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NPO lost their sanction

King Death II

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Even if WTF got ghost which I doubt to get sanctioned, which large alliance doesn't have ghost? Using ghost as a reason to say something against another alliance is dumb and quite frankly seems to show, that you have actually nothing to say against that alliance. Just my opinion though.

How many alliances would lose their sanctions if they lost their ghosts?

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How many alliances would lose their sanctions if they lost their ghosts?

How many alliances would have their strongest members flee into peace mode than fight to defend their weaker nations? Especially when you have had so much experience beating down others.

I find it interesting that you blame freeloaders for your failings.

Edited by ShinRa
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How many alliances would have their strongest members flee into peace mode than fight to defend their weaker nations? Especially when you have had so much experience beating down others.

It's pretty hard to lose 17 million NS when your strongest members don't fight. A number of the largest nations in NPO were ZIed.

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Don't most alliances actively hunt their ghosts?

I do know some alliances invite/encourage/do nothing about ghosting to inflate their NS. (I know, I know it's freakin' stupid as it's useless, specifically during war, but you know how some are about stats >_>)

I do know RoK sees ghosts as awesome nubling war practice though ...

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I think you're right, at least in the modern sanction race era. I wonder what kind of odds I'd have got in 2006 if I bet that ODN would be the last alliance that has never lost its sanction? It goes to show you what a strong community can do even under intense foreign pressure.

Give it time :D, i am sure those who wish to see us burn will do their best to see that come to pass.

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I do know RoK sees ghosts as awesome nubling war practice though ...
Indeed! I always thought that was their primary function.
Give it time :D, i am sure those who wish to see us burn will do their best to see that come to pass.
Even if that happened you'd still hold the record. ^_^ Edited by Penguin
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I think that these two events are completely unrelated.

The time frame between the events and the myriad of other contributing factors makes this event at best a very minor contributing factor.

Now for the sake of friendly competition, lets see if FAN can regain its sanction before the NPO. That would be exciting to watch. :popcorn:

FAN is pretty rad, I think they could do it.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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This kind of thing happens after every curb stomp. The only reason it's made it all the way past page 2 is its Pacifica. Pacifica got beat and that's that. Please, quit living in the past and focus on the future.

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It could be interesting if WTF had gained the sanction without ghosts.

If you keep saying it over and over, eventually it will become true! At least that's the standard Pacifican line of logic. No sure why you would be trying to use it though. Since you apparently don't get it, I'll explain. It's called recruitment. It's a thing alliances do to add more members. I'd say being close to sanction is a good reason to redouble efforts in recruitment. Which is, by the way, not the definition of ghosts.

Don't most alliances actively hunt their ghosts?

Some do and some do the total opposite. Folks like Polar and the NPO actively removed ghosts, by force if need be. Some, like the MCXA, and (way back in the day) GATO used to be packed with them.

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Some do and some do the total opposite. Folks like Polar and the NPO actively removed ghosts, by force if need be. Some, like the MCXA, and (way back in the day) GATO used to be packed with them.

Legion paid people to ghost their AA.

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Kind of hard to knock your enemies well out of sanction range while fully in peace mode, I guess that kind of blows that idea of yours.

That was my entire point...

I wasn't aware that we had 26 million NS in peace mode, where is it hiding?

Cute. You know what I mean. You had enough NS in peacemode to keep your sanction so long as you kept your membership level relatively high. Most of your guys were ZIed within the first month. The rest was just nations in the peacemode hiding, really.

Overall I would say they weathered the 18 alliance storm rather well. Just so you are aware, the rest of us are already aboard the freedom train and its pulling away from the station. You are more then free to hang back and keep pointing and laughing at NPO but most people seem to be understanding that such really isn't relevant anymore. Especially when you weren't one of the special 18.

I'm not 'laughing at' NPO. I'm just not going to allow any rewriting of history to "Nah, it was the terrible reps Karma demanded that knocked us out of sanction" when not a penny of the reps have been sent yet, and indeed NPO has been GAINING NS for a week.

Edited by Penkala
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I believe they had 22 million actually.

Edit: Yep.

Seemed like more at the time I guess.

Oddly though it isn't us who are complaining, we knew it would happen when we decommed nukes. Strangely uninvolved people seem to be angry at WTF, for reasons I am unclear about.

Edited by James Dahl
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Seven pages of NPO and it's buddies making excuses for a pretty normal thing - can't accept the fact that they got owned. I wonder when NPO will be out of denial..

Polaris are our buddies?

You guys are hilarious, anything to bash NPO I guess.

Edited by James Dahl
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Seemed like more at the time I guess.

Oddly though it isn't us who are complaining, we knew it would happen when we decommed nukes. Strangely uninvolved people seem to be angry at WTF, for reasons I am unclear about.

I mean why are Polar, of all people, pissed off that WTF got sanctioned?

It's mostly D34th and not Polar as a whole. He's the kind of guy who thinks Karma is out to get him personally irl.

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Oddly though it isn't us who are complaining, we knew it would happen when we decommed nukes. Strangely uninvolved people seem to be angry at WTF, for reasons I am unclear about.

Your alliance was the one to bring up WTF's ghosts (among several excuses) on page one.

It's mostly D34th and not Polar as a whole. He's the kind of guy who thinks Karma is out to get him personally irl.

Well we were passing around his address in the channel and trying to see who lived close to him so he may not be too far off. I hear Delta's the closest. Be very afraid.

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