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Statement of Friendship


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You act like I've followed you my whole life trying to discredit you. I've never even really acknowledged your existence before this thread, because you are nothing but a shadow of Pacifica. You'll never be anything more.

We'll take that as a compliment? :mellow:

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"We're friends whether you like it or not." Yeah, that's such a pity party.


And yeah, it totally needed to be announced. Let's be serious here, this doesn't change anything or show any change. The only possible thing it could be seen as is "even though terms say NPO can't have treaties we still have their back BUT WE DIDN'T WRITE IT IN A TREATY SO NANANANANANA TAKE THAT, KARMA!". Either that or Invicta made a topic stating the obvious. Als- *interrupting this message for an important message from the government of Monos Archein*:

Hey all, this is Penkala, and I would like to officially announce on behalf of Monos Archein that we're good friends with Farkistan, RIA, GOD, RoK, RnR and CSN. Like it or not, WE LOVE SUPERFRIENDS!

I await every other alliance friendship to be announced (ooc)on the OWF(ooc)!

You say it like a bad thing? No, bieng freinds with us is a choice that shouldnt be met with such ridiculous criticism. And I dont expect Invicta to start keeling over and sucking the NPO teet for survival like GGA did anytime soon.

Nobody has a problem with you being friends. Well, some do. But most have a problem with the fact that you had to ANNOUNCE the friendship that we already knew about in an effort to suck up to NPO just a little bit more.

Edited by Penkala
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But I dont try to put on airs and act like Im a big deal when my track record is mostly "hanger-on" and "persistent nuisance".
I used to be NPO military High Command. War Council, back when they had it. Had a pretty decent impact in my time there.

Big shot and stuff.

And boom goes the dynamite!

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And boom goes the dynamite!
Oh and you are? And what the hell does that have to do with anything anyway?

NSO - "Nobody says anything except us! All your opinions are irrelevant! HURR DURR".

He asked for my credentials.


Providing a requested resume is not the same thing as empty chest thumping, Sileath. And considering I was actually on your side in that post, I gotta say, thats pretty low of you...Not that it wouldnt be the height of foolishness to expect any better.

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He asked for my credentials.


Providing a requested resume is not the same thing as empty chest thumping, Sileath. And considering I was actually on your side in that post, I gotta say, thats pretty low of you...Not that it wouldnt be the height of foolishness to expect any better.

One of my specialties is that I never lie, regardless of what side of anything I'm on.. you accused someone of being a pompous $@!, and I merely provided a quote showing that you yourself could be characterized in such a manner.

Before you get all witty and try to say that I myself am a pompous $@!, that's not in dispute.

Apologies though, for contradicting the "big shot."

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One of my specialties is that I never lie, regardless of what side of anything I'm on.. you accused someone of being a pompous $@!, and I merely provided a quote showing that you yourself could be characterized in such a manner.

Before you get all witty and try to say that I myself am a pompous $@!, that's not in dispute.

Apologies though, for contradicting the "big shot."

Ive never said Im not a pompous $@!. In fact, Ive made it pretty clear Im a complete jerk at every available opportunity.

I have said I dont wave around my pseudo-credentials as if that makes me important, nor did I accuse you of lying, Mr. misrepresentation. But...You did take that quote out of context in a painfully transparent attempt to make me look foolish.

If providing the context implies you were lying, well then...I suppose thats your own fault.

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Invicta, you stuck with us from the beginning of this war and we will never forget that. You guys are a very classy alliance and I've watched your growth for a while now with a lot of interest. Your IRC chan is also one of the more interesting and talkative ones out there :). Even now, in the most vulnerable position we have ever been in and paying half of CN some of the harshest reparations CN has ever seen, you stand up and support us publicly. Our post-Karma foreign affairs will be driven by relationships like these, relationships centered around mutual trust and communication. We've all made mistakes, but being allies with Invicta was absolutely not one of them.

Stay classy guys.

Edit: It's too bad that so many vocal Karma tools are out there slandering Invicta purely because of their relationship with us, calling them the "new GGA" and our "new lapdogs". It's pathetically self-righteous of you (it's a shock I know, Karma self-righteous? :o) and it clearly shows how little you understand about the real NPO and how much you believe your own miserable propaganda. Good thing Planet Bob will see your foolishness as time goes on, too bad it wasn't sooner.

Edited by Straylight
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Is Invicta under terms preventing them from defending NPO? If not, why should they not be allowed to do so? I just don't get the "wow, you're friends with people I don't like, how dare you, I hope this bites you in the $@! someday" attitude. Let people be friends with their friends.

To be honest, I think Invicta knew they were going to get some backlash by doing this. They certainly had nothing to gain by it. And I respect them for that... To roll with your friends even when it's not cool, that's something special.


I find myself agreeing with you far too often these days. It's rather concerning.


