this world can come to pass. Instead of maintaining a full complement of

25 nukes, every nation in the world can maintain 0. In keeping with these illustrious

TIMES, all military wonders will be decommissioned to save on bills. Better to save the money

THAN spend it, amirite? But enough of this beating around the bush. I want TOOL to

QUIT thinking that we don't respect you. How could this possibly be in any case?

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Bullying? I thought I was quite polite and straight forward. I don't skip round the point as there is no point dressing everything up in candy floss. However I don't see how the conversation we had yesterday could be interpreted as bullying in anyway. If you interpreted it that way I am very sorry. I tried to explain IRON's position in as simple a way as I possibly could, I assure you we don't look to bully anyone. I'd also stress that when your nations are looking to exploit rogue nations by raiding them and preventing IRON from protecting itself that you have taken liberties and you are doing us no favours. While your raiding nation of equal strength is able to attack and raid the said rogue, our attacked member looses his tech and cash to the rogue party who is significantly bigger than him. Consequently your raider ends up in the possession of 3rd part raided IRON tech and cash. I hardly see how I would be asking you to do a massive favour in ensuring that your nation returns the stolen goods which your member gained from nothing more than sheer opportunism. Nevertheless if you were seriously scarred by the incident I have been told I am a good shoulder to cry on, please feel free to send me a PM.

We took it as an affront, yes. You came to us requesting a favor: That we ask our guy to stop tech raiding a target that you wished to attack. Per STA policy, any nation must peace out a tech raid when asked to do so by government. As such, all you had to do was ask. But you didn't do that. Sure, you were polite. And I'm sure you don't know STA's tech raid policies, just as I don't know IRON's policies. But rather than simply request that our nation peace out his war and be done with it, you found it necessary to offer us "incentive" to ensure that the war gets peaced out by letting us know that if it doesn't, you'd come knocking on our door for money.

Rather than view the situation as what it was: You requesting a favor from us, you decided that the best way to handle it was a "Peace out your tech raid, or else" situation. That's not even a little bit cool.

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NONPARTICIPANT in this world of ours that you are, Athens still holds TOOL

IN the highest regard. Although politically inactive, you have mastered

CN gameplay mechanics to the highest degree possible. Because you disdain

POLITICS, while we revel in them, there is a gap in understanding between us.

PLEASE try to understand that this cultural gap between us doesn't mean that we

DO not respect and even admire you. How could it possibly be otherwise? Do we

NOT share TOOL's appreciation and love for nuclear stockpiles? If you would only

INVOLVE us in your affairs, think of the connection which could be built between you and

ME, one as strong as the bond between MK and Athens in the noCB war, in fact. If

IN any way we have offended you, we call on you to forgive us our tresspasses. Is there

ANY person who has not sinned against his fellow man? Instead of loving, we fight

WARS. This is so terrible. It prevents all alliances from building a better world one

I hope to see come to pass soon, where infrastructure can be hugged tightly and no one

WILL mock or laugh at those of us who do it. There shall be no more casualties, and every

NUKE shall be decommissioned, to save on bills and improve the environment. I mean,

YOU know that this world can come to pass. Instead of maintaining a full complement of

25 nukes, every nation in the world can maintain 0. In keeping with these illustrious

TIMES, all military wonders will be decommissioned to save on bills. Better to save the money

THAN spend it, amirite? But enough of this beating around the bush. I want TOOL to

QUIT thinking that we don't respect you. How could this possibly be in any case?

Athens and TOOL, Change we can believe in!

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We took it as an affront, yes. You came to us requesting a favor: That we ask our guy to stop tech raiding a target that you wished to attack. Per STA policy, any nation must peace out a tech raid when asked to do so by government. As such, all you had to do was ask. But you didn't do that. Sure, you were polite. And I'm sure you don't know STA's tech raid policies, just as I don't know IRON's policies. But rather than simply request that our nation peace out his war and be done with it, you found it necessary to offer us "incentive" to ensure that the war gets peaced out by letting us know that if it doesn't, you'd come knocking on our door for money.

Rather than view the situation as what it was: You requesting a favor from us, you decided that the best way to handle it was a "Peace out your tech raid, or else" situation. That's not even a little bit cool.

