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Your Dream Alliance


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A place where I like the people around me. A place where when I log on there are always something interesting going on and I'm always welcome to participate.

Everything else is pretty secondary.

Edited by alpreb
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What would you look for in your dream alliance? How does your current alliance fulfil those requirements?
I look for structure, a military tradition, camaraderie, and a single wise ruler with good advisers. I found it 2 years 11 months 6 days ago, and have no intention or inclination to move from it now.
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I was an avid alliance hopper until I joined Athens, which is my dream alliance.

Everyone stands for what they believe in regardless of the consequences, there are a tonne of funny people to mess about with who all seem similar to me at least on some level, and Londo tells me uber sekrit things that are happening and keeps me in the know.

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My dream alliance is one that meets my utopian vision. Politically neutral, intensely economy-focused, a haven of the elite, 100% single color sphere, with a fully publicized forum(I am not joking), devoted to playing in character rather than disguised versions of our own wits, where EVERYONE'S wants are one with those of the leader.

I know of no alliances in existence that meets these. My alliance, the RIA, does not even come close to matching my vision. I had to create a charter for my own.

Edited by Great Lord Moth
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I like a smaller tight-knit community where all topics of conversation are welcomed. I like an alliance that is internally active and has allies that like you and would go to ZI for you, as I would for them. I also like an alliance that is extremely active during wartime and war plans can be executed efficiently, as well as aid distributed easily.

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Sad fact is that within 6-12 months, half of the people who will post that their current alliance is their dream alliance, will probably leave to try a new alliance. (Self-defeating prophecy)

Dream Alliance:

Mushroom Republic



IASSNEM would be fun :3

For the moment though I'm happy in Nemesis it's a great alliance, with great people, etc.

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My dream Alliance is Black, loves to have fun, and has me in it. What else could I ever ask for? What else could any poor little rival seduce me away with? What else should I put as third question?

dance2.gif / <-- moonfark in my heart!

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An alliance where polar bears and penguins and cats work together for the common good and their mutual advancement.

I found all of this in the new polar order so I am happy, all I want is to grow and help people, and I can do that in polar far better than anywhere else.

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