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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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Although I have no love for the Red Crimson Guard, I have to say that judging from VE's self-righteous hypocrisy, they should never have been allowed to reform. But hey, that's just me. Me and my silly silly sense of decency...

So you believe that a select few should be able to dictate which alliances can exist and which cannot and boast of your self described sense of decency?

And to your claim that VE should never have been allowed to reform - What are you going to do about it?

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I wonder if Fran and HS had joined a major ex-Karma alliance, if there would have been any NPO outrage at the bet.

Also, since NPO has now officially lost a war, they know how it feels and can never joke about another alliance losing a war, as that would be hypocritical.

I seem to recall months of jokes, still hear them now and then, from many NPO and other outraged alliances about GOLD disbanding.

This is pure nonsense. Just because I am part of the NPO does not mean I cannot feel any sadness or empathy for an alliance disbanding. If it was my alliance that had disbanded I'd honestly be devestated. This has nothing to do with my AA, its to do with what is and isn't right. I was equally as sad that GOLD disbanded, and I never even knew anyone in GOLD.

No disbandment is funny, I don't care who runs the alliance. I had a great fondness for CG because of the friends I have there, and I do consider a lot of members in VE to be friends. As for Fran's aiding of an enemy, she aided me due to friendship, not anything sinister. I feel sad that the time has come that VE now considers me an enemy and no longer a friend.

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Because this tasteless thread proves that Viridians have freedom of speech, right? Just like when I was forbidden to post in my own memoirs thread?

Hey, little sister. Here's something from the Charter of the alliance you once were a member of



Article I. Every nation within The Entente holds the right to free speech within the alliance. A forum of the people will be provided so that each nation may freely air its grievances, suggest improvements, propose legislation to be voted on by the Parliament, and generally speak its mind. However, the Lord and Secretaries, or any appointed moderators, retain the right to edit any posts made by members for the sake of clarity and organization, not censorship (save in instances as required by greater law), as well as the right to restrict conversing publicly on specific sensitive issues and during crises in order to ensure a unified and clear message.


Have you seen anyone within the Entente oppose this?
VE disbanded because it was afraid of losing infra, I was there.
Cool revisionism, bro. Sour grapes?
Remember how VE came back on blue?
We came back on blue and green. Guns blazing.
You do not need to educate me on history I was part of. About 25 percent of VE was green, and it was officially a BLUE alliance at the time of the DoE, and was never intended to go back to green.
You misintrepeted our intentions there, buddy.

For someone who was there, you seem awfully blind. I guess that's understandable at this hour. Rage and tears, they can be blinding.

Best of luck to all former members of the Crimson Guard. I hope you find solace in whatever new homes you choose to pursuit. Sorry if the goofing around has hurt your feelings, and you're all correct in blaming me for allowing it. Just blame Sol.

)): VE )):

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Technically speaking, if people "actually believe what they are saying", wouldn't that be honest rather than "feigned"?

No, he was referring to people reading the post believing it, not the person who made the post.

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Moralists, go cry me a river. >.>

A joke is just that, nothing more. VE never made CG disband, in fact as Sqrt said they wanted to help them out. You can complain when they force someone to disband, not for something like this.

Also, lol @ the NPO moralists. You really should shut your mouth about this.

Edited by Tromp
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Moralists, go cry me a river. >.>

A joke is just that, nothing more. VE never made CG disband, in fact as Sqrt said they wanted to help them out. You can complain when they force someone to disband, not for something like this.

Also, lol @ the NPO moralists. You really should shut your mouth about this.

I think this falls within the category of "taste/tastelessness", not morality.

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This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment.

Stay classy VE.

Welcome to the Brave new world, who VE helped to create. ;)

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having disbanded 2 alliances and been in an alliance that was disbanded (surprisingly forced upon by NPO) I really do wish I could have gotten in on this bet.

Disbandment is hard, but after it happens to you, you learn to live with it.

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New low, VE. This is what your members are. Scoundrels. Your members represent you, Viridia. You're nothing more than scoundrels. You make bets and try to influence when an alliance disbands, you take pride in this? Trying to benefit from the death of communities? You're so funny. Very funny, Viridia.

This doesn't represent VE? So when did your members stop representing you? Your members is what you are. Remember that time you disbanded? Funny times! I lost about 40K NS for you, back then. Scoundrels, you take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. This is what you stand for, Viridia.

You find my alliance dying funny? I have lost over 40k Nation Strength for you, Viridia, Francesca has lost about the same. I was put on PZI, for you, Viridia, for standing up for what was right during the Green Civil War. I fought, the rest of you cowards deserted. And you hope that misfortunes happen to my alliance so you get money? Honor! Such honor!

This is how you treat past members that have moral objections about your actions. You're so funny, VE.

Scoundrels. You poke fun at the misfortunes of others. You're scoundrels.

