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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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its alot harder to get 10out of 18 different alliances (i have no idea what number of alliances need to agree to the terms for them to be passed) then i think people realize, as for the people BAWing about NPO'ers getting attacked while waiting for the 90% term to be reached, what do you think will be happening to those KARMA attackers?

i expect alot more [Glowing] nicks on the channels.

either way im sure the rebuilding on both sides of this war will take up a large portion of our time, which is something everyone lost.

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I'm a little confused, did you reject the terms?

If so, I am very disappointed you chose to keep your alliance in a war that could possibly never end because you have rejected the terms given to you.

If not, rewrite the OP in a less confusing way!

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Are the preterms included in the offer Karma presented to NPO? This is not clear.

The preterms were effectively canceled with the surrender terms presented to the NPO. The reason they are not mentioned in the surrender terms is because of this.

Edited by Hawkenstein
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You're just trying to distract us from noticing Kristospherein accusing ex-Pacificans of hypocrisy aren't you :P

Seriously though who brought up killing alliances <_<

So you're basically saying that if I had left the NPO, say, a week before this war, I would have the right to claim innocence but not so if I remained a part of the alliance up until the start of the war? Once you are part of something, it remains with you. These ex-NPOers were once a part of the NPO "war machine" and accepted it's "atrocities" then. Coming back and spitting at the alliance now for these same atrocities they stood by and accepted is hypocritical.

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We acknowledge that we have been defeated in this war. We have been humbled and we have been forced to look at ourselves in a different light.

If you truly had been humbled, you would not have posted this this. This is merely another bald-faced attempt at public opinion manipulation in order to get your alliance off the hook of its well-deserved punishment. As it's pretty transparent what you're trying to do, you're really not doing yourself or the Body Republic, in whose interest you claim to be acting, any service.

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So you're basically saying that if I had left the NPO, say, a week before this war, I would have the right to claim innocence but not so if I remained a part of the alliance up until the start of the war? Once you are part of something, it remains with you. These ex-NPOers were once a part of the NPO "war machine" and accepted it's "atrocities" then. Coming back and spitting at the alliance now for these same atrocities they stood by and accepted is hypocritical.

Please, reply to my post on the same subject.

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No, most people have proven that they aren't, and the "examples" that you guys are using, Magnum and sandwich controversy, left at least a year ago, if not a lot more. They have shown that they aren't supporters of you in any way shape or form.

Ok, two points, sandwich controversy was never a member. Applied in Jan 08 but was denied for problems which due to the nature will remain private. Also regarding Magnum, he hasn't been a member in almost two yrs and the reason he is no longer a member he can tell you if he wants to share. I would rather keep the past in the past.

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Congratulation to Karma for the generous peace terms.

Congratulations to the NPO for getting them.

I think that they are fair.

We all know that the NPO has the talent and the skill to carry this burden, if they just want to.

\o/ peace

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So you're basically saying that if I had left the NPO, say, a week before this war, I would have the right to claim innocence but not so if I remained a part of the alliance up until the start of the war? Once you are part of something, it remains with you. These ex-NPOers were once a part of the NPO "war machine" and accepted it's "atrocities" then. Coming back and spitting at the alliance now for these same atrocities they stood by and accepted is hypocritical.

I think they're leaving is a sign that they in fact did not accept the atrocities of the NPO war machine.

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Similarly, asking that 90% of our entire alliance be in war mode is similarly logistically impossible, particularly this time of year

We all understand how difficult it is to get people to edit a nation "this time of year".

I suggest continuing to take a beat down till autumn or winter, see if the time of year is more suitable by then. Maybe in the winter the logistical nightmare of visiting the edit page will be a shade simpler.

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So you're basically saying that if I had left the NPO, say, a week before this war, I would have the right to claim innocence but not so if I remained a part of the alliance up until the start of the war? Once you are part of something, it remains with you. These ex-NPOers were once a part of the NPO "war machine" and accepted it's "atrocities" then. Coming back and spitting at the alliance now for these same atrocities they stood by and accepted is hypocritical.

No, I'm saying

All kidding aside, I am tired of this misuse of the word "hypocrisy". Hypocrisy is when you claim to hold characteristics and values that you actually do not or actively contradict. This is not true. I am not the same person now that I was two and a half years ago. I have grown through experience and, of course, time. Likewise, the NPO of that time was not as it is now. We did not force alliances to disband, we did not seek to permanently destroy nations, we did not pursue eternal wars.

The present is not the past. Stop acting as if it is.

Which you appeared to have conveniently ignored.

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We all understand how difficult it is to get people to edit a nation "this time of year".

I suggest continuing to take a beat down till autumn or winter, see if the time of year is more suitable by then. Maybe in the winter the logistical nightmare of visiting the edit page will be a shade simpler.

Its more than that, they need to be active to defend themselves.

OOC: Also as in college myself right now I can say this, being on here even for update is an hour one could be doing some work for classes.

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No. A real man would surrender to superior force and pay the reps he has so willingly earned over the past 2 years.

Question, you were a part of the NPO for the part of the last two yrs if by only a few months at this stage. Does that mean you will be helping us with reps? Also if you try and pin all the evils of the world on us, how is this any different from EZI?

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Wow, big numbers right there. I would advise that the NPO take them, though, as this war will only get worse for you. Good work on removing Moldavi Doctrine and changing the Revenge. This is more than good news.

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