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At Long Last, the End of the Karma War


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OSA is very happy to see TPF finally receive a peace they can accept. Congratulations to the victors on their victory and to TPF for holding the course as valiantly as they have.

We consider it a privilege to be allowed to pay certain reparations in their stead and appreciate the accommodation made by the Karma that makes this possible.

A special shoutout, and much respect to those alliances, who have given TPF a white peace.

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Fantastic conclusion to a long hard fought war. It is an honor to have friends like TPF who have shown their tenacity once again. Hopefully, now those who were calling for 'justice' for what ever events ascribed to TPF can see the slate wiped clean and we can all look forward to a new era.

I'm glad to see a compromise in which all parties walk away satisfied.

I'd like to point out that payment to PC by third parties was my idea. ;)

(ha ha, well, maybe not, but my suggestion was the first I saw of it :lol1: )

Good show CCC and NV.

The war that changed the world is now over. Let us bask in peace.

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First off let me thank each and every member of TPF who hung in there when things looked bleakest. While our numbers are down, this core group will have little trouble raising us up.

Thank you also to Archon, Azaghul, Twist and the rest of the Karma negotiation team. Stand up guys.

OBM, Airikr, The Crimson King....none of this could have happened without your tireless efforts, thanks you as well.

To my opponents in this conflict, PC, MK....hell I think I fought all of the involved AAs.......well fought, victory deserved. A relentless bunch.

Special props to CCC and NV, mercy is a rare thing and shall not be forgotten.

To those who were willing to lend a hand, we know who we can count on down the road, and make no mistake, we will be there for you as well.

.....time to get out of stinking hippy mode.

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This theory sounds nice, but is categorically wrong.

mhawk has a lot more fortitude than you give him credit for.

Fortitude? I'd say he's a lot more hardheaded and stubborn than anything. I wouldn't heap any sort of praise upon him, and it's a shame TPF got off so lightly.

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I dont remember if there was a time frame for the reps, and dont feel like looking. But if they have to be paid by a certain date, what happens if the alliance paying PC their tech doesnt get them the full 20k tech by then? who pays te consequences? TPF or the alliance paying?

I would imagine TPF would be the ones to face the consequences as they are the one under terms.

As for the terms, too lenient for an alliance like TPF but I suppose you gotta squeeze what you can.

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Will TPF be required to pay whoever IS paying PC though? Or can a third party pick up the tab if they want?

Hell no. The terms that are being paid to PC are new commitments. We have good friends, both old and new who decided that they'd step in and take the weight of our burden of principle. The rest of you can mock mhawk and TPF for standing on principle, but let it be your turn and see whether your spine doth stiffen in the face of your own mortality and whether the strength of your bonds is shown true. We may move some $ around, but I promise you that the $ being dropped on PC is new money, not a loan.

This is a long, and sometimes whimsical path we've taken to get here. There is a lesson here, and it is more than the obvious one. At one point, TPF took the white peace in a global conflict, leaving their comrades on the field of battle. We've paid for that dearly here in these terms. We also were extremely generous with our aid afterwards, but it did little to wash the sin from our hands. It was a mistake, now that I see both sides, even with the best of intentions. I'd rather be a puddle on my feet, than an ocean on my knees. You pay for it, let it be sure.

There is hope, of renewal, of rapproachment between ourselves and PC. The departure of the last three leaders of PC, as well as he who shall not be named from TPF, leaves us very little in terms of bound connectivity to our mutual loathing. The problem with fire, of course, is that eventually it does burn out. I have deep respect for the current leaders of PC, Syrik and Pooksland, respect that was earned through my experience with both of them. I am hopeful of a peaceful future for us as friends.

NV, CCC, NSO and friends. You've earned my eternal admiration. There are two schools of thought in terms of ending a war. Either there is peace with both sides retaining their honor, or there is a punitive approach. TPF has traditionally taken the punitive approach, based frankly on greed and fear, something I have railed against, for its silly long term emnity creation. Being on the receiving end of this, let me tell you, after seeing our tC allies get white peace, I am furious that we got harsh reps and a take-it-or-leave-it approach, mainly because we stuck to our word to the end. I accepted the terms, I helped negotiate the terms, but there is little in external honor for TPF here. We've won a victory to remain as an alliance, but that is all that is good and decent here.

To those that TPF has treated with disrespect, I apologize. To NoV and the resurgent NoR, what was done to you was callous and inhumane. I left TPF because I felt that way at the time, and I feel even more strongly today. It does not change that I beleive some of you to be horribly, woefully misguided in your worldview, but I will defend your place in this world.

Mock me if you find that necessary, but we've learned three things:

* Who our friends really are and aren't.

* Who in TPF loved their pixels more than the alliance.

* Who will be our downdog list the second we are back.

Finally, as we come to the close of Karma, I've seen some who've never, not even for a tenth of a second changed their stand on their expectations of how to behave on PB. I salute you, each of you, who've stood on principle when it was hard, (looking at you Vox), and didn't change when it was easy (Hi Stumpy and Sqrt). I am forever in your tiny group thus forward. Injustice is injustice, whether perpetrated by friend or foe.

Let's get on with paying our blood debts, rebuild, reform and participate vigorously in the new world order. Steel in the spine and malice in our hearts, from this moment forward.


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Congrats on achieving peace TPF, Im happy to see this. Also great to see CCC giving white peace.
Props to CCC for giving TPF white peace.
I now have immense respect for CCC in being the real classy folks here and the real winners.

As for the rest, I still would have preferred white peace from all. Oh well. :v: I suppose they can't be all as good as CCC is.

Not to be an attention whore but NV basically gave them white peace as well since we didn't ask for any reps, we're just helping our allies MK and GR enforce the terms like how we entered the war, helping them out :awesome:
Nicely done. Especially those knights in shining armor at the CCC. :wub:
The biggest thing that stands out in this announcement for me is the white peace from CCC and the reps-free peace from NV. Always classy.

o/ NV

o/ CCC

o/ Karma War is over...

I'm glad TPF got out of this war.

o/ TPF

o/ CCC

o/ NV

Many props to our allies and our honourable opponents. We had a long internal discussion about this and the High Council, in effect, felt this was the most honourable way to respond to our honourable opponents.

We now look forward to making new friends and getting back to enjoying peace -- our default stance as it were. ;) I hope that we can exchange ambassadors with those opponents and allies we met as a result of this war.

Thank you to one and all, and to all I wish peace and prosperity.

o/ peace!

Edited by Ogden Chichester
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PS- TPF got off quite easily...

If you hurry, you might be able to squeeze another dime out of them for OV. Be sure to make another announcement about it, though, just for clarity.

Many congratulations to TPF as well - the last off the battlefield always comes away with the most honor.

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