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Statement of Clarification

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Last night some NSO members and government and I got into, shall we say, rather heated debate over the GGA thread I started. Some of them were more aggressive in their attacks against me than others, and I do not apologize or regret defending myself against these individuals. What I would like to rescind, and where I crossed the line, is when I carried my characterizations over to their entire alliance. I have spoken with NSO government and been assured that, despite appearances to the contrary, NSO as an alliance has no problem with or design against Athens or me. I therefore apologize for what I have been assured is a highly inaccurate characterization of the NSO alliance as 'NPO 2.0', as well as for any other statements which I have made against the alliance itself. It is stupid for conflict or animosity to grow where there is no genuine malice between two alliances.

I would also like to thank Sileath of the NSO for his spirited and energetic quest for the truth of what happened in those threads, especially considering that the whole situation turned into a 'no u' contest where multiple parties had motivation to lie and it is still not possible to discern exactly what happened on all points. (Though I am pleased about the outcome for GGA, and have hope that they will regain respect and stability in the future).


Edited by Londo Mollari
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Apology accepted for what you said about my alliance.

But your ignorance of myself personally knows no bounds.

Just as the individual is not representative of the alliance, I'd like to also clarify I have no ill will towards Athens, whatever my opinion may be of individual members I may get into an arguments with.

Stay classy, Athens, don't let the GGA throw the wool over your eyes. Hiding in people's shadows is their MO.

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I've read the remarks and I've taken note of the apology. Similar to Chron I would like to assure Athens that I have nothing against them, and neither does the rest of the NSO by my knowledge.

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