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This Week in iFOK

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At the moment, the majority of Purple seems to be fairly ok with the idea of us moving there, and with their blessing, I'd prefer Purple myself. I'm not ruling anything out, though.

I speak as the people's champion of brown and say we all are anxious for your arrival to our glorious sphere.

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Ooooh, nice leak. And seriously, YouMaka's gov again? :lol1:

* Duncan King raises hand. Zenith moved to White because we wanted to move in with those guys. And SNOW says White's not a failed sphere. You just don't like it because it's predominately Hegemony. That's likely iFOK doesn't like it, either. To each his own.

IMO, Stickmen has the members and the know how to make Yellow work for them.

Going by that, Purple is predominately Hegemony as well.


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There is a reason so many new alliances form on purple; it is very unified, which gives it strength. While we don't march in step on every single issue, we do recognize the benefits of cooperation. It's also one of the friendliest spheres, and trades are pretty decent. Nearly all of purple is in at least our economic bloc. We also rotate senate seats amongst ourselves, sharing the power.

I am not sure how the Initiative got mentioned in Purple Unity efforts. They were long buried before we began to work as a team.

That being said, I agree with whomever suggested pink. I am surprised you don't appear to have considered it; seems like it might be right up your alley.

I like the way you think :wub:

I don't understand why iFOK didn't discuss moving to the epic win that is the aqua sphere.

I think It's been said, but if they want a senate seat, Aqua will be difficult, but they're sorely mistaken if they think purple will be much easier :war:

I hope that, should we move to Purple, the alliances already on Purple will be able to overlook the ignorant ramblings of a spy, and welcome us as friends. We are not interesting in causing conflict.

Indeed I hope this is the case. Please stop by some purple IRC rooms and give us a holler, Try #invicta #cnvalhalla #snafu #thelegion and #baps to name a few

The Purple Team isn't unified? I have been on Purple before and trust me, it is the most unified sphere ever. Though M*A*S*H fought against the Hegemony in the Karma War, they are still friendly to other Purple alliances and vice versa. If you truly want to move to purple, I suggest you at least join P.E.A.C.E. There you can make new friends with other alliances and benefit economically too.


Ain't it tho?

Having been resident on Maroon, Green, Brown, & now Purple, I've got to say, I've found the most prosperity on Purple for the long term. Brown was nearly impossible to get long term trades on. We liked Green, didn't care much for the Bilrow Doctrine, even though we set up before it went into effect.

As for the political 'instability' of Purple, I haven't seen it. Although we've had our differences with various Purple brothers, it NEVER broke out into gunfire.

o/ MASH =) also, please come stop by our IRC sometime mr Flonker =)

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Going by that, Purple is predominately Hegemony as well.


Funny, I thought we were pretty independent. Treaty obligations pulled most of Purple over to the Hegemony side. If there's one thing Purple does understand, it's sticking by your treaties.

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Voting for a sentor, the force that is needed for that must be pretty strong, oh yeah.

I think you'll find that you lack such force.

Leaving one super-fail sphere [lolGGA] to join a mega super-fail sphere? Historically the purple sphere embodies everything wrong with CN.

Someone somewhere in iFOK blew it on this one.

And you base this on what exactly? Please do enlighten me, who was the last successful alliance on pink? I think it was Sparta, and even they left the sphere.

That and purple has always seemed kind of boring to me.

We're just more laid back than your average sphere.

Purple doesn't try to dominate anyone or get one up on others and brag about it. We are a fairly laid back sphere.


I'm interested in the assertion, in the initial post, that Purple doesn't seem that united. In fact, we are very much so. With one exception, our major alliances fought essentially as a unit in the Karma War. Five of our alliances have an arrangement to share the three senate seats, with a regular rotation (which was, admittedly, disrupted this month by a fluke). Invicta and UPN, specifically, are extremely close, and both of us have strong relationships with M*A*S*H, SNAFU, BAPS, etc, etc. I think the idea that someone could just step in and assume a senate seat is simply not the case.

We are pretty interesting, though, I think!


Jor :wub:

When Legion shed their historic reputation as a Purple's GATO, and Purple CDT suddenly tosses off their coats to reveal strength and independence from New Pacific Order and NATO, that'll be the day.

