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New raid tactic or epic fail?

Icy McFlame

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Threatened to nuke...while not having nukes?

Interesting response. Do you also authorize nuclear strikes if he threatens an in-game turbo-wedgie? Neither one are available options for him.

Quite a poor analogy really that. They authorised nukes because he threatened to nuke. I'm sure if he threatened an in-game turbo-wedgie they would have considered authorising an in-game turbo-wedgie.

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Just to clear up some things.

1) Tsar did break our rules.

It's his personal choice, as long as he stay in our rules.

These statements seem to contradict each other. Did he break your rules? Just asking out of curiousity.

Edit: Softened tone.

Edited by Kevin McDonald
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These statements seem to contradict each other. Did he or did he not break your rules?

Our raid rules, state you may not nuclear strike a target.

Our charter also states The Dark Archon is the only one who may authorize a nuclear strike.

He was given Authorization, due to the threat.

@janax - I understand what you are saying. " He doesn't have nukes so nukes weren't needed." In our eyes they were in this situation.

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Our raid rules, state you may not nuclear strike a target.

Our charter also states The Dark Archon is the only one who may authorize a nuclear strike.

He was given Authorization, due to the threat.

@janax - I understand what you are saying. " He doesn't have nukes so nukes weren't needed." In our eyes they were in this situation.

A friend of mine was ZI'd for "threatening to nuke" someone while on IRC. Ignoring that he was a 14K nation, with no nukes, and he wasn't even talking to the person in question, and the actual quote was more along the lines of "someday I would like to nuke ****_X" It's a sore spot with me.

To be clear, I have 0 issue with nuking someone without nukes. I was mroe than happy to order that in the Karma war. Nor do I have an issue with authorizing nuke strikes on someone when they've gone rogue on you, nukes or not. I would draw the line, however, at nuking someone for making comments they clearly can't follow through on, during a robbery.

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Any proof that he even threaten to nuke? The PM in the OP very strongly implies that Tsar K threatened to nuke Icy first, and for not rolling over and letting him take tech and land, not for military reasons.

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I fully support nuking raid targets. It's just a game after all, why should you care if you're destroying what someone else has built for no reason? Kick them while they're down and spit on them when you're done! Other players are of no consequence! The point of a multi-player game is pure self-fulfillment. If other people want to have fun they can go do it somewhere else.

And how dare bystanders express outrage? You aren't the world's police. People should be able to go crush randoms with impunity. Any action against that, especially verbal expressions of distaste, would be an egregious violation of the sacrosanct sovereignty that inherently comes from being in an alliance.

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I fully support nuking raid targets. It's just a game after all, why should you care if you're destroying what someone else has built for no reason? Kick them while they're down and spit on them when you're done! Other players are of no consequence! The point of a multi-player game is pure self-fulfillment. If other people want to have fun they can go do it somewhere else.

And how dare bystanders express outrage? You aren't the world's police. People should be able to go crush randoms with impunity. Any action against that, especially verbal expressions of distaste, would be an egregious violation of the sacrosanct sovereignty that inherently comes from being in an alliance.

This is Hall of Fame worthy, serious as a heart attack.

(eh, don't get upset. Folks will still bite on it even if you hang a big ole neon sign of what it is on top.)

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Serously, though, Tsar, if you need casualties, you can always PM nations in your range and see if they want to squabble. It's been a while since I last smashed infras, but I don't turtle. So man up, buy a ton of infra, and come knocking on my door some fine summer day.

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EDIT: More posts made.

The point of a multi-player game is pure self-fulfillment. If other people want to have fun they can go do it somewhere else.

This in particular really strikes a chord with me. If only everyone had this attitude online. heh.

lebubu got his wish about Karma leaving the world chaotic... *high fives*

Anyway, yeah, I mean essentially you're nuking a defenceless tech raid target because he talked back when you started busting up his stuff. Personally, I just think that's ridiculous. "Not only am I going to steal your crap, I'm going to nuke you if you whine about it!" I admire your gusto though.

Edited by Drostan
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wtf with the Jedi order peeps in favor of the raider and the Sith order peeps in favor of the victim. o_O

Okay, then, if nuke raiding is okay, how about this? There's a bunch(like, 20 or 30) of unaligneds I want to kick and spit on, I want to attack them until they join an alliance or leave the game. All-out griefing. I might even advertise my alliance while I'm doing it. But I'm out of their range. So I get a few of my alliance mates to do it for me. Not necessarily because I want to, but out of principle. Is that okay?

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Pretty weak. Would have expected better from them, considering their current leadership and experience.

Yes, because this was absolutely a government sanctioned nuking. Even I wouldn't first strike nuke a raid, Tsar. >.<

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Yes, because this was absolutely a government sanctioned nuking. Even I wouldn't first strike nuke a raid, Tsar. >.<

It was a government sanctioned nuking, actually.

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