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The Amazing Survivalist Alliance Race

Jack Diorno

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I imagine there'll be plenty more of this propaganda in the coming months as they're content to catch us in wonders whilst alienating us from the rest of the world. Then someone will get overly bored, something stupid will happen, and war will break out. Looking forward to it.

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The best thing is probably that we enjoy showing falsehoods in the so-called prods (more like attempts to insult) from the world at large.

Also, you should at least follow Cato a bit better. Citing him once and then forgetting about it is a bit of a misquote, IMO.

I'm going to need a lot more than $3 million if you want a sustained campaign for the destruction of TOP. I'm the best rabble-rouser in the business and I ain't cheap. colbert.gif

I suppose a lot of that is due to us being a bit more active then the typical alliance and reading the OWF more. That being said I prefer to say we "roar" then gnash teeth or spit venon.

Of the many snakes in Greater Doitzel I have yet to encounter any species that roar.

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Wow, I'm just stopping at page 10, don't have time to read through the rest of this mindless drivel. Poor showing Jack, are you really the best Athens has to offer? Zhadum you are not, you are a mere cheap rip off, your jabs are flawed at best as show by countless rebuttals. I'm not going to be naive enough to say that self preservation has not played at least a partial roll in the moves of TOP and others, but it has been clearly stated here that they in no way commited any wrong-doing and in fact moves to distance themselves were under-way for sometime. The baseless attacks of several Sith here are enough to make me laugh, particularly the one about a certain TOP member's ZI'ing in a war 2 years old. The Minister of Peace of NpO actually comes and provides screen shots to ascertain the members story and you just dismiss it and continue on with your mindless babble. Dissapointing, NSO is actually one of my favorite alliances. MK as usual is putting on a lively show of smoke and mirrors and !@#$%^&*. When the next war happens we all know that C&Gs treaties with Citadel are going to be burnt up, perhaps I should make a list then and post cancelled treaties of yours. Although, I'll admit that I respect MK as being able to play the political game well, you make good points at times. Keep it classy Paradoxians and others who are being debased by this rabble. I'll close with a quote from the signature of one of my favorite CN leaders, Chimaera (oh my, Legion gov saying good things about IAA...what has the world come to).

You sir, are no leader. You are simply a ball of hubris wrapped in flesh who wishes to be called one. I spit on your name.

You know if I'm refering to you.

With Kind Regards,



How very dissapointing that I seemed to have arrived late to the party. If anyone wishes to return for witty banter them they are by all means welcome.

Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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What? For a long while bashing you guys was pretty much the only thing I did on here, so you're wrong. Regardless, this isn't about you. Your ridiculous post has been dismissed and we can continue on with the festivities without turning this into a discussion about an irrelevant alliance.

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What? For a long while bashing you guys was pretty much the only thing I did on here, so you're wrong. Regardless, this isn't about you. Your ridiculous post has been dismissed and we can continue on with the festivities without turning this into a discussion about an irrelevant alliance.

Uhh, this topic is about TOP, MHA and ODN...

Or were you meaning when I brought up STA?

Edited by Arcades057
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I'm going to need a lot more than $3 million if you want a sustained campaign for the destruction of TOP. I'm the best rabble-rouser in the business and I ain't cheap. colbert.gif

Of the many snakes in Greater Doitzel I have yet to encounter any species that roar.

It's called a dragon as I believe dragons are subclasses of snakes or wyrm. So yes, I am a dragon. I have fire....and [ooc] chinese food [ooc].

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Poor showing Jack, are you really the best Athens has to offer?

*Londo smiles slowly

Hello, purple.

When the next war happens we all know that C&Gs treaties with Citadel are going to be burnt up

If this happens, I very much doubt it will be because C&G alliances canceled them. And I doubt it will happen at all. But I'm still not sure how this discussion became about TOP or Citadel when they were just one of many alliances/groups mentioned by this particular experiment in statistics.

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I have two key comments.

First of all, if you look over history, I think NPO would be the clear winner, they cancelled countless treaties to be on top. Their treaties were worth nothing.

Second of all, several alliances were practically forced to sign certain treaties, or be curb-stomped.

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I imagine there'll be plenty more of this propaganda in the coming months as they're content to catch us in wonders whilst alienating us from the rest of the world. Then someone will get overly bored, something stupid will happen, and war will break out. Looking forward to it.

Strange. It sounds vaguely familiar, heh eh,..such a repeat gets a bit tired after a while. Though propaganda pictures are getting better over time.

Have fun.

Btw. Starcraftmazter, you will have to change your tune a little bit. NPO hatin' is 6 months ago, according to experts from relevant alliances NPO is irrelevant alliance now, not worth the trouble. I concur with the experts, I mean reality is what it is.

So the tune how NPO suspended/canceled countless treaties with GOONS and NpO, GOONS, NpO, then NpO and GOONS etc., as well as how alliances were bullied to sign treaties is a bit obsolete. As nobody cares for NPO that much any longer, we don't occupy the the TOP (cant resist) like some, or implying how TOP, MHA or Sparta would be curb-stomped (I guess by the "hegemony" right?,...) if not having certain treaties is also,...you know like wut. So yeah, quicker you adapt to the rest of your pack, would be better for you. Just an advice, take it or leave it, regardless of what you do with it, with time you will have to change one way or the other. Take this thread as a start of new things, the old belonging to the past. You cant be a "cool hater" if your not fallowing trends, man.

Edited by Branimir
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Jack, I see by page 10 that our treaty with Polar has been mentioned 3 times. It had a non-chaining clause. They had no obligation towards us, therefore they did not let us down. Yet the incident is still on the OP. Would you mind removing it on your next update?

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Jack, I see by page 10 that our treaty with Polar has been mentioned 3 times. It had a non-chaining clause. They had no obligation towards us, therefore they did not let us down. Yet the incident is still on the OP. Would you mind removing it on your next update?

Dont worry, NpO was not the target of this thread, it is just there to fill the "stats".

And also, if he didn't changed it until now, he probably will not, anyway, the thread run its course. Mission accomplished one might say.

Edited by Branimir
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