Aren't you the same dude that calls for other alliances disbandment when it suits you? Just during the war you suggested that we need to disband the NPO. You are the dude who laughs about stuff in RL that hardly anyone else would. But you know damn well I don't take any of that seriously, just as I cannot take your outrage serious right now. Because I know that you will post what you need to to get attention, even if you don't believe in it. You don't think VE is scoundrels, just from the fact that you don't believe in morals unless you can corrupt other peoples to suit your needs.

You do not need to educate me on history I was part of. About 25 percent of VE was green, and it was officially a BLUE alliance at the time of the DoE, and was never intended to go back to green.

You couldn't be any more wrong. It was a Blue and Green alliance at the time of DoE, and had always intended to go back to Green. I don't even know how you can say this seriously. Never intended to go back to Green... right...

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This is pure nonsense. Just because I am part of the NPO does not mean I cannot feel any sadness or empathy for an alliance disbanding. If it was my alliance that had disbanded I'd honestly be devestated. This has nothing to do with my AA, its to do with what is and isn't right. I was equally as sad that GOLD disbanded, and I never even knew anyone in GOLD.

No disbandment is funny, I don't care who runs the alliance. I had a great fondness for CG because of the friends I have there, and I do consider a lot of members in VE to be friends. As for Fran's aiding of an enemy, she aided me due to friendship, not anything sinister. I feel sad that the time has come that VE now considers me an enemy and no longer a friend.

So you can cast judgment on VE as a whole based on an OOC thread about something that many in VE did not participate in but you expect not to be judged by the actions of your alliance? Interesting.

Welcome to the Brave new world, who VE helped to create. ;)

That line is getting really old really fast. This is not new, although things like this aren't usually very public they have been going on for as long as I can remember.

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So you can cast judgment on VE as a whole based on an OOC thread about something that many in VE did not participate in but you expect not to be judged by the actions of your alliance? Interesting.

Whats more interesting is that people are more upset about guessing the date an alliance is going to disband, then their alliances leadership working towards that disbandment.

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No disbandment is funny, I don't care who runs the alliance. I had a great fondness for CG because of the friends I have there, and I do consider a lot of members in VE to be friends. As for Fran's aiding of an enemy, she aided me due to friendship, not anything sinister. I feel sad that the time has come that VE now considers me an enemy and no longer a friend.

I don't think anyone in VE considers you the enemy, now. While we were at war, yes. You were our enemy and we were yours. I think we can all agree on that.

As for Fran sending you aid because you two are friends - I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter. Anyone with any common sense can understand that you don't send aid to the alliance you are currently warring with. I can only imagine what the members of your alliance would have done if the situation would have been reversed.

Anyways, it really is too bad CG has disbanded. Good luck to all of you who are seeking new homes.

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So you can cast judgment on VE as a whole

Its the wording: "VE congratulates,...."

Those members should have been more careful in the wording as they do not speak for VE, but made it out that they do.

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Its the wording: "VE congratulates,...."

Those members should have been more careful in the wording as they do not speak for VE, but made it out that they do.

You have a very good point and I think if Goldie were to do it all over again, he'd probably use a different title. But, also don't forget what Corn said earlier in this thread.

Edited by Bill Wallace
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Its the wording: "VE congratulates,...."

Those members should have been more careful in the wording as they do not speak for VE, but made it out that they do.

Point taken, my point still stands, however, that Litha seemed fine with judging the whole of VE based on an announcement while she was not willing to be judged for the past actions of NPO.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Its the wording: "VE congratulates,...."

Those members should have been more careful in the wording as they do not speak for VE, but made it out that they do.

So VE is guilty of the heinous crime of not advising their members to be more careful when titling their threads? Mercy.

You know, I don't see how this is a whole lot different from when atrophis made that thread about Arcades and Crohl jumping ship. He didn't like them, and these guys in VE don't like Fran and HellScream. Now obviously atrophis gets bonus points for style and for Crohl's impeccable timing, but it was hilarious then...

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This is pure nonsense. Just because I am part of the NPO does not mean I cannot feel any sadness or empathy for an alliance disbanding. If it was my alliance that had disbanded I'd honestly be devestated. This has nothing to do with my AA, its to do with what is and isn't right. I was equally as sad that GOLD disbanded, and I never even knew anyone in GOLD.

No disbandment is funny, I don't care who runs the alliance. I had a great fondness for CG because of the friends I have there, and I do consider a lot of members in VE to be friends. As for Fran's aiding of an enemy, she aided me due to friendship, not anything sinister. I feel sad that the time has come that VE now considers me an enemy and no longer a friend.

No, I know NPO people can feel empathy, I have been there and seen it. That doesn't mean I haven't also seen NPO crank up the PR machine when it suits them.

I do not mean to diminish your feelings on this, but you can understand how outrage about an alliance going under coming from someone on an AA that was responsible for many other alliances going under can seem a little...convenient

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