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ARES Announcement

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Hail ARES, it's nice to know there are other alliances who value friendships and righteousness above paper and PR.

and another crap alliance declares with no treaty on an already outpointed alliance. What a tragedy.

Weren't you in charge of soldier?


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To which Avalon agrees wholeheartedly. Fighting for honour is as valid as fighting for a treaty. While we try to live by the general etiquette on planet Bob, we feel too much is assigned to treaties and not to honour itself. In this particular case however we naturally disagree with ARES viewpoint, since they are supporting RAD in support of the PC NAP breaking dishnour. However while PC is bandwagoning let me make this perfectly clear:

Avalon does NOT see ARES action as bandwagoning!

Joe and I spoke today and worked out any such issues. While we thank our good and loyal friends in TPF for defending us here. Please stop labeling ARES bandwagoners as we do not feel they are. If there is issue to be taken up it is with them supporting Poison Clans gross misconduct of late. This is more important than a treaty, and that is if your ally right? In the case of ARES Avalon obviously feels negative about that. However labeling of bandwagoner on ARES could just as easily be applied to Avalon in countless cases both past and future.

Hail TPF!

Hail ARES!

Hail Avalon!

Thank you for seeing it the way it really is. I can already tell you will be honorable opponents, and it's a pleasure to fight you.

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Hail ARES, it's nice to know there are other alliances who value friendships and righteousness above paper and PR.

Weren't you in charge of soldier?


For 6 days if that really counts. What does that have do do with anything? Did Soldier declare on someone without a treaty? For as bad as at was at the end at least we never stooped that low. If Avalon has no problem with being bandwagoned though I guess they'll be dropping all their treaties next.

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To which Avalon agrees wholeheartedly. Fighting for honour is as valid as fighting for a treaty. While we try to live by the general etiquette on planet Bob, we feel too much is assigned to treaties and not to honour itself. In this particular case however we naturally disagree with ARES viewpoint, since they are supporting RAD in support of the PC NAP breaking dishnour. However while PC is bandwagoning let me make this perfectly clear:

Avalon does NOT see ARES action as bandwagoning!

Joe and I spoke today and worked out any such issues. While we thank our good and loyal friends in TPF for defending us here. Please stop labeling ARES bandwagoners as we do not feel they are. If there is issue to be taken up it is with them supporting Poison Clans gross misconduct of late. This is more important than a treaty, and that is if your ally right? In the case of ARES Avalon obviously feels negative about that. However labeling of bandwagoner on ARES could just as easily be applied to Avalon in countless cases both past and future.

Hail TPF!

Hail ARES!

Hail Avalon!

thanks SyndicatedINC, I am glad to see you voice your opinion on this matter, yet I do not feel that these complaints will end.

Lord Kresden

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Aye, hear hear Synd!

We got into war helping our friends, ARES is just doing the same.

I hope to meet some of you on the battle field and have a good run with you (once I figure out how to dislodge this dove from my head)

Note: Also it's hard to stockpile nukes when you've been lobbing them for over 2 weeks, So sorry we 'appear' low on our supply of radiation. Promise, it's not stopping the daily lobbing of them. I will make sure to give each and every opponent the same daily delivery of glowing goodness, that I have extended to my 'foes' so far. Can't be playing favorites now, can I?

Edited by Kandria
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So guys. What would the opinion of the world be if RAD and ARES would have announced a treaty and then ARES would have hit Avalon? I have a feeling it would've been a worse !@#$ storm. So $%&@ you all. RAD and ARES grew together the past few months. We've started sleeping together the past two weeks, and they're just showing their affection for us.

If a treaty was signed and announced prior, it would be viewed as a "OMG ATTACK AVALON" treaty. And we would definitely not want to sign a treaty and have it known as something useless like that. So no.

We'll definitely sign a treaty after the war.

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If Avalon has no problem with being bandwagoned though I guess they'll be dropping all their treaties next.

