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An Imperial Milestone

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Congratulations Chim on bothering 99 people ceaselessly until they joined IAA recruiting 99 more people to IAA.

Im very happy to see the IAA is doing so well. I shall continue to gloat over the fact my alliances Avg NS is twice yours!!


<3 Chim and IAA

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Yes, all of those members we recruited, and all the hard work we put into IAA is ill-gotten.

Honestly mandy, give it up.

You're playing right into my hands with your posts, mister mathias. Lighten up a bit. ;)

Perhaps ill-gotten gains are not the sort you should be speaking of at this point in time. ;)

Quite right. Quite right.

Edited by Mamaev II
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Today, July 2nd of the year 2009, the Imperial Assault Alliance hits 100 members for the first time since our reformation not two months ago. We even have pictures to prove it!


Onwards to 200, my Empire!

.......and all it took was you ruthlessly gutting The Galactic Republic. Not that I necessarily find anything wrong with ruthless tactics, just don't attempt to pass judgement on ours.

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.......and all it took was you ruthlessly gutting The Galactic Republic. Not that I necessarily find anything wrong with ruthless tactics, just don't attempt to pass judgement on ours.

I don't know the full story, so I'm not going to call you a liar or anything of the sort, but I do know that many of the members from TGR were former members/friends of the Empire. And I'm sure you know how it goes, some friends chatting, one thing leads to another, and BAM babytime another member joins IAA ^_^

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I don't know the full story, so I'm not going to call you a liar or anything of the sort, but I do know that many of the members from TGR were former members/friends of the Empire. And I'm sure you know how it goes, some friends chatting, one thing leads to another, and BAM babytime another member joins IAA ^_^

I'm sure Mr. James Wilson would be pleased to inform you that recruiting aligned nations is despicable.

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No...just about everyone who knew Chim could tell he was going to reform the IAA. The fact that he joined an alliance with a large amount of ex-Imperials who decided to follow him to the IAA is not his fault. He did not make them leave.

Edit: sp

Edited by James Wilson
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Unless I am greatly mistaken, Chimaera talked to people he personally knew about the reformation of IAA. In my opinion, asking old friends to help form their old alliance =/= telling random nations that their alliance is a lie and that they should join you.

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While I do hate quoting myself I think this is pertinent:

The reason TGR was gutted when IAA returned was because the members that left were all former members of IAA that followed Chim to TGR waiting for IAA to reform. Those members that left would have left whether Chim asked them to or not once he reformed IAA. I was a bit sore over their initial reasoning for leaving (that TGR wasnt entering the war) but I saw IAA's reformation and the mass exodus as inevitable. TGR played with fire basing its growth almost entirely on former IAA members, in the end we got burned.

There was nothing TGR could have done to prevent it from happening apart from installing Chim as our emperor and changing the name to IAA, which would have been just silly.

So really the IAA was no more an example of poaching than Ivan forming the NSO AA and having people from across the cyberverse flock to it. (So neither example is poaching, just to be clear ;))

Its also silly that this came up here.

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While I do hate quoting myself I think this is pertinent:

Thank you ^_^.

Also, I haven't done this yet:

Hail the Empire!

Edit: of course...i haven't even had a drink yet and I'm already misspelling simple words.

Edit 2: this is going to be a rough day...

Edited by James Wilson
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