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Tabloid Tribune #150 | ICR Y5.T3.5

Sir Paul

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Emerald City, Viridian Entente: The Karma War, which was fought to bring justice to Pacifica and restitution to her victims, is over and with the first payments to those who have suffered under the Jackboots of Tygaland, Ivan Moldavi, Doppelganger, and Electron Sponge will be seeing significant compensation.

They'll never take me alive, Paulie! Thanks for paying for my sins, Pacifica!

o/ Creative spinning...

o/ The truth...

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Do we get 4 billion? Send me the check

Edit: Oops, I can't read. So we owe Karma money? Man, that sucks.

Second Edit: I really can't read. So I suppose I have to thank the red team for covering the difference.

Edited by benjaminperdomo
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I heard a rumor that the truck pictured infact contains massive quantities of liquor and other alcoholic substances

Archon is bringin' a truckload of booze to the CnG party, I just know it. :awesome:

Interesting that you have announced that you are accepting spy intel from any source in return for publishing ads. A declaration of hostilities against the entire world, it would seem. :)

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Emerald City, Viridian Entente: The Karma War, which was fought to bring justice to Pacifica and restitution to her victims, is over and with the first payments to those who have suffered under the Jackboots of Tygaland, Ivan Moldavi, Doppelganger, and Electron Sponge will be seeing significant compensation. Londo of Athens stated that "Today is a great day, as Pacifica pays penance to those they have wronged. Many of the terms have been inspired by their actions, each filled with meaning in a beautiful Karmic cycle."

This is rich :lol1:

...evil scum

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This filthy publication must end here, these lies must not be spread any further by the PNN! Your days as the king of the Tabloid press are numbered Sir Paul. The writers of The Day Today continue to watch this space to catch you out on your lies(but mainly because it's a far superior publication)

In all seriousness, I very much enjoy reading this Sir Paul, keep it up.

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Green Protection Agency | They don't trade with Mary the Fantabulous | $1 billion

The !@#$%^&* are getting off too easy, I say. Too easy!!1!!

Federation of Armed Nations | Deemed too warlike even for the Order | $2 billion
I thought we decided to take out FAN because they were less warlike than advertised with the NAAC? :huh:
Nordreich | NPO masterminded Norwegian media smear campaign | $1 billion
Thanks for paying for my sins, Pacifica!
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I was disappointed to see no mention of Branimir or any NPO tech deals. Poor show this time, try harder next time.

But do let there be a next time. Just not with singing. I don't like the singing announcements.

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