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Rating alliances


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Alright, I swear this is crappy. None of you people have posted a ranking list within the last 2 pages? Ya'll expect me to go back three pages to find a list to copy and modify? Devils the lot of you!

[edit]That colored one is nice though[/edit]

[edit2]Ok, same as lots of others 5 = pretty neutral, 10 = perfection, 0 = lower than any alliance in existence, ever.[/edit2]

TOP - 6

MHA - 6

Sparta - 6

NpO - 9 - I disagree with Grub's actions or FA policies occasionally but that doesn't stop the fact that these guys are awesome all the way around.

IRON - 4

ODN - 7

FARK - 5

GPA - 5

NPO - 3 - I don't like your emperor and I don't like what you did in the past and I don't really like your current attitudes. But look at it this way, ya'll would have ranked somewhere in the negatives (and broken my scale) before the Karma War.

FOK - 5

MK - 7

WTF - 5

TOOL - 5

TDO - 5

VE - 5

Legion - 5

RoK - 6

GATO - 7 - You guys are still too quiet. But you're also quietly becoming something great once more.

CSN - 5

Athens - 6

Gremlins - 7 - Stop with the NSO hatin' and I'll give you an 8 :P

MCXA - 5

UPN - 5

RIA - 5

STA - 9 - We'd get a 10 but I think we never posted a FA press conference last month?

Invicta - 5

RnR - 5

MASH - 5

NADC - 5

WAPA - 5

NV - 5

NSO - 8 - I like the way you guys have tried to test the accepted norms of the game and I think I fully supported all of your efforts, even the messaging one. Keep it up, as long as you don't get the rest of us into too much trouble. :)

NEW - 5

MA - 5

Umbrella - 5

FAN - 7

LoSS - 5

TSO - 5

NATO - 5

Nordreich - 5

GR - 5

Vanguard - 5

GOD - 5

FoB - 5

PC - 5

Valhalla - 5 - The whole Valhalla / STA thing was before my time as a STAer, so you guys get a neutral rating.

GGA - 4 - Sorry guys, but ya'll haven't been doing so hot for some time now, or even historically. But you're not doomed or anything, I just haven't seen anything from ya'll in a while to shift my opinion. Feel free to point out anything that I may have missed. :)

TPF - 3 - Dying for the NPO was lame.

Well there you have it, a billion fives. Go me...

Edited by Ragashingo
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I'm saying that if you read Athens charter it doesn't tell you much about who we are as an alliance. In fact, I'm willing to bet 99% of people with an idea of who Athens is as an alliance have never read our charter. I don't even remember the last time I read our charter. :P

99% of people with an opinion about Legion haven't read your charter, but they do have an opinion about your alliance.

Charters =/= Identity

Actions = Identity

What determines the identity?

The people? NPO didn't kick anyone out.

The government? NPO appointed the initial round. It's been a lot of government changes and several government makeovers, as well as the addition of a single executive.

Internal workings? NPO never touched those.

Foreign policy? Well, that one's more arguable. Our experience with NPO did very much change our foreign policy. I will cede that.

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Alright, I swear this is crappy. None of you people have posted a ranking list within the last 2 pages? Ya'll expect me to go back three pages to find a list to copy and modify? Devils the lot of you!

[edit]That colored one is nice though[/edit]

I personally find the mud-slinging far more amusing than the meaningless rankings being handed out. I find Xiphosis' comments particularly amusing (the "you know it when you see it" comment was genius).

I would fill out the list but honestly most of those alliances I don't care enough about to rate. I don't think that highly of many alliances I guess. I do have some respect for GOD, Umbrella, STA, and a few others. But shockingly, I agree with Jack's appraisal that far too many alliances are far too boring to be considered seriously.

Foreign policy? Well, that one's more arguable. Our experience with NPO did very much change our foreign policy. I will cede that.

I like the Freudian slip there. Legion: always willing to cede.

Edited by Drostan
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Fine. Rating.

Due to me being bored, I decided to add color tags to everything.

5 = Neutral

TOP - 8 Every interaction has been great, and they've got a bunch of fine former Legionnaires.

MHA - 5

Sparta - 2 Seem very... mercenary with their foreign affairs. Although I don't know the most about them.

NpO - 8 Grub's great, as are most of the members I've met.

