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Daaaaammmmnnnn. Well, though I approve of Carter's sentiments (nothing wrong with looking out for a friend), I can't say I like his attitude. Sad to see things escalate to this level, but I suppose you did what you had to do. Good luck to FIRE in the future. o7

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Just when I thought this situation could not possibly get any dumber, well, you know the saying regarding expectations and disappointment.

It amazes me that a stupid petty dispute over the way three letters are arranged has created this amount of consternation.

CN: Elevating the Ridiculous to the Idiotic.

I will admit that it is entertaining, kind of in that 'wow, did you see that guy try to jump a bike over the Grand Canyon' sort of way. Misguided, messy, and with catastrophic consequences.

I'd say good luck, but the fact that everyone involved in this mess hasn't forgotten to breathe as of yet shows an incredible lucky streak.


Edited by VIdiot the Great
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Well, chalk up another one. The Entire Government asked Carter to step down and he refused. So, he thought by owning forums and IRC he could do this kind of thing. I hope he likes FIRE because if he survives the mod process he may feel the burn for all of this threats.

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Session Start: Sun Apr 26 16:39:43 2009

Session Ident: Carter

01[16:39] <TheAUT> Hey you want my honest opinion about you?

01[16:39] <TheAUT> Do you care for it?

[16:40] <Carter> uh

[16:40] <Carter> sure...

01[16:40] <TheAUT> I think you're a lazy leader who plays to the crowd and relies on mergers and others to do your bidding.

01[16:40] <TheAUT> Alright, thanks for your time.

[16:40] <Carter> LOL.

[16:40] <Carter> mmmmk

[16:40] <Carter> You're an idiot.

[16:41] <Carter> You don't know me at all.

[16:41] <Carter> Don't pretend like you do, how the $%&@ do you call me a lazy leader? Are you masked on my forums to see what I do? Are you masked to see anything about my leadership skills?

[16:41] <Carter> Get the $%&@ off my screen kid

I knew Carter would let down FIRE. I've never known why TimLee, the polar opposite of Carter, would take up the same banner as he has and help co-lead. Listen, Carter, if you even care, it takes courage to lead an alliance but it also takes courage to listen to others as well. I know my alliance failed but I made sure I served my alliance and my alliance didn't serve me all the time and was at least able to give it a dignified death. To this day my former members still contact me and I help them out. Your drive for greed and ambition was your downfall. You didnt' care Carter, you just didn't care.

With that said I've dealt with Nintenderek when he was in SOAP. Good with FA and ah, doesn't afraid of anything.

Good luck to FIRE moving forward. I know whether Inci, Nintenderek, or TimLee lead it, thing's will be much better.

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Well, I don't know about the rest of that but there was one name on that gov list link that was pretty interesting to see on there. What was the date for when that was made?

About two weeks ago. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Carter also owned the FIRE IRC, so I won't be there, however I do hang out in my personal channel #Nintenderek a lot.

So, how many Members of FIRE actually followed you? Was it you and a few others couping Carter, or was it a large majority of the Membership who wanted to see Carter gone?

And what happened to TimLee?

So far, every member of FIRE who has read their message they received last night has headed over to the new temporary forums. Every member of the government had asked Carter to step down yesterday at some point through out the day, even though they weren't all working together in this approach and didn't realize until late last night (when this coup took place) that they all agreed on this matter. So, I think we'll be getting most, if not all of FIRE's membership.

Edited by Nintenderek
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*nods in approvement*

so what will happen to your protectorate treaty?

As I stated, although the government was not informed of the treaty and did not approve, FIRE did say we would protect BTA, so we are going to protect them. I think it's pretty clear that I am not one to break a promise.

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Nintenderek, though I wish you well in your new role in FIRE, I wished that you would admit that you used Moderation as a weapon to get rid of Carter. Because that is what you did. You basically requested that he be assassinated. If nobody believes me, here is the link: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62022

That is common knowledge. However it is also a warnable offense to discuss moderation actions on this forum, as seen on page 2: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1653668

Edited by Kiss Goodbye
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As I stated, although the government was not informed of the treaty and did not approve, FIRE did say we would protect BTA, so we are going to protect them. I think it's pretty clear that I am not one to break a promise.

Ah, I just didn't understand everything. not to mention those IRC logs, boy oh boy that was long!

But anyways, best of luck (again) and no I don't think you would break a promise.

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An ex-vox member who is willing to blame everyone else but himself for what goes down? NEVER!

I am a firm believer in giving people second chances. He did what he thought best at the time. Plus, he also blames himself very often. I'm sure you haven't ever really talked with him, and once again, as I stated earlier, I've got his back. So don't mess with him, unless you want me after you.

The Cult of Justitia remains a small alliance committed to as little entanglement in inter-alliance affairs as possible; however, FIRE's involvements with the Cult warrants a response.

Those nations who retain their membership with this reinvigorated FIRE have the best wishes of the Cult as they move forward without the buffoon Carter. Carter has from day one made it his business to antagonize and/or patronize every alliance on the Red sphere. When not dedicated to insulting Justitia, he has put himself hard to attempting a merge with the Cult, except when he's changed his mind again.

Nintenderek's integrity has hamstrung him on more than one occassion, but it is that integrity that positions him beyond reproach in this matter. The Cult wishes him well in this endeavour.

The color thing... schatt... That's MY thing. Thank you.


I started it.

also hi.

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I agree with SpoiL. This is a disgusting show of insubordination. Nintenderek and the rest of the "leaders" of FIRE are cowards.

My condolences, Carter.


You're complaining about folks overthrowing their incompetent leaders to take their place, and you're doing so as a Sith, of all things?

Please just stop.

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