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May 25th Reflections


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Today is a special day for Viridians. Two years ago today, the Viridian Sun set, with many of us not sure if it would rise again. Some of us made new alliances to keep the Viridian community together, like the Directorate. Some of us waited around in former allies hoping for a new sunrise, like myself. Some of us returned after leaving the game to ensure a rebirth, like Egore. For many former Viridians though it was time to move on, either to other alliances or to real life itself. This day, we remember the darkest hour of the VE. This day, we promise to stand together, to never experience this tragedy again. This day, we make a solemn vow to put the alliance ahead of ourselves. This day, as with all days, I am proud to call myself a Viridian. May the Sun never set again. ~ Cornelius, Lord of the Entente

On August 11th, 2006, I joined the Viridian Entente after being recruited by KirbyGirl and Egore. I rose through the ranks and became involved in VE's government, fulfilling various roles until May 25th, 2007. I had been a diplomat to several alliances, negotiator for several brush fire wars, Founder of the intel division and stats departments, ministerial jobs, and war planner. I have seen many wars, many players leave, seen alliances come and go, along with their ideologies.

When VE disbanded, I found myself in peace mode due to a 72 hour work shift and on a ZI list and in game messages threatening action if I did not leave green. I went to Kristin Marie of GPA to assist me from getting off of any list I was on for being VE. Many of us were secured passage to GPA through help by hawk_11 (VE's only true friend in NPO), NPO's lead diplomat to green sphere alliances, and a few others that were sympathetic to our blight.

From GPA, I went to Golden Sabres, onto the founding of The Royal Dominion with Rayvon and Egore, to the recreation of the Entente. I have always flown her flag, I always will. I have seen it all on this game, the good and the bad.

While I was always tempted to join NPO and other alliances, I could never leave the alliance that I started with. VE is held by the highest standards internally and when we make an error in judgement or policy, we move to correct it then and there. We're not an alliance of rules, we're an alliance of freedom of thought and speech, and most importantly, guidelines by which to follow, both in game and in real life. I am glad to call past and current Viridians as friends and pupils. What other group of people would support one of it's own when he is called to a higher calling and become an educator. Viridia is more than than just a community, it's a family. And we treat each other like family.

The past 1000 days playing this game is fun and I will continue to play this game until it gets too boring or my professional life prevents me from playing any further. My fiancee is driven mad by this game and I don't blame her one bit. :D Late night wars and treaty and peace negotiations drove her nuts but she helped me get things done more quickly.

I'm not leaving the game, not even close. Instead, I'm using the past to reflect on and set up new guidelines within VE to help us grow in this new future.

I do want to make a few shout outs however.

Egore: You have built a community that many of us gladly call home. We hope to see you come home again and stop by more often. Secure your dishwasher though, bud.

Cornelius: You and I have always done many great things while in VE, and I look forward to seeing what you will do with the VE in the future.

Typo: I'm glad we got you to come back home. VE just wasn't the same without you. Now our channels are truly secure.

Antonio: Dude, your wisdom and advise was truly important to me and I hope GPA's younger members heed your advise and words. Hell, everyone should listen to your wisdom in this game. I'm very glad you came back. Many thanks for helping me when I asked for advise.

Rayvon: Life is cruel to the both of us. Hang in there man.

Hawk_11: You have always been VE's friend in NPO. You did a lot of work, going against your leaders during the Viridicide getting many of us peace secretly. I thank you for that compassion. You show that there are a few of NPO's members have a heart. I hope that you will become the future of NPO.

Argin: I know you left the game but you still read the boards, I wish you the best in life with school and college. You need anything, drop me a message.

Battleborn: Hang in there man. You will do great things, if you need a friend to chat to, hit me up.

John Michaels: You are the best historian that CN has ever had. Keep writing those novels.

Schecterville: I'm glad you game back but you need to hang out more in #ve. Us Okies need to stick together. Also if you need help with college stuff, hit me up.

Owned-You: Same thing, bro.

Salt: We have been through some crazy times in this game. I wish you the best with life and with VE.

The International: As much as we had a problem with the USA merger, I'm glad that even after having the issue resolved, we got to know you guys as well as we did, especially during this war. I see a big future for you guys and I hope that VE and INT can become good friends.

ODN: The INT issue left a sour taste in all of our mouths. I hope that in the near future, VE and ODN can sit down and work together in the future.