IRON - 8 Little standoffish when it comes to the global scene. You could be movers and shakers.

ODN - 6 Awesome people, not too fond of the new direction but understand their reasons.

FARK - 5


NPO - 6 Seem to have changed. Hope they won't make an epic screwup such as the Karma first strike ever again.

FOK - 5 Seem like decent guys.

MK - 5 Archon is one of my favorite people in CN, but not too fond of the rest of you.

WTF - 5

TOOL - 6 Seem like good guys.

TDO - 5

VE - 5

Legion - Godlike

RoK - 6 Some cool dudes. Kaitlink is pretty chill.

GATO - 6 Been through a lot, but from what I've heard still have a pretty unweildy system.

CSN - 6 Wish they liked us more.

Athens - 3 That stuff with GGA was handled very poorly.

Gremlins - 6 You guys have gotta be good if TOP loves you so much.

MCXA - 5

UPN - 9 Strong alliance, steady gov.

RIA - 4

STA - 7 Tyga's classy, along with much of the alliance.

Invicta - 7 Hotheaded, but for the right reasons.

RnR - 5

MASH - 9 Dude. Cmon.

NADC - 5

WAPA - 5

NV - 9 Classy as hell. No complaints. Ever.

NSO - 5 You guys make me feel bipolar. I can't decide whether to love you or hate you.

NEW - 5

MA - 6

Umbrella - 5

FAN - 7 Been through tough stuff, and mpol is awesome.

LoSS - 5

TSO - 5

NATO - 5

Nordreich - 4 Not a fan of resurrections. Also you jacked mah Eigrim.

GR - 5

Vanguard - 3 All diplomatic efforts have been like wading through a swamp.

GOD - 5

FoB - 4 It's kinda scary how much some of you guys seem to hate Legion.

PC - 1 Haven't seen anything positive.

Valhalla - 8 Hotheads, but for the right reasons.

GGA - 2 Don't really like the whole 'switch sides to the winner' thing.

TPF - 7 mhawk's a cool guy, so long as he doesn't try and persuade you to do something :P

Edited by Lincongrad
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[ooc]It eerie how similar it happened in-game to RL. Everything except the sexual stuff :P[/ooc]

As far as we know. suicideh.gif

I personally find the mud-slinging far more amusing than the meaningless rankings being handed out. I find Xiphosis' comments particularly amusing (the "you know it when you see it" comment was genius).

*tips hat*

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What determines the identity?

The people? NPO didn't kick anyone out.

The government? NPO appointed the initial round. It's been a lot of government changes and several government makeovers, as well as the addition of a single executive.

Internal workings? NPO never touched those.

Foreign policy? Well, that one's more arguable. Our experience with NPO did very much change our foreign policy. I will cede that.

I don't know anything about the details, but didn't lordswampy end up on PZI because of the situation surrounding you and NPO? I may be wrong.

Hymenbreach's length of time in gov didn't really make it necessary to change your gov.

Internal workings...weren't you just talking about getting all sorts of help from the Pacifican bank a few posts ago?

And yeah, your FA was definitely changed.

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I don't know anything about the details, but didn't lordswampy end up on PZI because of the situation surrounding you and NPO? I may be wrong.

Yes, but he and Thom Solo both left during the disbandment along with many other former Legionnaires. NPO didn't kick them out (although admittedly it is quite likely that they would have).

Hymenbreach's length of time in gov didn't really make it necessary to change your gov.

Didn't really understand this. What?

Internal workings...weren't you just talking about getting all sorts of help from the Pacifican bank a few posts ago?

Scuse me while I backpedal furiously. :P

Yeah, I'm not Econ but if I remember correctly a modified version of the NPO bank system was put in place significantly after the viceroyship had ended and was due to our request.

The 2 rating there does not have to do with your views of Legion. In fact I appreciate the civil points you're making. Just FYI.

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Yes, but he and Thom Solo both left during the disbandment along with many other former Legionnaires. NPO didn't kick them out (although admittedly it is quite likely that they would have).

Didn't really understand this. What?

Scuse me while I backpedal furiously. :P

Yeah, I'm not Econ but if I remember correctly the NPO bank system was put in place significantly after the viceroyship had ended and was due to our request.

The 2 rating there does not have to do with your views of Legion. In fact I appreciate the civil points you're making. Just FYI.

