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Announcement From The Echelon

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Wow... this is just despicable. Twenty six people paying 34k tech what is wrong with you people? That is nearly all of their tech. Echelon didn't start the war they honored a treaty and now you all are getting fat on free tech while they basically lose everything. Pathetic.

This. Absolutely pathetic show, GOD, MA, etc.

Edited by rabonnobar
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Echelon were the worst sort of sneering little toadies with pants way too big for themselves. They didn't get harsh terms for "just honoring a treaty" they got harsh terms because they've been the world's biggest smallest instigators for over a year. Now the chickens are come to roost.

The most hilarious thing is if they had even the slightest bit of backbone and stuck with Polar in their time of need, they'd be happy and fat now. But they were coward bullies and picked a new big brother that turned out not to be big enough.

The terms suck, but Echelon took them.

edit: And shut up about neverending war. If NPO wants the war to end they know where the door out is.

Do not tell me to shut up thank you very much. I have as much right to speak out and state my opinion on any topic on this forum as you do, or anyone else for that matter. If you don't like what I have to say, tough. I will not go into details of my statement in this thread. Have already done that in one of the 50 NPO related discussions.

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Do not tell me to shut up thank you very much. I have as much right to speak out and state my opinion on any topic on this forum as you do, or anyone else for that matter. If you don't like what I have to say, tough. I will not go into details of my statement in this thread. Have already done that in one of the 50 NPO related discussions.

I too agree that I should be able to bring up whatever off-topic lies I want, and not have to be all hassled about it. People are so unfair here!

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Wow... this is just despicable. Twenty six people paying 34k tech what is wrong with you people? That is nearly all of their tech. Echelon didn't start the war they honored a treaty and now you all are getting fat on free tech while they basically lose everything. Pathetic.

Couldn't agree more. Disgusting. How much lower can you people go?

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It seems to me a lot of people in this thread are the kind of people who display outrage when the police breaks into their house, burn it down, hurt their family, destroy their homes and lock them away without a trial.

My contempt for blind people is profound.

Yes, this is a totally apt analogy. These people went looking for Echelon and their allies completely without provocation. Echelon did nothing immediate or longterm in any way at all to get itself involved in this war!

If anything, these alliances should be helping Echelon rebuild, AMIRITE?

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I too agree that I should be able to bring up whatever off-topic lies I want, and not have to be all hassled about it. People are so unfair here!

Save the venom for someone who cares. I already know you despise anyone with NPO in their AA. It doesn't bother me. It isn't a lie, but as you're a hater, I don't expect you to believe that.

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Yes, this is a totally apt analogy. These people went looking for Echelon and their allies completely without provocation. Echelon did nothing immediate or longterm in any way at all to get itself involved in this war!

If anything, these alliances should be helping Echelon rebuild, AMIRITE?

No of course not! These people went looking for Echelon for the purpose of their complete destruction, while calling those who defend them selves "people who complain when the police get rough with a suspect so that they can get the cuffs on him" (If I may quote yourself sir).

If anything, we should elect these alliances to become the CN World Police, AMIRITE?

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edit: And shut up about neverending war. If NPO wants the war to end they know where the door out is.

Why is your side trying to put this on them? Step up take responsability. You can't offer a person two horrible choices and blame them when they choose.

If anything, we should elect these alliances to become the CN World Police, AMIRITE?

Elect... that train left a long time ago. They have already appointed themselves.

Edited by iamthey
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Save the venom for someone who cares. I already know you despise anyone with NPO in their AA. It doesn't bother me. It isn't a lie, but as you're a hater, I don't expect you to believe that.

Eternal war? I saw the terms, I saw the Thread of Great Tears, and those terms were definitely finite. That you've chosen not to accept them doesn't mean they get to magically transform into terms that ensure eternal war. When you choose not to pay your mortgage, do you rail against the bank for making you homeless?

My alleged hater status has nothing to do with your lie. But hey, maybe if you say it enough "you hate the NPO, so there's no way you can be right about whether or not I'm lying" will make some kind of sense.

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Not really. And you seem like a pretty big whiner.

You seem quick to use labels in place of actual argument. A fine example of exactly how pathetic these forums are these days.

Congrats on peace Echelon. Despite the minor crying in this thread, these terms will be easy to handle.

I think that there are good cause to criticise these terms, as they seem designed to significantly impair (at the very least) an alliance that has actually shown honour in this conflict.

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The false offense and soap box nature of this thread disgusts me. Echelon committed more than its fair share of crimes over the course of its history and is well deserving of strong terms.

That said, daaaaaamn.

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You seem quick to use labels in place of actual argument. A fine example of exactly how pathetic these forums are these days.

I think that there are good cause to criticise these terms, as they seem designed to significantly impair (at the very least) an alliance that has actually shown honour in this conflict.

Madam, I'm offended that you feel it's appropriate to judge my character based on such a small sampling of my posts. This is, sadly, indicative of the low state into which these forums have recently fallen.

Excluding Caffine1 is a stupid term and should never have made it out of the first draft, but the rest of it seems fine (not sure about who started the war, so I have no place to comment there). I know that people are moaning and gnashing about how evil all these alliances are, and how they're Just Like the Hegemony (irony) they claim to be fighting, but this is nothing like any number of unmerited gang-bangs meted out by 1V/Q/etc. We'll have to see how the new "powers" do in the future before we can start saying things like "See! See! They're just as bad!"

Seriously though, whiners.

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I expected better from you Karma Hegemony...

I mean, I realize you are the same people issuing rediculous terms just like in the big war last summer, but I thought at least you were sticking to your propaganda as well as you did last time.

Yes those horrible, horrible terms GOD gave out last summer. Just like the ones we gave GDA.

Just keep on posting GOD, I'm really enjoying seeing the real you.

I'll give someone a donation if they take the time to find posts from GOD's government complaining about harsh terms in the past. I want at least a handful displaying the opinion of GOD's current governments and more vocal members. I know someone out there can do it, and I eagerly await being able to throw their past tears right in their self-righteous faces.

Might makes right!

Please. Someone, be my guest. If we've ever complained about terms equally or less harsh than we're offering, I welcome anyone to call us out on it, and myself especially. Uhm, I would like to take objection to including our "more vocal members" though, since their opinion is rarely reflective of alliance policy and most of the gov doesn't even like them. Especially, Aurion. Hate that guy.

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