Avalon most definitely has a problem with being bandwagoned and with bandwagoners (note our war with PC), however given the circumstances of ARES entering in so much as we were tough opponenets, we do not see it as such in this case. While we do have problems with the ARES DoW (kinda self evident given it is a war afterall), namely what they are fighting for (helping friends to support treaty violators and bandwagoners) and entering into an unfair matchup, that does not mean that we consider their entrance without a treaty to be itself wrong. However we would prefer that people fought by their conscience rather than just friendship in such cases. Supporting your friend because they are your friend, even when they are in the wrong, makes you wrong for fighting.

As for dropping all of our treaties, we only have one, and that is with TPF, since TPF wishes to keep things ordered via the treaty web as their friends we will respect their wishes. However it would be hypocritical of Avalon to hold ARES to a standard of treaty obligation that we ourselves do not adhere to. Please do not be upset, Avalon loves magicninja as much as always B)

So guys. What would the opinion of the world be if RAD and ARES would have announced a treaty and then ARES would have hit Avalon? I have a feeling it would've been a worse !@#$ storm. So $%&@ you all. RAD and ARES grew together the past few months. We've started sleeping together the past two weeks, and they're just showing their affection for us.

If a treaty was signed and announced prior, it would be viewed as a "OMG ATTACK AVALON" treaty. And we would definitely not want to sign a treaty and have it known as something useless like that. So no.

We'll definitely sign a treaty after the war.

Probably not, and in fact I requested that ARES do such if only to make things simpler for all around. However what is done is done, don't worry about what everyone else is saying, it is between Avalon and ARES and we have an understanding on the issue.

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So guys. What would the opinion of the world be if RAD and ARES would have announced a treaty and then ARES would have hit Avalon? I have a feeling it would've been a worse !@#$ storm. So $%&@ you all. RAD and ARES grew together the past few months. We've started sleeping together the past two weeks, and they're just showing their affection for us.

If a treaty was signed and announced prior, it would be viewed as a "OMG ATTACK AVALON" treaty. And we would definitely not want to sign a treaty and have it known as something useless like that. So no.

We'll definitely sign a treaty after the war.

I don't really care about the treaty, I find it highly amusing how much damage a heavily engaged Avalon has inflicted, plus the threats from ares allies if Avalon chooses to defend themselves, they'll jump in too.

Edited by mhawk
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I don't really care about the treaty, I find it highly amusing how much damage a heavily engaged Avalon has inflicted, plus the threats from ares allies if Avalon chooses to defend themselves, they'll jump in too.

Well think about it. It's an MDoAP. They could've entered alongside ARES. They're giving Avalon a chance to take less damage. ;) Consider it merciful.

Edited by Jason8
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Well think about it. It's an MDoAP. They could've entered alongside ARES. They're giving Avalon a chance to take less damage. ;) Consider it merciful.

I'm not sure I follow how Avalon not being allowed to defend themselves allows them to take less damage.

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I don't really care about the treaty, I find it highly amusing how much damage a heavily engaged Avalon has inflicted, plus the threats from ares allies if Avalon chooses to defend themselves, they'll jump in too.

None of my allies will jump in regardless of the outcomes. Avalon has enough on their plate to last them awhile.

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I don't believe ARES mentioned the war would be nuclear, while SyndicateINC is already threatening to use Avalon's mighty 58 nukes, most of which are possessed by nations in peace mode. I'm not attacking Avalon personally whatsoever, I actually have respect for 'em.

RAD asked for help, ARES helped them. ARES isn't full strength, as they are extended in many fronts, if Avalon nukes ARES then The Syndicate nukes Avalon via our MDoAP with ARES. Any questions?

You should join LoSS, they are also the member of "no-honor" club. I think your post was the worst post in this war. You don't have enough bravery on your own to even bandwagon?

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Well think about it. It's an MDoAP. They could've entered alongside ARES. They're giving Avalon a chance to take less damage. ;) Consider it merciful.

