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I remember when..


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I remember when I posted a long rant in the NPO's Body Republic subforum stating that we were too dependent on other alliances and choosing them over Polar, and how it showed through the special treatment leadership's friends were getting compared to others in the same situations. Then receiving around 30-40 queries on IRC mostly from well-known Pacificans telling me they wanted to say the same thing but were too afraid to, while I was heckled by the ill-informed and falsely loyal. And how right I was about that.

I remember leaving to join the New Polar Order even though I was certain they were getting attacked.

I remember stating that if NpO was allowed to be rolled for Electron Sponge's actions, then NPO would be rolled for TrotskysRevenge's actions. And being mocked for that. And being right about that.

The events of this war have indeed proved the "class of '08" right. The strategic mistake in eliminating Polar and its assorted bloc, the problem with leadership, the reputational damage the NPO suffered for breaking the last seal and letting their brothers die. But it's no comfort, really. Both Orders have bled and suffered, with the Pacifican Order marching headstrong towards destruction or irrelevance. It is something I would have preferred to avoid.

And on that day I will remember that you happily aided and abetted them until it became an inconvenience and a danger to yourself, at which point you ran away taking your dirty secrets with you. You didn't merely assist in making those crimes possible, you helped spill the blood. And I will make sure you pay for your sins as well.

mpol's right as usual, NR - nobody leaves alive, and all of us are dirty. But some of us are so filthy that they've earned the privilege of getting their time cut short for them. Some of us, such as you.

You know, I love this post. It just brings out the best of me. I believe the others have already addressed the accusations regarding game mechanics better than I could, so I'm going to go to the really juicy part.

I'm going to tell you this, buddy. I was a Pacifican for longer than I care to remember. I was a cog in the war machine that ruled this game for years. I helped destroy alliances, including yours. Some of the things we did, I have come to regret. But most I have not. So if you feel we have some sort of unfinished business, feel free to come and collect. You can find us expatriates easily, we tend to stick together. Come prepared, though. We'll be expecting you.

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Hmm, let's see now...this might take a while...

  • I remember the forming of /b/, then later getting torqued off and leaving. Good riddance.
  • I remember being in NAAC upper government within a few months of that, for better or worse.
  • I remember being forced to handle negotiations with people like Kaiser Martens...with Sponge and Dilber standing behind him. (As an aside, Sponge is bloody terrifying when he wants to be.)
  • I remember watching New Reverie and the lolcommies nearly start the Second War a few times.
  • I remember the efforts that were made to try and isolate the members of the Southern Web, which ultimately drove the Southern Web to create the League.
  • I remember the Second War, and watching the League fail pretty hard. I remember being left to twist in the wind by the Legion and the Optional Defense Network in that war, too. (At least one of these two has redeemed themselves)
  • I remember the aftermath of the war, and how it left the NAAC a broken shadow of what it used to be.
  • I remember leaving the NAAC, and joining a micro-alliance of less than fifteen people without a protectorate. I also remember Virillus stabbing the whole lot of us who left in the back, but I've forgiven him for that since then. :wub: Virillus
  • I remember being one of the first people (and alliances) on the newly-created Aqua Team, who still remain the best team in the game. :wub: Aqua
  • I remember being scared !@#$less of FAN, who would happily wreck alliances of >15 members for tech, and the subsequent rush for nuclear weapons prompted by that fear.
  • I remember the Third War coming around, and thinking to myself that AEGIS was going to get itself slaughtered. Not surprisingly the Legion became Z'ha'dum's personal prison colony and thinking that they got exactly what they deserved for cowardice displayed during GW2. I still feel that way, really.
  • I remember /b/ going up in a mushroom cloud of shock porn and CP. Lulz were had, butts were hurt. Good riddance, though.
  • VietFAN started in here somewhere, and thinking that they were getting the curbstomp that they'd earned in previous times.
  • I remember the Unjust War coming along and wrecking the Mushroom Kingdom. I still wasn't exactly FAN's biggest supporter, but they were on the Kingdom's side, so I rooted for them anyways. I remember the peace terms that came around afterwards. I'm pretty sure I wrote MK a $54M check in here somewhere. Not bad for a micro-alliance, or so I thought. :v:
  • I remember the micro-alliance I was in getting disbanded right about this time, and I think a lot of us are still pretty sore at Bilrow over that. Fortunately, karma's a you-know-what.
  • I remember joining MK after this (most of us who didn't quit CN did), and I vaguely remember complaining about NPO a lot and doing some stuff that probably wasn't important.
  • I remember quitting MK and going indie for a while, then quitting the game because real life was far less bothersome by comparison.
  • I remember nearly a year passing before somebody told me that the NPO was about to get its teeth kicked in by the entire world. I had to come back to see that.