Also, glad to see somebody else thinks that NPO deserves a bit of forgiveness since they just got curbstomped for their past actions. After all, if we can't let them have a relatively clean slate, then the justice-served part of this war meant nothing.

I agree. Pacifica has paid for it's crimes, it's time for a second chance.

I see we have GGA 2.0 on our hands fellas.

What a pathetic comment. Invicta is nothing like GGA. On the contrary, GGA were only allies with NPO when it was convenient, and they moved on when NPO fell from power. Invicta, however, is publically declaring support for NPO even when they benefit nothing from doing so, and when it is dangerous to be associated with NPO at this time. This is something to be commended, not mocked.

This is almost as indicative of your actual convictions as signing an optional defence friendship treaty. I guess the restrictions on foreign affairs conduct in active surrender terms make public displays of nothing-doing the only option.

Congratulations on maybe kind of finding out who your real friends are.

Doitzel, I disagree. This announcement would mean nothing if NPO was in power.... but the fact is that Invicta is making this when the world has turned on Pacifica and nobody wants to be their friend. It's dangerous to announce this sort of thing, and it would be in their interests to kick up to Karma instead. I think this announcement is a good indication of who Pacifica's real friends are.

I missed the post then, sorry about that.

I care, I :wub: Invicta and sharing this is priceless.

I care too. I think this announcement is a beautiful thing. :)

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And no, I don't think they'll "rue the day", personally. Unless they have a thin skin for Purple Colony jokes, of course.

Are you saying that the "Purple Colony" comments are made with the aim of angering them?

Edited by Alterego
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Invicta, you stuck with us from the beginning of this war and we will never forget that. You guys are a very classy alliance and I've watched your growth for a while now with a lot of interest. Your IRC chan is also one of the more interesting and talkative ones out there :). Even now, in the most vulnerable position we have ever been in and paying half of CN some of the harshest reparations CN has ever seen, you stand up and support us publicly. Our post-Karma foreign affairs will be driven by relationships like these, relationships centered around mutual trust and communication. We've all made mistakes, but being allies with Invicta was absolutely not one of them.

Stay classy guys.

Edit: It's too bad that so many vocal Karma tools are out there slandering Invicta purely because of their relationship with us, calling them the "new GGA" and our "new lapdogs". It's pathetically self-righteous of you (it's a shock I know, Karma self-righteous? :o) and it clearly shows how little you understand about the real NPO and how much you believe your own miserable propaganda. Good thing Planet Bob will see your foolishness as time goes on, too bad it wasn't sooner.

Yeah but just like you were the overwhelming majorirty at once now they are the overwhelming majority so arguing with them will just add fuel to their ignorant fire so it's best to ignore them.

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Waste of 10 pages and 195 posts.

You love each other? Keep it private, no need to scream it out on the OWF, it's not going to help your cause.

[ooc]Just like in US politics,[/ooc] major disputes are not decided by the hardliners. They are decided by the independents, who can sway to either side.

Prior to the Karma War, what did NPO do for me? Not much. What did Vox do for me? Entertained me with TWiP. During the Karma War, who dragged out the war a long $@! time with enormous reparation demands? Karma did.

After the war, what has Karma done for me? Complained about NPO and tried to extend the war and "lolNPO" sentiment with insulting comments like the one above. What does this announcement have to do with Mushroom Kingdom? Not much.

What about that announcement by MK earlier about your nukes and treaty with ODN? Did you see NPO go into that thread and insult you? I didn't..

How about some respect and - here's a concept - class, and a recognition that the war is over, NPO got their asses kicked and holy $%&@ they still have their head high and are moving on, while too many Karma people are still stuck in the past and being hateful, despite the fact that you won the war.

As an independent, I'm not impressed with this post, and it makes me more dubious of the Karma side, if you're going to be sore winners. If you want to be hateful, how about you keep that in private channels?

Edited by Sileath
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What about that announcement by MK earlier about your nukes and treaty with ODN? Did you see NPO go into that thread and insult you? I didn't..

Why don't you leave MK out of this? Was it an official announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom? Did Keshav state it was MK's official stance? I know you don't like us but this has nothing to do with MK and everything to do with Keshav saying he doesn't see the point in this announcement. I really feel like we were too lenient with you when you came crawling for peace.

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While i may not be fond of who your declaring your love for Invicta i cannot show disdain for your honesty about your collective feelings, besides its your right to shout from the rooftops if you so wish ;)

Why don't you leave MK out of this? Was it an official announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom? Did Keshav state it was MK's official stance? I know you don't like us but this has nothing to do with MK and everything to do with Keshav saying he doesn't see the point in this announcement. I really feel like we were too lenient with you when you came crawling for peace.

Well some people are insistent on making sweeping generalizations...just part of the course :D

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