Then why did he (both of them?) end up PZI?

I mean that every impression I've ever had of hymenbreach and other legion gov is that they're very pro-NPO. Why should NPO replace people who already follow their lead?

If you ran NPO's finance system you probably 'borrowed' other NPO systems too.

Where did we throw our weight around?

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Uhh, no one ever thought that was going to happen in the hours before the Karma war.

Well, I certainly didn't think it was going to be that bad. But didn't think it would be this easy. We gave it fifty/fifty which could easily swung the wrong way. I know, I was there.

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Then why did he (both of them?) end up PZI?

Because they were viewed as responsible for Purplegate. Hell, there were plenty in Legion who wanted to ZI them.

I mean that every impression I've ever had of hymenbreach and other legion gov is that they're very pro-NPO. Why should NPO replace people who already follow their lead?

hymenbreach is no longer a part of Legion, nor has he been in government for a very long time. Also, he is one of our more pro-NPO members. We've got a mix. For instance, due to the conflicted nature of our feelings for NPO, during the Karma war we allowed a significant number of nations to become conscientious objectors and sit out the war in peace mode due to their dislike of NPO. This included several government members.

As a little addon: The two most idolized heroes of the Legion currently are probably VL and itches. VL was leader during GWIII, and Itches (currently of MASH, I believe). VL spent most of his time fighting against NPO, and Itches was responsible for deleting everything in the forums during Purplegate so that NPO would be unable to see the classified parts of the forum. Neither of those two idols was at all pro-NPO. I don't think that the identity of the Legion has changed all that significantly (and most of the change I wouldn't attribute to NPO), simply the situation.

If you ran NPO's finance system you probably 'borrowed' other NPO systems too.

We didn't.

Where did we throw our weight around?

I can't say, but I've never been a fan of the "It's classified I can't tell you" thing, and I haven't heard both sides of the story, so I'll take it back. In which case my major problem would be your actions during the GGA situation.

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IRON - 3 (The beer review was a great idea and you should have taken it seriously. Besides that, signing up a treaty with the new king of the hill sounds opportunistic.)

Hello SkyyBerry,

Non-serious clause is non-serious, we can agree to disagree on that, other than that misunderstanding between the 2 alliances, I see both alliances have had no negative contacts. Fighting was nice and good.

We have treaty with TOP for 2+? years now.


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I can't say, but I've never been a fan of the "It's classified I can't tell you" thing, and I haven't heard both sides of the story, so I'll take it back. In which case my major problem would be your actions during the GGA situation.

If you want to shoot me a PM to clarify whatever the first thing is feel free. As for the GGA situation, not totally sure what you're alluding to. Was it that weird miscommunication thing regarding NPO? Assuming that's it, we were already at full nuclear war with them, so I'm not sure how we were throwing our weight around. TBH, there are times we've thrown our weight around, but it's not something we just started doing in the past few months.

If we feel like it's necessary and in our interest, we're not afraid to be assertive.

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Personally I think what NPO did with Legion was probably some of the best FA work they've done. A Composite use of both hard and soft power to produce a long lasting effect.

And yet, evil to a point I don't think anyone else has ever been willing to sink to.

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Oh yee of little faith.

There's still plenty of time.

God damnit Cyphon. eng99.gif

We all know Karma was far more evil than anything that happened before.

Should've invested in A-1 stock and then reinvested that in world domination. Opportunity blown.

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Uhh, what?

Invicta hasn't shown any balls for the last 3 months. RIA showed plenty of balls in the hours before the Karma war broke out when we were prepared to fight a Guerilla Warfare campaign against what seemed like overwhelming forces and only a few key allies.

Weren't you in CSN Pre Karma? Or am I mistaken? I very well could be wrong here, since its 4 AM and your CN history is the least of my worries.

You should get some bite to go with that bark of yours buddy.

Fine. Rating.

hey now, what about me? :P

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due to the conflicted nature of our feelings for NPO, during the Karma war we allowed a significant number of nations to become conscientious objectors and sit out the war in peace mode due to their dislike of NPO. This included several government members.

so i am to understand that the word "Mutual" is actually interpreted as "Optional" in Legion vernacular? why have the treaty if a "significant number" of your members, and "several" members of your seven-person government had no intentions of honoring it?

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