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TOP/OBR Announcement

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Dear Great Lord WalkerNinja, Valiant Squire Craven and Great Lord Kiss Goodbye,

You fine gentlemen flatter me far more than I deserve. After I only cupped my hands in the

snow, you and the other mighty diplomats of our two alliances did all of the heavy lifting, made

a huge snowball and rolled it down the mountainside. Hopefully a spectacular avalanche will result!

Thank You For A Wonderful Homecoming,

You were certainly the icebreaker and you are well deserving of such flattery ;)

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This is an unusually easy to understand treaty coming from OBR... :huh:

Well, if my old memory serves me correctly, a number of members of TOP voted to not sign the Writ de Credo because of its excess verbiage/overly highfalutin language. Not related to this probably, but still amusing.

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Gentle Persons

For those longing for a more Flowery version in keeping with peoples perception of the OBR the author has the special verbose version available for a price. Feel free to request it with a self addressed return envelope. :D


Dame Hime Themis

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It is most gratifying to be back from sabbotical just in time to find this treaty getting legs and watching our two great alliances come together. I am very pleased with the efforts of the noble Baron, Walker Ninja and Dame Hime Themis as well as countless others for both Orders that saw this through to fruition. I congratulate us all, and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with The Order of Paradox.

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c."Friends Before Pixels" is not adequate reasoning to condone the poor behavior of your friends.

If two alliances truly are friends, their friendship should last until the end. If you friends stuffs up somehow, you can't just go, "lololo sorry, i no want you as friend no more go away lolololo", it's your obligation to stick by them - through the good and the bad.

If you are worried about some alliances behaviour, then perhaps you shouldn't be their friend in the first place? But here it seems you're implying that "bad behaviour" is a legitimate excuse to bail on a friend...

Apart from that, this also looks more like a doctrine than a treaty, unless you are saying you will only extend those courtesies and ideals to your treaty partner?


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If two alliances truly are friends, their friendship should last until the end. If you friends stuffs up somehow, you can't just go, "lololo sorry, i no want you as friend no more go away lolololo", it's your obligation to stick by them - through the good and the bad.

If you are worried about some alliances behaviour, then perhaps you shouldn't be their friend in the first place? But here it seems you're implying that "bad behaviour" is a legitimate excuse to bail on a friend...

Apart from that, this also looks more like a doctrine than a treaty, unless you are saying you will only extend those courtesies and ideals to your treaty partner?


This has always been OBR's principle from the beginning. They will stand behind their friends with all they have, given there is a legitimate cause. That obligation is no longer binding if said friend provoked the war onto itself. Trust must be instilled in both alliances in order for this to work. A treaty means nothing more than the paper it's written on if the alliances do not intend to honor it. Thus, that is why an ODP with the The Rosular Kingdom is worth more than many MADP signed on Bob. We trust their integrity and they trust ours. The scenario you conjured will not happen. This is OBR you are talking about.

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This has always been OBR's principle from the beginning. They will stand behind their friends with all they have, given there is a legitimate cause. That obligation is no longer binding if said friend provoked the war onto itself. Trust must be instilled in both alliances in order for this to work. A treaty means nothing more than the paper it's written on if the alliances do not intend to honor it. Thus, that is why an ODP with the The Rosular Kingdom is worth more than many MADP signed on Bob. We trust their integrity and they trust ours. The scenario you conjured will not happen. This is OBR you are talking about.

Does it not seem hypocritical to you, to talk about trust when there is a clause that specifically indicates that "bad behaviour" nullifies obligations? Call me crazy, but this to me seems like the lack of trust. An alliance that trusts an alliance will not have to write on a treaty that they will only honour it if the other alliance behaves well.

Trust is about not knowing and still doing - isn't it?

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Does it not seem hypocritical to you, to talk about trust when there is a clause that specifically indicates that "bad behaviour" nullifies obligations? Call me crazy, but this to me seems like the lack of trust. An alliance that trusts an alliance will not have to write on a treaty that they will only honour it if the other alliance behaves well.

Trust is about not knowing and still doing - isn't it?

I think you're misinterpreting this as an MDP instead of an ODP. It isn't hypocritical due to the nature of the treaty.

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Dear Great Lord Starcraftmazter,

Please know that I am not a member of Paradox Government, or a

TOP member with even a slim margin of personal importance. Just

the same, I had hoped to share with you the tiny bit of knowledge

that I possess.