Purple CDT... last I checked... NATO isnt in CDT and UPN and Invicta are both bigger than NATO.

Purple knows what a treaty means, and we stick by them. I assume then, that you wouldn't do the same?

Your actually saying a whole color is "fail" because of one of the alliances on it? That's like me saying your entire alliance must suck simply because your in it.

No, I think he's not the only reason, just one of many ;)

Funny, I thought we were pretty independent. Treaty obligations pulled most of Purple over to the Hegemony side. If there's one thing Purple does understand, it's sticking by your treaties.

I was just making the connection, and oversimplifying for a purpose. But yes, we are independent, and we do honor our treaties.

o/ Purple.

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If the Stickmen want to join purple, I for one can say that SNAFU would love to see the additional trades and the more people the better to hang out with. :D

I do have to ask about this though...

...Second fact, we never been a big fan of color blocks.../quote]

Um...so you're trying to get your whole bloc on one sphere because you hate color blocs? LOL

I'm sure you mean blocs formed because alliances happen to share a color and that's where the relationship begins, but I really thought this was funny in light of the subject.

Hope to see you around the swimming pool at the purple unity potluck scheduled for later this month. :D

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Would that really be that surprising?

You were one of the lucky gov members to see those well acted logs of Maka

pretending to be this woman, right? If so it really isn't a big shocker. Just reading the comments in the OP scream youmaka. He had a distinct way of presenting himself and this Rebecca character just so happens to prsent herself in the same way.

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I think you'll find that you lack such force.

Stickmen has a total of 218 members. That is 436 votes per month, I am pretty sure with that we can take a seat.

Or are you talking about political and military support? Because again, we still have more than you. Not that we would use it first.

Edited by Shovel
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Stickmen has a total of 218 members. That is 436 votes per month, I am pretty sure with that we can take a seat.

Or are you talking about political and military support? Because again, we still have more than you. Not that we would use it first.

He meant votes, there is nothing like using your allies military might to threaten people though ;)

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He meant votes, there is nothing like using your allies military might to threaten people though ;)

And here comes the spin.  He did not threaten to use his allies military might in order to gain a senate seat, but he said that if a purple alliance did use it on them it is not a smart move.  Reading is key.

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Stickmen has a total of 218 members. That is 436 votes per month, I am pretty sure with that we can take a seat.

Or are you talking about political and military support? Because again, we still have more than you. Not that we would use it first.

Well, just taking 5 alliances from Poseidon... Invicta, UPN, BAPS, Legion, and Valhalla... thats 996 members...1992 votes. divide that by 3, and thats 664 votes per senator... 228 more than your total votes. again, this is not taking into account the rest of purple, since there's a hell of alot more to purple than just those 5 alliances.

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And here comes the spin.  He did not threaten to use his allies military might in order to gain a senate seat, but he said that if a purple alliance did use it on them it is not a smart move.  Reading is key.

Sure, saying we could bash you at will but we wont is not meant to threaten or intimate. Its meant to put Purple at ease, yeah?

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Getting a seat by any means necessary on a one of the strongest spheres doesnt work for them.

Getting the seat with the use of force if necessary seems reasonable to you?

I ran into the most interesting shop the other day. Amongst other junk they sold these things they call sarcasm detectors. They actually work quite wonderfully. I suggest you invest in one.

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Sure, saying we could bash you at will but we wont is not meant to threaten or intimate. Its meant to put Purple at ease, yeah?

You ought to start reading. Or maybe you are reading, but you're ignoring what you read because it doesn't fit your agenda? For the last time, what was implied was that if any Purple alliances DID attack us over something as trivial as the senate (and after a nice talk with Purple leaders in IRC, I don't see that as remotely likely), we'd have the support necessary to survive.

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Sure, saying we could bash you at will but we wont is not meant to threaten or intimate. Its meant to put Purple at ease, yeah?

I'd say it's more of a word of caution based on the reactions of certain members of certain purple alliances. Let's also remember something very important: iFOK is not a purple alliance and they are not currently running a purple senator. These are all hypotheticals.

Also, saying that they will not be the ones to initiate it should put you guys at east so that you don't have to deal with FOK and their allies should that happen.

Edited by Poobah
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