NPO: You have shown, time and time again that all you care about is furthering your own agenda at the expense of your friends. Rather than trying to mediate a positive resolution, you partook in the Viridicide and put many of us ZI lists. Then when we returned, you sought to use us again and overplayed your good will. Your military IO's treated us with disrespect daily. Your only decent members are your FA crew lead by hawk_11. Maybe they should be in charge because at least they are honest. You must always meddle in the affairs of others and control Bilrow's baby, GGA.

IRON: I know we did not agree on the INT issue, and I was sad to see the IRON/VE treaty cancelled. But it was probably for the best. Maybe in the future, we can come to the table again.

Polaris: Since the Chickenzilla and the Dark Fist incidents, I have seen changes that have made me and others happy.

GGA: Do yourselves a favor and stop accepting NPO's support. You are now the ones destabilizing green. We won't pull a Bilrow and force you off of your sphere, instead, we extend our hands in hope that you will let us help you rebuild on your own without Bilrow's and NPO's guidance but that of your own, that which is within your own hearts.

CIS: Kasmage and Zocane, you both lead the CIS I and many others remember. The other CIS is nothing but a ghost of the alliance that you made part of the Triple Entente. But know this, kas and zocane: You need to prove yourselves much harder this time around. I expect many things from you, I can only hope they will be great things.

To the citizens of CN: Listen to your teachers, mentors, and/or those you look up to the most. They want the best of you, for you, and from you.

To our critics: I don't expect you to understand our culture or our community. We made choices that a few of you did not like. We made the choices we did due to the how the world was. We did not have the community, nor the right friends in place to stand up with us. I think however, you will be amazed with our future and you will like what you will see.

And last but not least, members of Viridia:

You all have made me proud these past many years. I'm very proud of our smaller ranks, who have fought with such bravery and honor, that I and others salute you. Old Dog crews have done well in helping our younger members learn how to fight. I am proud of our warriors. I hope that should I fade from this game, that you will still listen to your older members. Trust us older members who have been around for a long time in RL and in this game, we know more than you realize. Remember to treat the ladies on VE and CN with respect and kindness.

In closing, I have one last thing to say:

Iungere Viridians

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It's been good to have you with us all these year, I really can't picture the Entente without you, and I'm glad you decided to stick with us through thick and thin.

Edited by Aguacenta
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Great read Sooner, you are one of my favorite players and you have taught me a lot of what I know while I was still a noob learning about being in gov in USA. Ordo Verde will always stand by you and VE.

o/ Viridia

o/ Sooner

Edited by sethb
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Sooner, ever since the beginning of the Entente you have always been there. From the ups and downs I remember your name always being a part of it.

The Viridicide was bad and you were unable to help I know how much it hurt you inside to watch it from peace mode, and I know you did everything in your power and thinking process to make sure Viridia would return and be a safe happy drunkard enviroment once again.

More to ya brother!

Hail the past!

To the future!

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NPO: You have shown, time and time again that all you care about is furthering your own agenda at the expense of your friends. Rather than trying to mediate a positive resolution, you partook in the Viridicide and put many of us ZI lists. Then when we returned, you sought to use us again and overplayed your good will. Your military IO's treated us with disrespect daily. Your only decent members are your FA crew lead by hawk_11. Maybe they should be in charge because at least they are honest. You must always meddle in the affairs of others and control Bilrow's baby, GGA.

And yet it took you that long to finally drop treaties with them.

I will never understand it. Either just come out and say you were playing the realpolitick game and that you always knew they were that way, or just admit that it wasn't until recently that you finally had a reason.

Congratulations VE and Sooner.

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And yet it took you that long to finally drop treaties with them.

I will never understand it. Either just come out and say you were playing the realpolitick game and that you always knew they were that way, or just admit that it wasn't until recently that you finally had a reason.

Congratulations VE and Sooner.

To be honest, we felt they would change. We held out hoping they would. They let their friends down.

And I realize I posted this in the wrong area. I reported my own thread.

Edited by Sooner
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I can never tell you how happy I am that VE managed to pull itself back together after the Green Civil War. I have always respected VE greatly, and you and the rest of the alliance were always there for me and the CIS when we needed you. And after I was gone from the Confederacy, you guys were always there for me. Keep on rolling along.

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This day always has a special resonance for me – the day Green died. (I posted some reflections on events on this date on my blog.) It is good to see VE doing so well these days. If I ever manage to get kicked from Grämlins I'll knock on your door ;).

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