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Will you want your account to stay active when you die?

Kevin McDonald

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Gatherum shrugged, chuckling softly.

As I would pass through that gate of final peace, I would fade away from memory most assuredly. Already, I am a silent inhabitant upon this Digiterra. The difference is that the silence would then be something eternal.

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I actually have a prewritten goodbye to CN should I ever die, although ironically I've only told 3 people about that so I would find it amusing if I died with all 3 of those people in my car or something similar, although I also have a will, which is super strange at my age(20) according to anyone I've told about it, but I prefer being prepared for almost any emergency or situation.

Edited by Mogar
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Like CSM said, if I dropped dead tomorrow no one here would know about it. However, if I was going to have someone do such a thing as take over my account, I'd want them to go rogue and fight a nice little proxy war, then delete my nation.

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No, but I would like someone to log in here, on Zenith, and on a couple other forums I frequent to say goodbye.

Same here. I wouldn't want my nation/accounts to remain active or anything, but I'd like someone to let the friends I have made in this game know. I am not embarrassed of the time I have spent here, and my immediate family knows all about it. A brief message to my homies would be nice, and that's about it.

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I hope I have to face this ungoldy demon who is about to destroy the world. I hope music is playing in the background. I will look back and say to the crowd of heroes behind me and say, "don't forget to log on to my CN account." Then at that moment I will charge at the demon with the sword of destiny.
That's a bit too ambitious unfortunately. But would it be too much to ask to have an opportunity to re-roll and hopefully get better resources?

I lol'd.

I'd really just rather make the lot of you think that I'd suddenly found something productive to do with my life, really.

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There are services that send out emails if you don't log into them for a certain amount of time--a dead man's switch if you will. You can have it email out important information and messages etc, and it's an excellent way to inform people of what they should do in case you pass away.

In that case, you could easily set it up to email your account login and password to someone you trust and instructions to say goodbye to your internet friends.

It's going to scare the !@#$ out of someone if you didn't actually die and you just forgot to log in though. Personally, I would be content with my nation and ruler simply dying a death of inactivity should something happen to me. I don't feel a need to have anyone come online to say good bye for me, that just seems silly. Why would someone say good bye for you? You're dead, what do you care what people say, it's not like they're actually talking to you.

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I have RL friends in CN, so I think people would find out, however I would make sure people in CN found out some how, so my death isn't a mystery. I'm not sure I would want my nation living on or anything like that. Maybe my myspace and facebook could become memorials, but I think I would want all my other online activities like CN and all the other games I play to just die with me lol.

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If I was dying for a long period of time, lets say due to cancer or some other terminal thing, i would let a few people in my alliance and some friends i made outside of it know what was going down. If it was sudden and i didnt have chance to say anything i dont think i would like my family to have to go through telling a bunch of people in this game and others what happened.

I wouldnt mind someone taking over my nation though. Might as well keep the thing going.

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Having recently been direly ill, and completely unable to access Cybernations (which set people wondering, apparently), this thought actually crossed my mind. I think I'll set something up...

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I'd really just rather make the lot of you think that I'd suddenly found something productive to do with my life, really.

This. Definitely this.

Well, as much as I could care about anything while six feet under.

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