I don't know STA's raid policy you are correct. IRON's however is publicly available for everyone to view, including your member who openly choose to breach it when interfering in our military affairs. For reference it can be found here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=43190

This policy was posted publicly precisely to avoid incidents like this. Actually I did ask you to peace him out and there was no threat made.:

<MCRABT[iRON]> Can you guys get him to peace out

I then went on to inform you that if you guys could not get him to peace out we would view your raiding party liable for reparations to our nation. Since he has now benefited just as much as the rogue from our nations tech, land and cash. There was certainly no threats or bullying. If you feel different please feel free to post the full logs and let CN decide. I wasn't asking a favour from you in fact I was doing you a favour by not engaging your nation and reclaiming what was rightfully ours. It seems like your doing a whole lot of crying for nothing and that certainly isn't cool.

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I don't know STA's raid policy you are correct. IRON's however is publicly available for everyone to view, including your member who openly choose to breach it when interfering in our military affairs. For reference it can be found here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=43190

This policy was posted publicly precisely to avoid incidents like this. Actually I did ask you to peace him out and there was no threat made.:

<MCRABT[iRON]> Can you guys get him to peace out

I then went on to inform you that if you guys could not get him to peace out we would view your raiding party liable for reparations to our nation. Since he has now benefited just as much as the rogue from our nations tech, land and cash. There was certainly no threats or bullying. If you feel different please feel free to post the full logs and let CN decide. I wasn't asking a favour from you in fact I was doing you a favour by not engaging your nation and reclaiming what was rightfully ours. It seems like your doing a whole lot of crying for nothing and that certainly isn't cool.

Like always, STA doesn't really care what the Cyberverse decides. We care how we feel about something. We feel that your policy is indicative of bullying. You don't feel that way. In this situation, we agreed to have our guy peace out, so it isn't an issue. However, our member was well within STA's own policies in raiding a completely unaligned nation. Had we opted to not order him to cancel his raid, would you have simply said "Ok, no problem!" or would you have decided that your policies are more important than our policies and attempted to take action?

Therein lies the problem.

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Here we go, after some long thought out stuff. Only rating those that I know and interact with. 1-10, straight scale, no neutral rating just is as it is.

TOP - 9, I do not believe in perfection, I do believe we come close to what is perfect for me, for my style of play, and my enjoyment. I do not like recruiting, I do not like dealing with noob nations, I do not like miserable spam requests for aid, so TOP (and citadel alliances) in general follow the structure of how I would run an alliance should I ever make my own (which I won't, way too lazy). I admire those that can handle new nations, recruiting, etc. I for one just lack the patience so cheers and beers to all those who can do it your way, honestly our way is the easy way to do an alliance since it kind of runs itself (albeit in very slow time), so you all who recruit and get nations interested in the game truly deserve praise.

MHA - 8 - Harmlins for life.

Sparta 5.72 - Kind of went up and down here on Sparta, you all were great at beginning of Karma war, then top tier didn't come to play. George temps me and I also like that.

NpO -8.279 - Hated you for awhile see WotC, post-WotC learned to respect and admire you, now nothing but love.

IRON - 6.981 - Most fun alliance ever to have warred with. I respect your abilities both in FA and milcom. I'm still getting to know you better on a personal level as most of my interaction has been in a less then stellar situation. I see nothing but this rising

FARK - 8.571 - Great at blowing stuff up, lots of fun in general, love beer.

GPA - 3.109 - Neutrals irritate me. Do something whether it's for or against whatever I stand for make a decision. Ironically TOP in our slowness sometimes makes this same mistake.

NPO - 3.002 - I respect your ability and history, even though I have disagreed with most of what you have done.

FOK - 8.753 - Throughout my CN experience I have warred against you (UJW), warred with you (lots of times) and throughout it all I am constantly impressed by your capabilities, your fortitude, and your charisma.

MK - 7.391 - Similar to Fark and Fok you are charismatic, fun, entertaining, great at blowing stuff up and you do have people like Azaghul and that hobo Archon. I don't always care for a lot of the trolling that goes on against us, but I look at that as more of a misunderstanding of what TOP is then true animosity.

VE - 4.001 - Wasn't a fan of UJA business but some redemption came about during Karma war. Impero is a good guy as well.