Wow, now you use a treaty to get other jumps? You should not mentioned that treaty, since you can jump anywhere without treaty :awesome:

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Would someone like to explain to me why helping a friend when asked is a bad thing to do. There are just too many unspoken "rules" of this game and I really only see the recieving side complaining >_>.

Well ARES, thanks for the help (you are helping us too :P) it's greatly appreciated.

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To be honest, I see alot of bashing in this thread, alot of which is being done by people not involved in the conflict. I realize, its fun to make yourself look like a tough guy on the forums, but lets keep this civil. Legion knew how to do it when We fought them. Hell they came over to our IRC chan and had some great covo's with us. If your not ARES, or Avalon you really dont have much say in this anyway.

Edited by Barix9
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To be honest, I see alot of bashing in this thread, alot of which is being done by people not involved in the conflict. I realize, its fun to make yourself look like a tough guy on the forums, but lets keep this civil. Legion knew how to do it when We fought them. Hell they came over to our IRC chan and had some great covo's with us. If your not ARES, or Avalon you really dont have much say in this anyway.

what he said. we have an understanding. If you don't understand that, then please try to refrain from arguing about it here

Edited by Guffey
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Bandwagoning a bandwagon? Sad Carter. C'mon you're better than that right?

oh, sorry, i didnt realize that jumping in a fight to defend your MDoAP sister was bandwaggoning. My bad. If you wanna !@#$%* about bandwaggoning then turn to Avalon and cry about it since they decided to attack PC.

i think its funny that some alliances like rad and tfo have trouble pulling off a curb stomp.

i mean sure its not like karma has had a lot of practice with it, but this should be easy guys. you shouldnt get to the point where youre asking for help from people you dont even have a treaty with. that is just sad

I know man, TFO with their 1 billion TS and RADs 7 billion TS. How are we not able to pull of a curb stomp?!

Seriously? Can you come with something a little better than that if ur just gonna randomly talk trash?

ad hominem attacks do nothing to weaken my point; rad is still just as pathetic as they were before you decided to attack my character instead of my argument

Your character and argument are pathetic

I wonder how many alliances who believe in this friends>paper kick would actually get rid of all their paper? I want to see one of them do it. I don't believe anyone of them would. They know better. They just need something to cry out when it is convenient for them.

"We are bandwagoning....How do we cover it up?"

"Yell out friends>paper! lol"

"Yeah that's it. Then they'll think we mean it and we can keep our honor!"

"Yeah! lol."

That's what it looks like you know. So come on with it. I wanna see those backing up this practice drop all of their treaties. If they don't then they are full of it.

lol. If someone decided to help out...say TPF just cuz they were friends and didnt have a treaty you would be hailing it. But since its on the flip side then thats just an excuse to jump in the war right? Youve seen throughout this war that ARES is dedicated to friendship from the countless DoWs they posted to defend their friends. This friend just happens to not have a treaty. Get over it and stop crying. Avalon doesnt care, why should you?

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Wow, I have to say my respect for Avalon is growing. They are able to hold their own with 39 nations and roughly 400,000 NS versus a combined might of 162 nations and 2,123,670 NS. While admittedly, only the smaller nations in the three opposing alliances can attack, by my count about 137 nations, that is still impressive.

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And we din't lost a single nation in this war :awesome: .


And we are wining it seems.

No, Avalon isnt whining. You guys are cool as hell and both Avalon and RAD are having fun with this. Its the allies and other outsiders who are doing the whining. I respect you guys for taking on the challenge head on with a positive mindset.

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No, Avalon isnt whining. You guys are cool as hell and both Avalon and RAD are having fun with this. Its the allies and other outsiders who are doing the whining. I respect you guys for taking on the challenge head on with a positive mindset.

I would swear he meant "winning", although I don't think Avalon is winning either... So it seems he's mistaken either way...

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