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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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i honestly dont see why this was needed. The part about the doctrine is understandable. Even though everyone has disregarded it i guess its ok to make it official. THe part about the reps...we already knew this...so why tell us again. this story is getting old

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You mean enemies like Ragnorok that imposed a viceroy with Illuminati before NPO went to war with GATO? Or when they went to war against them again 2 months later and destroyed what was left of the alliance? Or their war against the New Eclipse Order that ran for a month until the alliance was defunct? Or when they imposed PZI on two members of Bushido?

Or Veridian Entente in the Roman-Inertia War when they went to war against an alliance of 29 people, resulting in the destruction of the alliance? The VE that took tech reps from MK in the War of the Coalition?

I do not contest that fair reps can be huge, but demanding the very nations who would be required to pay come out of peace mode to be pummelled for two weeks before hand only serves to be overly draconian.

But hey its ok when they do it.

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Ok then Mr. D34TH, What do you propose we do? Are we supposed to say, "oh hey you guys are bad, please stop it but we arent gonna stop you because we want to be nice and we want to make everyone happy! :D :D :D" Just to watch NPO keep doing what they did, killing alliances, shoving their will on others, stopping people from playing the game? Is that what you want? A criminal to be loose on the streets just so we can be "nice"?

I don't think that there are just white peace or harshest terms of the history options.

Because to let them continue killing unopposed is entirely irresponsible.

Because killing is just the unic easy way to stop it. :rolleyes:

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oh hey nice sig. Brothers till the end eh? Well sorry to say but that "end" is right around the corner. Id say another week or 2 till NPO reaches its end. You guys dont have the coordination, strength, willingness, and closeness of FAN to stick it out. You will come back begging for peace. Just wait.....

*just outright laughs at this comment*

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He can't. You are not a sanctioned target.

Then he should stop writing cheques his butt can't cash.

Also, my status as a 'sanctioned target' has never been cleared up. Is this an official statement that 'kingzog of Ottawa Empire' has been removed from the New Pacific Order's PZI/EZI list for the crime of trampling all over the Moldavi Doctrine before it became fashionable to do so?

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Wow, what a sad OP.


OP - We can't uphold the Moldavi Doctrine since we lost our power base. IT is rescinded.

OP - We are peaceful likable fellows, please FIRE share RED with us in our Economic treaty. See how much we changed :)

OP - Karma war *scrunchy face* BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Reps are unfair and we don't like them. We are the NPO we want to dictate the peace negotiations BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Follow up Posts:

NPO & Co: BAWWWW .... Hypocrisy!!! .... Impossible Reps!!! .... *Ignore stumpy's post about TDMS8* .......... BAWWWWW .... *various accounts of math, multiple nukes per day, and other fallacies*

Karma & Co: EAT IT! .... Bit off more than you can chew .... Quit BAWWWWING!!! .... *Reiteration of Stumpy's TDMS8 post* .... *Logical explanations of simple mathematics and game mechanics* .... *multitudes of facepalming and hitting the head against the wall*

Non Combatants: OMG WTF BBQ!! Reps are outlandish! .... What is this new Karma world!!! OMG WTF BBQ!!! ... Stop BAWWWWING NPO! ... *some good discussion buried in there somewhere*

In all seriousness ... the NPO started this war and when the crap hit the fan, they couldn't handle what happened and their allies bailed. Let's not forget the original reason this whole Karma war started was an AGGRESSIVE action by the NPO on OV. You picked a fight and now the big brothers came back into town and beat your butt. Instead of hiding in Mommies house, come out and fight, get your licks, and then keep on truckin!

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I do. We are being attacked now, not for our attack on OV, but rather on our previous transgressions on Planet Bob (see the previous 70 some odd pages for reference). These ex-NPOers were a part of these transgressions. I believe they are accountable for supporting the NPO while they were here. Just my personal opinion.

Those who are ex-NPO repented, and left.

Since you din't leave, that indicates that you supported the policies and practices of your government that got you into this situation. (you also could have become a PoW during the war)

You pay the price for that support.

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Then he should stop writing cheques his butt can't cash.

Also, my status as a 'sanctioned target' has never been cleared up. Is this an official statement that 'kingzog of Ottawa Empire' has been removed from the New Pacific Order's PZI/EZI list for the crime of trampling all over the Moldavi Doctrine before it became fashionable to do so?

Read OP of this thread it clearly states that we removed that list. Try again sir.

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Someone with no control whatsoever over the actions of an alliance deserves none of the blame.

That is not exactly how CN works. You know as well as I do that members of an alliance are held accountable for the transgressions of their alliance. That is why they are attacked when they carry the AA of that particular alliance who is being attacked and continued to be attacked if they leave that AA while the war is still going on.

