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Announcement from the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

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Announcement from the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Second week in June means elections for us, so please welcome our Fourteenth High Council. Please feel free to bug any of us if you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat.

  • Dr. Fresh, Chancellor
  • Gopherbashi, Chancellor
  • KingEd, Chancellor
  • Sandbender, Minister of Defense
  • Mr Damsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Bobo the Monkey, Minister of the Interior
  • Bryn1030, Minister of Finance
  • NeuralLink, High Council
  • TIinPA, High Council

In addition, we expect to be conducting an embassy audit within the coming week, so consider this your pre-warning. All diplomats are welcome.

Please feel free to visit us at #MCXA on Coldfront, or at our forums at www.mcxa-cross.com.

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Apparently ALL diplomats are NOT welcome.

I tried to make peace with MCXA, but apparently Dr.Fresh decided he couldn't let that happen.

Gopherbashi is still a good guy, and I wish him the best.

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Damsky is an interesting choice as MoFA. He's highly active and will get experience quickly, and will probably serve the alliance well in many respects. But might I ask how you think putting him in this position will affect relations with Karma? Considering that he has been ZIed by VE, etc etc?

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well what can you say to this... good luck I guess.

Hello max, how's it going. And Thx ^^

By all means, an excellent choice :v:

As he was Elected by the GA I believe he's the best fit candidate for the job.

Damsky is an interesting choice as MoFA. He's highly active and will get experience quickly, and will probably serve the alliance well in many respects. But might I ask how you think putting him in this position will affect relations with Karma? Considering that he has been ZIed by VE, etc etc?

Well I lost 5000 Infra at the hands of Karma and yourself -.- and you don't hear me affecting our relations with "Karma". And to be honest theirs no such thing as a "Karma" alliance, just treaties that dragged alliances in and the name Karma seemed to fit the war profile. I have full confidence that MrDamsky will serve as a great MoFA, and he wont let any personal agendas interfere with his governmental duties to the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance like you did, but that's another story. Like you said he's very active and that will serve us great use, and I reiterate that I have full confidence he will do a great job.

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Well I lost 5000 Infra at the hands of Karma and yourself -.- and you don't hear me affecting our relations with "Karma".

Yes, that is correct, but a) We didn't attack you and B) We weren't fighting with you out of a personal grudge with you.

And to be honest theirs no such thing as a "Karma" alliance,

Karma is not an alliance, I never said that. What I meant was that there is a coalition known as Karma, and those alliances that choose to identify as part of that bloc can be considered Karma alliances.

I have full confidence that MrDamsky will serve as a great MoFA, and he wont let any personal agendas interfere with his governmental duties to the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance like you did, but that's another story.

I am disappointed you are turning this into an opportunity to troll me, as I asked what I considered to be a perfectly reasonable question, and wasn't aggressive about it. I never implied that Damsky would let that get in the way of things, rather wondered about how his history would affect his position as MoFA and his relationship with other alliances, and whether this is indicative of the pathway MCXA intends to follow in future.

Rather than get drawn into an argument with you about my past, I will simply counter with your own statement:

As he was Elected by the GA I believe he's the best fit candidate for the job.

I was elected by the GA. Three times, in fact. Therefore, I was the best person for the job. At least, according to your own argument.

But I will cease to post in this thread. I don't much see the point.

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Well I lost 5000 Infra at the hands of Karma and yourself -.- and you don't hear me affecting our relations with "Karma". And to be honest theirs no such thing as a "Karma" alliance, just treaties that dragged alliances in and the name Karma seemed to fit the war profile. I have full confidence that MrDamsky will serve as a great MoFA, and he wont let any personal agendas interfere with his governmental duties to the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance like you did, but that's another story. Like you said he's very active and that will serve us great use, and I reiterate that I have full confidence he will do a great job.

I'm always fascinated how some people can write a really good post, and then completely undercut themselves just for the sake of getting a backhanded comment in there.

Seriously, I thought you had a great rebuttal and found myself agreeing with you until that little bit.

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