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Announcement from the GGA

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The house will never be cleaned up as far as the public is concerned until they really explain how it all went down. Otherwise I assume that you're inferring that they're not stable yet after this re-shaping of government.
WC, that's just it, THEY DON"T have to explain anything of how it went down. It went down, period. If you want to know why, join GGA and find out. As for me, it went according to their rules.

As for stability, you cannot become stable after months of stability and a disastrous war in five minutes. It will take time. I would say by the summer GGA will be on its way. But, to get there from here, you need to take small steps. GGA has begun it's walk. So, instead of waving the fists of protests and demands, let them get out of the IC unit, and let them walk with the IV unit attached until they are ready to be discharged from the Unstable Hospital into the world of stability.

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I think it's you that doesn't get it. No, they don't have to explain anything. But unless they do, their attempts to get over the 'lolgga' sentiment that is widespread throughout politics will fail, because this gives the external appearance of being another in the series of poor decisions.

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WC, that's just it, THEY DON"T have to explain anything of how it went down. It went down, period. If you want to know why, join GGA and find out. As for me, it went according to their rules.

As for stability, you cannot become stable after months of stability and a disastrous war in five minutes. It will take time. I would say by the summer GGA will be on its way. But, to get there from here, you need to take small steps. GGA has begun it's walk. So, instead of waving the fists of protests and demands, let them get out of the IC unit, and let them walk with the IV unit attached until they are ready to be discharged from the Unstable Hospital into the world of stability.

I really think you're missing the point and are arguing another one entirely. What I mentioned, and indeed what their new triumvirate has stated, is that they want to reach out to new alliances now and fix their public image. Now, praytell, how will they accomplish this without fixing this latest PR "scandal," for lack of a better term.

Of course you can go on ahead and keep saying that they don't have to explain anything, and that's true it's completely their prerogative to do so. But keeping all their dealings in private and also demanding a new fresh start is more along the lines of them having their cake and eating it too.

As for stability, they've had months to get their act together so you can't say they just became unstable after their latest war. A lot more people than you realize are ready to give second chances once people start being sincere and back up their actions with words. Just look at how good mhawk is doing for fixing up TPF's public image while basically tossing the past under the rug so to speak.

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WC, that's just it, THEY DON"T have to explain anything of how it went down. It went down, period. If you want to know why, join GGA and find out. As for me, it went according to their rules.

Regular GGA members don't know the details either. Unlike you, I cannot simply accept that this is the start of a new GGA after reading an announcement that states that they've axed two relatively harmless leaders and kept the most corrupt and volatile one in power... all in the name of change. Really, how can you swallow these actions at face value when they fly in the face of the 'a better GGA' image which they're trying to present in the very same announcement?

I would love to see the GGA starting to change for the better, and I believe that they do have intelligent and willing members to step up to the plate and move GGA forward, but for whatever reason that is not being allowed to happen. All we have here is a cheap stunt to try to convince the new world that they're changing when they're actually keeping the chief miscreant in power, but it does not wash with me and by presenting garbage like this they are harming and not helping the prospects of their alliance.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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No 1 tri and 3 elders were allowed to vote, why, i dont know, I dont even know what I am accused of. Maybe someone from GGA gov can answer that.

It's far more easy to control the people who you place directly into their positions of power. Good luck scotch and KFH.

I expect no change from GGA. You have demonstrated that you will continue on this same path regardless of the consequences of your past actions. Good luck this second time around, let's hope it works for you.

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No 1 tri and 3 elders were allowed to vote, why, i dont know, I dont even know what I am accused of. Maybe someone from GGA gov can answer that.

Your alliance appears to be being run into the ground by a power-hungry few, as it has been for a long time now. Take it back before it's too late.

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Let's be honest, if this were an announcement about the GGA disbanding, some of the people here would not be asking if it was done legally or not. Joy would overwhelm them that they would not be able ot find the words to express them here. y/n? c/d.

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It's far more easy to control the people who you place directly into their positions of power. Good luck scotch and KFH.

I expect no change from GGA. You have demonstrated that you will continue on this same path regardless of the consequences of your past actions. Good luck this second time around, let's hope it works for you.

Your alliance appears to be being run into the ground by a power-hungry few, as it has been for a long time now. Take it back before it's too late.

Yeah, thats right. You know exactly whats going on behind the scenes and are obviously the people to believe when looking for the real events and reasons.

I am suprised if no-one has talked to SWR though.

Edited by Desius
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Yeah, thats right. You know exactly whats going on behind the scenes and are obviously the people to believe when looking for the real events and reasons.

I am suprised if no-one has talked to SWR though.

When you don't offer an explanation people will come to their own conclusions.

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Yeah, thats right. You know exactly whats going on behind the scenes and are obviously the people to believe when looking for the real events and reasons.

I am suprised if no-one has talked to SWR though.

I was talked to, and told I don't need to know what I did and that it is too late, welcome to the all new GGA :lol1:

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Let's be honest, if this were an announcement about the GGA disbanding, some of the people here would not be asking if it was done legally or not. Joy would overwhelm them that they would not be able ot find the words to express them here. y/n? c/d.

hell no, who the hell would be here for comic relief if GGA disbanded?

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Yeah, thats right. You know exactly whats going on behind the scenes and are obviously the people to believe when looking for the real events and reasons.

I am suprised if no-one has talked to SWR though.

When your own ex-triumvir comes in here wondering why he's been booted, you've definitely done something wrong. Prove us all wrong, as of now your statements are pointless drivel.

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