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o/ Farewell CN o\


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Hrm, you'd better come back one day...

Don't listen to too much Wir Sind Helden :x

If you get a chance to visit Austria, stop by the hotel Sacher and get a slice of Sacher torte. You can reroll and thank me later.

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Hrm, you'd better come back one day...

Don't listen to too much Wir Sind Helden :x

If you get a chance to visit Austria, stop by the hotel Sacher and get a slice of Sacher torte. You can reroll and thank me later.

hehhe, he can combine this with his visit in dresden, wien is just 600 km away :)

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Yo Ender, thanks for the shoutout.

I was looking forward to butting heads with you and others more often in the future, but I guess that may not be a possibility now if you all keep leaving. But a word of advice for you;

If you are leaving because you can't take the political crap (and I was ran out of this game over it), give it a few weeks, months, even a year. But you'll miss the community, and the folks who you considered friends will probably remember you.

So when you come back, it'll feel as if you never left.

And I'll be waiting to mess you up, and make up for lost time. With interest.

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Goodbye my friend, I'll miss all the conversations we had and other shenanigans we got into together. It's strange and ironic that we always spoke about leaving together, but here I am and there you go. Alas, I'll be in your position sooner rather then later at my present rate.

Take Care Alden.


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Ender, here's a log dump from a few moments ago (before I read this post) that is meant to show how I feel about you:

<Vesalius[Kronos]> What led you here then?

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> Ender

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I sold him donations for a long time

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> He asked me if I was interested when he was in the early stages of planning the alliance with the other founders

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I said hell yes

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I've respected him for a long time across several of my nations

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I remember him in IRON

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> Not many I respect more, most are Gremlins too

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> 'Rat first and foremost

<Vesalius[Kronos]> It's really a shame he's leaving, even the little bit I dealt with him he was an amazing guy.

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I suspect he'll be around for a bit

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> he may not, but he's in peace mode for a reason

<LazarusLong[Kronos]> I doubt deletion is his plan

Ender, if you are leaving good luck and I'll miss you. You've been a good friend and mentor.

If you're staying, get your sorry $@! back to Kronos, we have something special happening and I want you to be part of it.

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I agree with Laz.

You're one of the two people that led to me to where I am, and in this short month you've inspired me to become a part of this game and community. May your life treat you well.

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I like the latest update to spies a lot - I have done 36 spy ops in the past week!

But in all seriousness, spies still are basically a money waste. I did get a destroy infra op off the first day though when I couldn't figure out what second spy op to do against CT :v:


That's only about 1/3 of my offensive ops lol. I have a sampling of warchest information from all huge variety of alliances!

Not from meee :awesome:

though not from a lack of trying

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of all the members who have come and gone in Nueva Vida... your leaving was one of the most regrettable, I felt you had much left there to do, where as it felt like teh right time for others to move on. I missed you then, and will miss you now. Stick around?

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it's been nice knowing ya (I remember the days while you were a member of both TOOL (correct me if I'm wrong) and later NV (though at first I though of you as lazy b/c you were NV's diplomat for a while and just copied my embassy title at their old forums (good times :P)

take care w/ RL and good luck

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