RoK - 5.213 - Kind of went full circle here. Pre-karma I didn't care for all the protectorate business and general Hoo-worship (although Hoo is great I think the worship gets a bit ridiculous). First part of Karma I fricken loved you all and I'd of rated you an 8 for sure as you were the pivotal point in most of my plans and just general champs about it. Karma issues with IRON irritated me immensely, due to the lack of desire to work with me over inane reps (in my opinion reps are just dumb) as well as General Lee going rogue on TOP/Gremlins. The huge amount of miscommunication from you all kind of left me a bit peeved (not saying I handled the situation super-awesome by any means). That being said I await to see how you all go in the future and I always love aqua (side note Aqua took over #1 spot yesterday again from orange)

GATO - 5.123 - First home, great community, terrible in-game. You all could truly be great if you'd allow yourself to be.

CSN - 7.4 - Wicked is here, and just general awesomeness during every encounter I've had with them which was mostly during Karma.

Athens - 6.5134 - Jack is here hence the lower score and my belief that nonsensical threads are nothing more than a bait and hook that unfortunately those from my alliance and others will respond to. I hate to see that type of animosity happen over threads as ridiculous as he puts out. That being said, Londo brings the score up as does rsoxbronco. Great people there and have always been a help with trades. I do worry that the new image goes to your head as I've always considered you all humble people and found that to be an admirable quality.

Gremlins - 9

MCXA - 3 - inefficient, and honestly the whole hegemony ring leaders post-coward of coalitions irritated me for the fact that you were one of the first to fold after trying to garner all that support for NPO. If you're going to get everyone to protect them have some balls and stick with it to the end a la TPF/SSSW18 and any others I left out

RIA - 5 - Penkala and Delta are here and for that I rate you pretty high. I don't always agree with a lot of the postings from RIA but I find you all to be admirable people, loyal to a fault, and willing to put up or shut up.

STA - 5.213 - Had a bit of a rough history here, more so in my previous AA then anything in my current. I don't particularly care for dictators/emperors that take asking a question about how they do something so personal. I've dealt with many dictators/emperors and "why" is the most common question I ask, if anything to see how you respond to it. "Because I said so" in my mind, is never an appropriate answer. That being said I believe Tyga to be one of the more knowledgeable people in the game but would like to see more action then just "I shot the nook" and "I went to ZI and knew I was for my allies" lines. Both were great things, just kind of like to see more but I suppose that's because you're so great at making popcorn. Also Pezstar is fantastic.

NSO - 6.101 - I love how you press buttons, test limits, and play the game as you wish. I see a lot of similarities between TOP/NSO even though many won't admit it. Continue doing what you do, even if I don't always agree with what you say, I agree with your ability to do so.

Umbrella -8.99198221 - Love you much.

GOD - 4.20 - Xiphosis, you must be high sometimes (terrible pun intendend). I love that you stick to your guns, you put up or shut up (well you never shut up so much but you also always put up) but a lot of your decisions are illogical and based on shear emotion when a steady temper and even keel would do you much better. You say it how it is, as does BigZ, and I appreciate that as you know I am the same way.

PC 6.911 - Despised you pre-karma, came to like ya a lot more. Twisted I'd get drunk with you for sure, you too CTB.

Valhalla - 2 - Blame you for a lot of the piss poor actions that NPO did as you all were the major enablers and line-toters.

GGA - 1.00000 - WAE. Lulz. Seriously, you have leaned upon your allies strength for so long you don't even know how to be your own alliance which was obvious with the past drama of people not really in the alliance owning the boards, coming back in and voting people out, etc. Also you have lvl 9 air medals, your military is a joke, and your asshattery during UJA was outrageous. You alone essentially destroyed green of the awesome sphere it was.

TPF - 2.517 - Same as Valhalla, you were major reasons NPO got away with as much as it did. Now you get a half point higher then Valhalla due to your loyalty to them and sticking the whole war out, and the fact that Mhawk is so so so much better then Slayer.

These are my own thoughts, not reflective of the alliance blah blah blah. Generally I'm a pretty positive guy and really don't have much animosity towards anyone (the exceptions being the blatant ones). I'm always looking towards the future and trying to not live in the past, so if you feel that I have misrepresented you and would like to talk about it feel free to find me on [ooc] IRC [ooc].

