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Why The Werefrog am leaving


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I remember The Werefrog.

He was a soldier, truly the highest honor and position to be held in Pacifica. He bled the Blue and the Black and he should not be forgotten.

The Werefrog served me well in my time, here and in other realms, and he has served Pacifica under others with honor and integrity.

I do not wish to see his departure but bid him farewell just the same.

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Wouldn't call him an idol, but at least he was more relevant than that nameless troll....druid, right?

Troll is adequate. If I don't make you uncomfortable than the job isn't being done.

Edited by Druid
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Not the first departure of a long time player as a result of this war, and certainly won't be the last...on either side. Too many people talked about it being their swan song. That said, the Doitzel Curse is always in effect.

Good luck to you IRL, Werefrog. Take the good memories and the lessons learned, discard the rest.

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Troll is adequate. If I don't make you uncomfortable than the job isn't being done.

Although being a self-described troll may get you into the 'in' crowd on some forums it is more likely to land you in the banned basket here. And I think you showed emotion when you decided that the best course of action was to dedicate your time to pissing everyone else off. I am not sure which emotion fueled this decision but I suspect it is not one of the nobler of them.

I don't really like your grammatical stylings, Werefrog, but your name is encouraging. A toast to your glorious real life future.

*raises a strongly-mixed Manhattan*

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