I have no idea where that ramble was supposed to go, but there it is. Now get off my lawn, you whippersnappers!

Edit: I swear I speak English! D:

Edited by Ebony Wings
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Heh... let's see here, this is somewhat similar.

  • I remember finding this game with my friends, and joining up with the /b/ Alliance, creating the worst nation name ever...
  • I also remember learning how to fight there, back when the game still had the underdog advantage, and doing /b/'s dirty work.
  • I remember doing stuff on my own and getting in trouble due to it.
  • I remember ditching the /b/ alliance, and resting with the NAAC. I learned how to structure my trade web then.
  • I remember banding together with my friends as a private group within the NAAC...
  • I remember the forming of the World Unity Treaty/Initiative. I remember how we looked and this and new that we couldn't end well.
  • I remember the days leading up to the Second Great War, trying to help the NAAC, but they'd rather go out in a blaze of glory....
  • I remember trying to salvage our group after some fell apart, and seeing the futility of staying at the NAAC(With some help). I remember jumping ship and forming an alliance on the Aqua Sphere....
  • ...Only to have it disband half a year after it's origin. After that, I just drifted out of Cybernations.
  • Various schemes with my friends never took flight... and then I hear the NPO are getting their face pounded in, and I had to come to see that.

Edited by Monathin
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You know, I love this post. It just brings out the best of me. I believe the others have already addressed the accusations regarding game mechanics better than I could, so I'm going to go to the really juicy part.

I'm going to tell you this, buddy. I was a Pacifican for longer than I care to remember. I was a cog in the war machine that ruled this game for years. I helped destroy alliances, including yours. Some of the things we did, I have come to regret. But most I have not. So if you feel we have some sort of unfinished business, feel free to come and collect. You can find us expatriates easily, we tend to stick together. Come prepared, though. We'll be expecting you.

Damn right, Comrade Musso.

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Yes I also look back at these times with fond memories...no, wait, I don't hail the revolution ;)

I do however remember one of my alliance mates abandoning us to help you guys in the last war waged against you because he believed it was the right thing to do.

I said he was being foolish, how wrong I was :P

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Probably already said, but here goes:

I can remember the old forums.

I can remember Exion (one of the alliances that formed GOLD in the end - first member bar the leader!)

I can remember a time with no navy, no airforce and no wonders.

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• I remember when the Unjust Path was announced

• I remember when Valhalla and The Legion went to war

• I remember when Genmay declared war on BoTS

• I remember when the Genmay-BoTS War escalated into the Unjust War

• I remember when I deleted my first nation, because I got destroyed in the Unjust War fighting for GOONS

• I remember when I created my second nation in June of 2008

• I remember when the Pacifica-Polaris Duspute was at it's height

• I remember when GGA declared war on Hyperion

• I remember when the GGA-Hyperion War escalated into the War of the Coalition

• I remember when the New Polar Order left BLEU

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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I remember when you could have a good war and not have to worry who was going to bandwagon.

I remember when terry messed up and The Great Khan, my slightly more rational friend got taken down with him, along with Illuminati.

Also thanks for the sig :)

EDIT: Post number 321.

Edited by Jens of the desert
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I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

There was something so pleasant about that place.

Even your emotions had an echo

In so much space

And when you're out there

Without care,

Yeah, I was out of touch

But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?


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I remember midget porn recruited me to GATO

I remember Vincent_Xander

I remember Atlantis and its many merged alliances + Pip and Hungchang

I remember Gonzoczar and Ciecero

I remember killing the Chytog

I remember GOONS trying to pull strings inside GATO

I remember the GATO ToF with NpO caused a stir

I remember when I wanted to kill browncoats

I remember licking one of Doitzel's nipples

I remember Chris_Kaos and Alexander_Gladius

I remember the people in GATO's government hall when CK's clone was mentioned

I remember a conversation with Moo, Mary, and Dilber and their DoW on GATO

I remember requesting that IAA not help GATO

I remember IAA denying that request <3 Chimaera and Starfox

I remember being expelled from GATO

I remember being in RoK

I remember being admitted into GATO

I remember the Viceroys of GATO: Koona, Vladimir, and Moo along with their associate SDRD

I remember the Pacficians who really wanted to help GATO, love ya Cortath and Baka! Mari I may huggle you...

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