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Two alliances met in a purple wood,

They had traveled many roads before this one

some opposing one another but most together

Their friendship had been forged by fire

They came upon 2 roads diverging

And sorry that they could not travel both

And being two travelers, they had to make a choice

go alone or walk together

Together, they looked down one as far as they could

To where it bent in the undergrowth.

It was clear and bright

but only room for one.

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear

but dark and uncertain

and had room for two.

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, if they could keep the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

they doubted if they should ever come back.

They shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a purple wood, and they--

they took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


OMGWTFBBQURKIDDING Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact


The Legion and Valhalla do hereby come together in the spirit of common friendship, common defense, and common prosperity to create the "OMGWTFBBQURKIDDING Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact" in order that both alliances enjoy a long, fruitful, and peaceful relationship.

Article I - Non-aggression:

The signed alliances shall maintain a strict policy of non-aggression towards one another; refraining from military aggression against one another, refraining from spying on one another, refraining from using diplomatic ends to bring harm to one another, or otherwise seeking to do the other harm.

Article II - Intelligence:

Should either party come into possession of information that suggests any of the activities prohibited by Article 1 are being engaged in by a third party, it is the obligation of that party to give that information to the other party quickly and completely.

Article III - Aid:

Should a signatory alliance come under attack or otherwise suffer a financial crisis, members of the other signatory alliance shall be encouraged to send financial aid in order that their recovery be made more quickly. The alliance in need of aid may choose not to receive it if they wish.

Article IV - Defense:

Should one signatory alliance come under attack, it is the obligation of the other alliance to come to their aid militarily. In the event a signatory attacks another alliance, the other signatory may choose, but is not required, to come to the aid of the other signatory. Should the signatory engaged in military operations choose, they, may release the other alliance from any obligations carried by this article.

Article V- Optional Aggression

Should one alliance find just cause in launching an offensive war, that alliance has the right to petition the other for aid, military of otherwise. It is the option of the petitioned alliance whether said aid is needed or required.

Article VI - Diplomacy:

Any points of contention between the signatory alliances will attempted to be solved with diplomacy before any other action is taken. In public, discourse between the two signatory alliances shall remain respectful at all times.

Article VII - Termination:

Should the two sides be unable to resolve their differences diplomatically, this pact may be terminated by either party after giving 7 days notice to the other.

Signed for Legion

Imperial, Imperative

Hubb, Proconsul

Megamind, Minister of Foreign Affairs

totem, Minister of Defense

Iron Wolf, Minister of Internal Affairs

konkrage, Minister of Economics

Signed for Valhalla:

Regent: ChefJoe

Vice Regent: Tronix

Security Consul: Levistus

Marshall: Benjamin Smythe

Emissary: Akasha

Chancellor: Get_Sum

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