The fact at some point in history your AA was "New Pacific Order" is enough to condemn you.

Does this argument seem plausible to you?

I see your point here and you are right. All I was trying to get at is that it is hypocritical for former members of our alliance to now attack us for past "transgressions" they not only accepted but participated in.

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I find it funny that karma is for the most part doing this for past aggressions such as the GATO war, and yet NpO, STA, & MHA were all doing the same as NPO. and you cant expect them to pay those terms without any money unless you give them like 6 months(at least) to pay it off, and TOP was also in the initiative and im sure other karma members were with them on various wars.

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Can someone try and explain the "It would be impossible logistically for the NPO to get 90% of it's nations into war mode" canard? Is there any alliance in Cybernations other than NPO and TPF that have less than 90% of it's nations in war mode?

LoA's as well as casual CN players would turn the "2 weeks" into what would be most likely 4+ rounds of war. There are quite a few people who temporarily go into peace mode while on vacation, during business trips for work, during finals, while moving, etc. Even w/ mass PMs/communication, we'd be losing some of the only source to pay reparations with in the destruction during those 2+ weeks. Tons of NPO nations are bill locked atm, and our bank nations are a necessity to paying these reparations. You take away some of our banks and the reparations become 'impossible' or only achievable in an absolutely huge amount of time.

It's one thing to pay these reparations straight up, but following an essentially undefined war period, things would be exponentially worse.

And idk why Schattenmann likes to preach it, but we don't have some magical stash of nations hiding amongst the Red team.

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Can someone who has spied on them recently fill me in on what NPO's warchests look like anyways?

I recall at least 15 or so at 1b+, but I haven't checked the consolidated intel thread in a while since I realized that NPO was never ever coming out.

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I find it funny that karma is for the most part doing this for past aggressions such as the GATO war, and yet NpO, STA, & MHA were all doing the same as NPO. and you cant expect them to pay those terms without any money unless you give them like 6 months(at least) to pay it off, and TOP was also in the initiative and im sure other karma members were with them on various wars.

They were. Sparta was a part of the Continuum.

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Yeah but what would you do if you caught someone spying on your alliance?

(I'm no NPO supporter hence why I am in DT but I think people should look at both sides of the story?)

I'm not sure, but it probably wouldn't end with "And then declare war on whoever he decided to give the intel to in the middle of peace talks with them."

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Can someone try and explain the "It would be impossible logistically for the NPO to get 90% of it's nations into war mode" canard? Is there any alliance in Cybernations other than NPO and TPF that have less than 90% of it's nations in war mode?

The Viridian Entente has less than 90% of its nations in war mode, and Ragnarok is just above 90%.

The VE also has less than 90% of its nations over 4K infra in war mode.

Edited by Haflinger
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You guys had to know the type of terms that were coming your way. The sad part is that I think you give Pacifica's members almost no credit nor trust for what their ability level is. Look a Polaris: We were given the harshest terms in history, massive reps, could not receive aid from outside the Coalition, no aid from the Top 40 Nations internally, and massive political isolation. There were those that bore a grudge for things done long ago, just like Pacifica is today being attacked for unhealed wounds, not to mention the bad faith attack on OV.

But that is just it. Had Pacifica acted in good faith throughout the early negotiations, and not drench their fists in the honey of arrogance, Pacifica might NOT be getting the harsh terms they are getting now. Moo, even though you admit publicly that threatening GATO with Parma-ZI if they did not leave Peace Mode was a mistake, it was still done. You really cannot put the horse back into the barn after the horse escaped.

What really makes me sad is that you no faith in your people. You were the most powerful Alliance on Bob. Surely you did not do that by osmosis. You did it by the collective efforts of your people. What this is saying is that you and the IOs are acting like the Kuwaiti Royal Family: The people WANT to aid the Alliance. The people LOVE their Emperor. The People TRUST their Emperor. The problem is that the faith, love and trust does not seem to be reciprocated by the IOs nor the Emperor. That is what hurts the most.

The terms are harsh, yes. That is without question. Are they doable? over a long period of time they can be. But, this can only happen when the IOs and the Emperor start having faith in their people.

When Polaris was brought to her knees, Almighty Grub had faith in her people. Look where Polaris is today.

Today, Pacifica is being brought to her knees. Moo, will you have faith in her people?

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Read OP of this thread it clearly states that we removed that list. Try again sir.

Read my posts about my numerous efforts to get his matter cleared up since March.

Also, damn us both for being too disciplined to attack without orders (you) or an actual state of war (me). ;)

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Sparta was with us on previous wars...

Other alliances have members that caused previous wars from the NPO and NPO leadership.

There's lots of hypocrisy going on, but everyone's just worried about the $$ and keeping a well organized alliance from coming back up the charts.

It's all about who is #1. The fundamental truth.

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