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I don't know STA's raid policy you are correct. IRON's however is publicly available for everyone to view, including your member who openly choose to breach it when interfering in our military affairs. For reference it can be found here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=43190

This policy was posted publicly precisely to avoid incidents like this. Actually I did ask you to peace him out and there was no threat made.:

<MCRABT[iRON]> Can you guys get him to peace out

I then went on to inform you that if you guys could not get him to peace out we would view your raiding party liable for reparations to our nation. Since he has now benefited just as much as the rogue from our nations tech, land and cash. There was certainly no threats or bullying. If you feel different please feel free to post the full logs and let CN decide. I wasn't asking a favour from you in fact I was doing you a favour by not engaging your nation and reclaiming what was rightfully ours. It seems like your doing a whole lot of crying for nothing and that certainly isn't cool.

Ahem, you told us that if the nation didn't peace out that you'd demand $3 million from us as compensation. There are two aspects to why we were annoyed:

1) No self-respectable alliance would pay that and we sure as hell wouldn't. Our member didn't know that the nation he attacked (whose AA was none at the time mind you) was wanted by IRON. I hardly view us as having to do much of anything or having any sort of obligation to be honest.

2) Regardless of whether we had to or not, STA would always ask a member who was taking up a slot for a wanted rouge to peace out said war. We don't have to, but it is the courteous thing to do and would like other alliances to treat the STA similarly. There was no need to mention your policy at all as again any normal alliance would comply as a gesture of respect.

The only reason you mentioned your policy, as you bluntly stated just in this post I'm quoting, is to do "you a favour by not engaging your nation and reclaiming what was rightfully ours." Please spare me the faux posturing; there was no reason to try and intimidate us into complying and it is not viewed favorably.

Edit: This is getting off-topic again <.<. Not going to deal with this issue in this thread anymore.

Edited by Jyrinx
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Although I swore to myself I wouldn't reply...peer pressure is a hell. Since I'm the guy that fills out comment cards at my nations various and sundry restaurants and never gives top marks unless something extraordinary happens...or 1's unless I catch them spitting in my food, my ratings will likely cluster towards the middle ground.

Since I'm almost positive to not give a 10, 4-5 will be my "avg"

TOP - 9 - Love them, as I do, or dislike/hate/rage at like other do, their stats are impressive. They have an arrogant streak and get involved in pissing matches on the local communications array that even if they win, they will lose. There are still very few alliances I would trust like I do TOP. Blue still sucks though.

MHA - 6 - Some of my favorite (Genzod, Snagglepuss, Doctaco) people, and some of my least (-REDACTED-) people reside there. A lot of history, some good, some bad. Gremlins love them, and that raises the score above neutral-ish.

Sparta - 4 - Don't really know anyone there. My only interactions haven't been positive, nor the rumors coming out of Karma, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that they've culled their problem kids.

NpO - 6 - Good stats, loyal members, lots of nukes, sadly we seemed destined to forever be on opposing sides of the web.

IRON - 8 - While I don't always agree with things they do/did, they've always been a good friend to us. One of the best of the huge alliances.

ODN - 4 - Finally appear to have a goal in mind and I like some of their members, but what has been done in the past can't be undone, only moved beyond but the effort is there.

FARK - 7 - They have fun and are a good group. While they may be running silent most of the time, they seem to have a pretty informed populous.

GPA - 3 - Meh

NPO - 4 - Until they are back on the world scene, they've not really done anything to dispel their previous actions. Wait and see I guess.

FOK - 8 - Great people. Great stats.

MK - 7 - Impressive re-birth from pariah to world leader. Don't always agree with what they say, but they never fear to say it.

WTF - 3 - Meh. No idea who you are.

TOOL - 7 - Our former protectors. Nice people, need to step it up and make a name for themselves. Sometimes seem to lack focus. Accurate or not, still seen as a TPF colony

TDO - 3 - Meh neutrality

VE - 4 - Not a fan of the rebirth, loved the anti-Zi thing.

Legion - 4- Meh, don't know them much

RoK - 6 - :wub: Hoo. Aqua, so by default they can't be all bad.

GATO - 4 - Don't know them

CSN - 4 - Don't know them well.

Athens - 4 - Londo and jgoods are good. Bad experiences with others.

