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Statement of Friendship


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A friendship is not some mathematical chess move. I love Invicta, and they wub us too. And thats that. Were letting you know.

Never said it was, just stating that a friend wouldn't just sit by and watch you get beat down.... unless they really aren't a friend. From what I get from the thread, either Invicta is saying they are going to defend NPO even without a treaty, or there is some hidden message (I would assume at karma, especially because of the first line there)

Either way it was a poor move on invicta's part.

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Never said it was, just stating that a friend wouldn't just sit by and watch you get beat down.... unless they really aren't a friend. From what I get from the thread, either Invicta is saying they are going to defend NPO even without a treaty, or there is some hidden message (I would assume at karma, especially because of the first line there)

Either way it was a poor move on invicta's part.

Didn't you hear? Karma stopped existing after the war ended. :rolleyes:

In any event, what you're saying isn't what this announcement is meant to say. If it comes up in the future, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We just want to make it perfectly clear to the world, however we can, that we're not taking the easy way out and just dropping NPO.

We still :wub: you guys.

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Never said it was, just stating that a friend wouldn't just sit by and watch you get beat down.... unless they really aren't a friend. From what I get from the thread, either Invicta is saying they are going to defend NPO even without a treaty, or there is some hidden message (I would assume at karma, especially because of the first line there)

Either way it was a poor move on invicta's part.

Is Invicta under terms preventing them from defending NPO? If not, why should they not be allowed to do so? I just don't get the "wow, you're friends with people I don't like, how dare you, I hope this bites you in the $@! someday" attitude. Let people be friends with their friends.

To be honest, I think Invicta knew they were going to get some backlash by doing this. They certainly had nothing to gain by it. And I respect them for that... To roll with your friends even when it's not cool, that's something special.


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This kind of loyalty to each other and friendship is not one that you see too often anymore, hats off to both Invicta and the the New Pacific Order for maintaining strong bonds even in the hardest of times.

Also, trolls please go away, this is a good thread whether you like it or not.

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Congratulations to NPO and Invicta in reaffirming your friendship. A wonderful sight to see.

Of course unless your one of the bloodthirsty. There is no way people on the former hegemony side could actually be friends like the former Karma side was right?


o/ Pacifica

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Congrats to you both on your friendship. Don't listen to the "if I don't like them, you can't like them" crowd.



Also, glad to see somebody else thinks that NPO deserves a bit of forgiveness since they just got curbstomped for their past actions. After all, if we can't let them have a relatively clean slate, then the justice-served part of this war meant nothing.

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Never said it was, just stating that a friend wouldn't just sit by and watch you get beat down.... unless they really aren't a friend. From what I get from the thread, either Invicta is saying they are going to defend NPO even without a treaty, or there is some hidden message (I would assume at karma, especially because of the first line there)

Either way it was a poor move on invicta's part.

It's been a little while since UJW for you (the last time you were on the losing end of a global stomp), but you'd think you'd remember what it's like to be fighting half the world. You find friendships in the trenches.

I'd be really surprised if your next post says something like "Yeah, but all those UJH guys I thought were my friends actually turned out to be jackasses."

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Never said it was, just stating that a friend wouldn't just sit by and watch you get beat down.... unless they really aren't a friend. From what I get from the thread, either Invicta is saying they are going to defend NPO even without a treaty, or there is some hidden message (I would assume at karma, especially because of the first line there)

Either way it was a poor move on invicta's part.

Why is it a poor move? I thought you guys were all for defending friends and such.

Now that it's NPO getting the support it is a "brilliant political move", amirite?

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It's been a little while since UJW for you (the last time you were on the losing end of a global stomp), but you'd think you'd remember what it's like to be fighting half the world. You find friendships in the trenches.

I'd be really surprised if your next post says something like "Yeah, but all those UJH guys I thought were my friends actually turned out to be jackasses."

Yeah, but certain alliances I thought were my friends going into UJW turned out to be jackasses.

Again, I feel, given the context of the thread, some posts, and certain lines in the OP, this thread is less pointed at NPO and more at the alliances NPO surrendered to. You point out you aren't breaking a term in the thread, chances are you know what you are doing ;)

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