The Order of the Paradox (TOP) & The Rosular Kingdom (TRK) are

just getting to know each other. An Optional Defense Pact brings

the two of our alliances to a first big agreement, before larger and

more ambitious treaties are considered. There will undoubtedly come

a time when TRK gains a greater trust of us within TOP, just as TOP

gains an expanded trust of those within The Rosular Kingdom.

Until then, why should the good people of TRK defend TOP, if I should

lose my mind one day, place my underwear on my head and begin a

personal nuke frenzy? Until each of us comes to love each other better,

our new treaty partner cannot be expected to defend TOP against my bad

behavior. The same is true for the other side of the treaty.

Of course, as we come closer, such considerations for bad behavior of

a single member or an entire government will become unneeded. Each

of us will come to know all of the motivations of the other and caution

will not be required to proceed to greater heights.

Is That An Acceptable Answer To Your Question?

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Does it not seem hypocritical to you, to talk about trust when there is a clause that specifically indicates that "bad behaviour" nullifies obligations? Call me crazy, but this to me seems like the lack of trust. An alliance that trusts an alliance will not have to write on a treaty that they will only honour it if the other alliance behaves well.

Trust is about not knowing and still doing - isn't it?

Even if it's written or just an unsaid entity within the treaty (which is the case in almost every treaty) such as the coward coalition during the Karma War when people were pissed off at NPO's actions and thus canceled. Is all we're doing is saying "hey act like a !@#$% on an extreme scale, expect this to be cancelled." Or for another example [ooc] if I do the do with my best friends sister, mom, and/or wife chances are he isn't going to just continue to be my friend [ooc]. I'm all for meaning of the treaty over word of the treaty but for clarification purposes there is no problem adding it in I'd say. As far as the aspect of it within our treaty I have zero doubt that either party will ever have the need enact said clause.

When has OBR demonstrated this?

Lately it was shown when OBR stood with GR during the Karma War. They believed their actions just and thus enacted the writ.

Edited by LiquidMercury
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TOP and OBR signing a treaty, fitting as they both above all things conduct business with intelligence as well as honor. I am happy to see this treaty :)

I admit I had my English dictionary ready to help me at least decipher the title of the treaty, I was shocked I actually understood the content (opposed to some possibly native speakers who lack in reading comprehension).

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Does it not seem hypocritical to you, to talk about trust when there is a clause that specifically indicates that "bad behaviour" nullifies obligations? Call me crazy, but this to me seems like the lack of trust. An alliance that trusts an alliance will not have to write on a treaty that they will only honour it if the other alliance behaves well.

Trust is about not knowing and still doing - isn't it?

When has OBR demonstrated this?

This line of reasoning has always amused me.

When MK, Fark, etc... chant "Friends > Infra" and back them to the hilt, this becomes "Honor."

When Valhalla ran around extorting, intimidating, and bullying the weak. NPO also said "Friends > Infra," and became villains as a result.

Please tell me that you can see the difference between the two.

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A slight trembling of the earth causes a flock of birds take wing from their languid roost amongst the shade trees of Vijar. Beneath a paticularly shady and stately eucalypt there is a disurbance to the soil. A clod of turf is turned and a rusted gauntlet thrusts free from its bonds of clay and sand. A low moaning starts as slowly but surely an armour-clad body claws and levers itself to the surface. Using a sword etched with the name 'Venom', now dull through the lack of use, Knight XXI of the Order of the Black Rose pushes himself to his feet, wobbling ever so slightly. *Sir W_A_R of Vijar rises once again to be surrounded by the clamour of Digiterran life.

He shakes himself in a poorly conceived effort to rid his armour of the grainy residue accumulated from the past few months of his interment, only to stagger and then prop as a result. He goes to remove his helm only to find it is stuck fast.

"That could be a good thing" he mutters, given his possible state of decomposition.

Well this is a fine thing to see; the formalisation of a friendship between my beloved Black Rose Order and those of the Paradoxian Way. May we all prosper accordingly. My congratulations to all those who 'made this thing so'.

If you kindly excuse me but my worms are suggesting that I should go back and lay down again.

*W_A_R turns, staggers back to his resting place and trips head first back into the fertile soil of his Vijari homeland.

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