Gremlins - 8 - Great guys for the most part. Things will pick up for them.

MCXA - 4 - Don't know them well.

UPN - 3 - Bad experiences with their tech raiding, but otherwise meh.

RIA - 5 - Little paranoid about TOP, but no real issues. Seem like good enough people

STA - 4 - would be a 5, but lose one for Heinous One. Otherwise fairly neutral

Invicta - 3 - The Purple Colony. Terrible conspiracies and bawwing during Karma.

RnR - 5 - Seem like good people, but quiet.

MASH - 4 - Don't know you.

NADC - 3 - Only contact during Karma when they hit RAD instead of us to avoid a TOP beatdown

WAPA - 5 - No idea

NV - 5 - Not much contact

NSO - 3 - If not for the constant "come get us" attitude, this would be average, and minus an additional one for some recruiting things.

NEW - 5 - Impressive fighters, maybe they best in their range.

MA - 4 - Mila is awesome, but seem to have disappeared from the scene with the loss of KaitlinK

Umbrella - 9 - Would go to hell and back for these guys.

FAN - 6 - No real contact, but they get bonuses for the rebirth, and the attitude.

LoSS - 4 - No idea

TSO - 4 - TOP swears by them, so they get a bonus there. Not a fan of themethod of creation, but hey, it happens. Can only improve I guess.

NATO - 4 - Formerly an aqua colony of the NPO. We'll see where they go

Nordreich - 4 - No clue

GR - 5 - Seems like they have a few good people. We'll call this a 5 with a bullet.

Vanguard - 5 - Mixed, sometimes they are a 6, sometimes a 3.

GOD - 4 - Paranoid that people are coming for them. Not a fan of disbandment ideas, but dedicated and loyal it seems.

FoB - 4 - Don't know them

PC - 5 - Neutral +1 because Umbrella loves them. Some good people and stats, not a fan of some behaviors.

Valhalla - 4 - We'll see where they go.

GGA - 3 - Green Colony. Need more WRCs

TPF - 3 - Was it comfy up on the cross?

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Ahem, you told us that if the nation didn't peace out that you'd demand $3 million from us as compensation. There are two aspects to why we were annoyed:

1) No self-respectable alliance would pay that and we sure as hell wouldn't. Our member didn't know that the nation he attacked (whose AA was none at the time mind you) was wanted by IRON. I hardly view us as having to do much of anything or having any sort of obligation to be honest.

2) Regardless of whether we had to or not, STA would always ask a member who was taking up a slot for a wanted rouge to peace out said war. We don't have to, but it is the courteous thing to do and would like other alliances to treat the STA similarly. There was no need to mention your policy at all as again any normal alliance would comply as a gesture of respect.

The only reason you mentioned your policy, as you bluntly stated just in this post I'm quoting, is to do "you a favour by not engaging your nation and reclaiming what was rightfully ours." Please spare me the faux posturing; there was no reason to try and intimidate us into complying and it is not viewed favorably.

Edit: This is getting off-topic again <.<. Not going to deal with this issue in this thread anymore.

1) We would pay it if the tables were turned

2) The nation was already attacking the IRON nation, he knew.

3) I did not intimidate or attempt to do anything of the sort, I just pointed out standing policy.

4) STA's policy seems to be that they expect the rest of CN to respect there policy while showing none for that of other alliances.

5) If your polite and corteous to us you will get the same in return. Stay out of our military affairs, don't attack our nations and leave us alone we will never ever have a problem. The policy is completely defensive and therefore can not be viewed as bullying.

If you are mugged and someone mugs your attacker and ends up with your goods would you be happy? I think not, nor would you claim justice to be served. You can spin it all you want it doesn't put you in the right. Allowing your nations to raid other alliances rogues is inconsiderate and disrespectful so please don't give me the common courtesy speech. We practice what we preach unlike some.

Yes it is off topic I'll take it up with Pezstar in private.

Edited by MCRABT
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Londo, I think you have it wrong in terms of the "gap" which you see. I think you may have a skewed view of TOOL and its reflected in your approach. But all the best to you.

I wish I had of heard something in response that didnt just validate my impression of Athens.

I'm just teasing you guys. I know you're not all like RMMP. :P

I still think it was funny. :D

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