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SLCB Harboring Rogues?


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Well, thanks for this insightfully dangerous issue, guys, now if some could just direct me to the near PANIC button -- oh, there it is. OH GOD, EVERYBODY PANIC!!! SAVE THE WOMEN AND LLAMAS FIRST.

Edit: Well, the problem has been resolved. Everyone put the drama llamas back in their cages and, I repeat, put your drama metres away.

Edited by Eamon Valda
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Had you gone and been more diplomatic and said "Hey! *calculates damages* I think so and so amount is more reasonable" instead of following the angsty "OMG NO" you would have come out on top.

we told them we weren't paying the amount they said. we didn't just say OMG NO.

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So I got to page 2...and then I just had to post. At that point it appeared that they were merely refusing to pay 3 mil per person, which from a 5K nation is absolutely reasonable as there is no !@#$@#$ way he did that much damage, and you were not going to declare war either way. Now this may have changed....but I doubt it will have changed enough to make me change my post much.

What was the bloody point of this damn post? I mean...it's blatantly stupid. First off, if you're trying to shame them or pressure them into changing their minds it's not gonna work (it's Stickmen for christ's sake!). Secondly, ya kinda look like tools, especially for the manner in which the topic was posted. And thirdly, it just makes everyone think you're a bit spineless (well not everyone but I do and I think I saw a few others posting similar things). And honestly, if they are refusing to pay outright this whole last paragraph still stands.

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The waves of idiocy emanating from this entire exchange threaten the intellectual capacity of us all. The hardheadedness of the SLCB representatives combined with the hopeless ineptitude of every foreign affairs corps in Purple Unity serve only to numb my senses, making sleep aids unnecessary for tonight. Everybody here is lesser for having participated. I award you no respect, and may Admin have mercy on your pixels.

Edited by Lafayette
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Afraid of war?


Sick of people taking a dump on our sovereignty?


Unafraid to call out the BS?

You bet your little stick behind!

Yes, you're strongly worded letter about how put out you are about their silly shenanigans has really got them running scared. They'll never step on your lawn again by George!

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Yet, Stickmen (or more particularly iFOK) wanted $9mil from Invicta for something that was a mere $3mil.

Who's the extortionists again?

Good point.

....you would first of all post it in public to try and make us look bad?

huh :huh: , I thought you guys didnt care about Peanut Gallery, thought it was all fun right?

Edited by shahenshah
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Well since NPO and Invicta are butt buddies I'm pretty sure they will pay reps.

I don't speak for MK but they are very honorable and more than likely would pay reps. I mean Scythegfx is in MK who else is more honorable than Scythegfx.

And your answer to NpO is above my post.

Airme everyone knows you hate CnG and Aqua-ice. No need to point it out. Quite honestly Airme you don't know how to handle CN politics either so just be quiet.

If you want to find someone in Ronin that doesn't like CnG, you're really looking at the wrong person. You should be looking my way(I don't dislike any of the individual alliances, but the block as a whole is one I am not a fan of as I am not a fan of blocks in general). AirMe has brought Ronin very close to CnG with our MK and LOST MDoAPs.

As for SLCB, just pay the reps. I'm sick of purplol, stickmen included. You should be paying them. Invicta, quit making threads that are only going to turn into you getting laughed at more than you already are.

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It's pretty obvious why there was no war. Invicta would have got the snot beaten out of them in seconds. Anybody who doesn't see that obviously doesn't see the treaties.

SLCB are obviously testing the waters here. Personally, I would have done the same. It speaks volumes about Invicta and possibly of purple as a whole.

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Great troll OP.

Too bad no-one is going to be lured into creating a CB.


Oh, this is the OPs tl;dr:

We needed a month and 1000+ nations to take our senate seat back, but we're giving in to an alliance with less then a 100 members. Look at us.

Edited by erikz
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Oh, this is the OPs tl;dr:

We needed a month and 1000+ nations to take our senate seat back, but we're giving in to an alliance with less then a 100 members. Look at us.

I think it was more..

SLCB didn't give us reps for a member who attacked us. Yep.. Well that's it.. Aren't they bad? Some people would do something but NOT US!

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huh :huh: , I thought you guys didnt care about Peanut Gallery, thought it was all fun right?

We don't care but the purpose of the thread is still to make us looks bad.

Edited by spearo
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We don't care but the purpose of the thread is still to make us looks bad.

Ask yourself this...

If it had been Fark (or some other similar alliance) and not Invicta involved in the incident, would you have paid the $6 mill? I think we already both know the answer.

As for Invicta starting this thread, I can't say I blame them. $6 mill/$500 k/whatever the damages were isn't worth a major war--and that is exactly what would have happened had they come to collect it in blood. It is worth mentioning in a press release for the information of the rest of Planet Bob. So here we are.

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I have a better idea, as SLCB happens to hold a treaty with The Brain.

Someone from Invicta PM with with a list of nations that reps will be paid, I love spice and drama, it has to be epic though, this is far from that..

If money will fix this, well look no further thats easy for us Brainy Folk.

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Ask yourself this...

If it had been Fark (or some other similar alliance) and not Invicta involved in the incident, would you have paid the $6 mill? I think we already both know the answer.

As for Invicta starting this thread, I can't say I blame them. $6 mill/$500 k/whatever the damages were isn't worth a major war--and that is exactly what would have happened had they come to collect it in blood. It is worth mentioning in a press release for the information of the rest of Planet Bob. So here we are.

Had it been Fark would they have made this announcement?

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We don't care but the purpose of the thread is still to make us looks bad.

Isn't the purpose of playing chicken with reparations to make Invicta look weak?

The weaker you make Invicta look now, the less convincing a "we're only defending ourselves" rationalization will look later.

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Had it been Fark would they have made this announcement?

You ask that question as though you have been embarrassed by the revelation of the incident. Guessing at Invicta's motives for a moment it would seem they can call this, "mission accomplished".

To answer your question, Fark would have been paid, therefore this announcement would never have occurred. Had they not been paid, they wouldn't have shrugged it off...as to what else would have followed, I'm guessing you would have liked the outcome even less than a OWRP thread.

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