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Meer Republic

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Everything posted by Meer Republic

  1. Congrats Umbrella, wish I could have been there to see this through with you.
  2. I thought NoR and Nemesis were particularly classy what with the way they were discussing how to manipulate NOIR in their plot against their bloc mates.
  3. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285277441' post='2462501'] GGA did depend too much on its allies. That was one of the mistakes which many GGA governments have fought to rectify, both prior and after Karma. GOONS is in the stage where they claim they can handle anything while they hide behind their allies every time. As for VE, funny you mention them, even though the GGA got blamed for that one it was GOONS who pushed the move against VE. Gramlins was not an issue in the green civil war. The issue at the time was with CIS and NTO. GOONS pushed the move on VE because of the Obsidian Entente [/quote] So you're happy being a hypocrite then, I remember you merrily cheerleadering the fact that your alliance relied on it's allies to enable you to throw your weight around. Or have you undergone some great Spongelike redemption and all your history has been absolved? The VE thing would never have happened had GGA not wanted it to, the OE angle was just a bonus at the time. But yes let's go back to the topic before your hypocrisy is further exposed.
  4. Andre was it a problem when GGA hid behind NPO for so long? Like when they wanted VE or Gramlins off green? Or was that different?
  5. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285257410' post='2462209'] JimKongil hit the largest GOONS nation. The other GOONS are 75k max so it will take at least two weeks of war to get them involved. So what happens is what always happens, Goons called on their allies. [/quote] The irony of this coming from someone who was in the fail known as GGA is beautiful.
  6. Loving Jim trying to play victim for getting caught performing his act of war, given the wannabe tough guy posturing you'd think he'd just send the aid openly. Good job catching him GOONS.
  7. Hi Gramlins, you should probably just change your name and have done with it. No point pretending you're something you're not. It's sad that you've let the legacy that the likes of Syz left be destroyed by the likes of Ram.
  8. Different Gramlins, the ones that wrote that codex have absolutely nothing in common with the bunch lead by Ramirus.
  9. Congratulations, you know I think highly of both alliances.
  10. I've been busy, anyway congrats and such about time you actually existed and weren't just a figment of my imagination.
  11. I don't see the big deal, people do this every war. The Foreign Division tried to do exactly the same thing against Umbrella in this one as I'm sure many others have. Go for it if your enemy is incompetent enough for it to work good for you.
  12. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='03 March 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1267653690' post='2212980'] It's just that your comment is kind of pointless. SF and CnG aren't rivals, and SF aren't going to lord any temporary statistical superiority over anyone, so it probably doesn't factor highly into CnG's thought process. [/quote] I don't think it's pointless, it's based in fact . I think it's interesting that C&G are willing to keep going even if it potentially damages their relative position in the world, if anything it speaks volumes for how much they trust SF. Those sorts of things should feature in any alliance or blocs thought process and I'm sure they do.
  13. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='03 March 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1267646209' post='2212879'] True, though I still think the idea of Superfriends trying to take over the game is near-laughable - not for want of ability (though SF isn't "unrivaled"), but for a lack of desire to dominate. [/quote] Mixoux pretty much covered it, I also didn't suggest SF would try to push that dominance you made that leap yourself.
  14. Personally I think it's very charitable of C&G to kill themselves in order to cement SF as far and away the dominant power on Bob. o/ C&G o/ TOP Philanthropists of the highest order.
  15. [quote name='Chalaskan' date='24 February 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1267005458' post='2201200'] Man for Man? LOL, more like a man stepped up while several other men were having trouble kicking them down, and that Man used to be your best friend. [/quote] Good to see you still make as much sense as ever.
  16. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='23 February 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1266955833' post='2199424'] I'm sorry to see this happen. Now I'm even up in the air about whether a paperless route is the route to go. I thought friendships could exist even without, and maybe this is notice that we have no friendship amongst us, I do not know honestly. I for one would of protested any declaration of TOP hitting FOK in any arena and will continue to do my best to see both parties regain our friendship? I'm just kind of speechless on this one. To me this is the same as Umbrella, Argent, or Gremlins hitting us. Something I never, thought possible. I suppose I'm naive though. That being said, I wish FOK the best of luck and I suppose I'm still sacrificing my pixels for people I hold in the highest regard, even if they are being sacrificed towards those people. Again words escape me, and I must say the only thing appropriate here is, I'm sorry. Both as a TOP member that has allowed our friendship to degrade to this point, and as the person who proposed a pre-emp attack on your treaty partners. I truly am sorry that you are in the position you are in, due in large part to my own actions. o/ FOK. [/quote] Nice post LM, well said.
  17. Whilst I'm normally a big fan of FOK war shenanigans I can't say I'm happy to see this.
  18. [quote name='Tromp' date='23 February 2010 - 12:13 PM' timestamp='1266927232' post='2198900'] Ella ella eh eh! God speed guys. [/quote] We're catching you, declare moar.
  19. Well fought NATO, you guys took a hell of a beating yet in my experience stayed in good spirits, shame to see you get reps but at least you have peace.
  20. [quote name='Haflinger' date='16 February 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1266339102' post='2185722'] That is a very hilarious interpretation of the TOP-Umbrella relationship. [/quote] Ah yes and you're the expert on that subject obviously. Do us a favour and don't try and suggest you have some sort of insight on something you have no clue about.
  21. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' date='16 February 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1266330620' post='2185541'] This is all really sad to watch really. Your statements are all full of spin, mutated views and outright misrepresentations. and I mean BOTH sides of this. You are all just paper generals, living out visions of some self gratifying goal of revenge, malice, or need to dominate or destroy. You all don't look at the bigger picture of all this. Immaturity and egotistical blindness have most of the leaders in this war so self involved, without a care for the overall well being of BoB. The old saying is, cutting off the nose to spite the face, i believe. BoB lost 6,000 nations after the Karma war. I suspect this one will kill even more. The actions of the supposed "leaders" show no care for allies, no care for their members, no care for BoB. In the end all you will have is your own small bitter crowd of miscreants to bully around, the same old hatreds to bicker over, and no real attempts to improve or change yourselves and others. Where are the true leaders of men(& women) out there willing to step up and run the show right? you can win without crushing the neck of your opponent under your feet, there is no honor in that no matter how you spin it. And you can lose graciously and accept public defeat in humility. Arrogance and pride are a hollow mask to wear. The goal is to win with honor, not destroy without mercy. There should be some level of respect and decency. BoB lacks that more and more every year. All of you posters on this forum are not the only ones in this world. I think you forget that sometimes... /just an opinion, still like many of you on both sides. hate none of you on this planet. [/quote] I may be directly fighting you guys, but bravo, seriously. Finally someone with the common sense to look past all this bluster. As an aside you should be proud of your alliance mates the ones I've encountered during this fiasco have been nothing but decent.
  22. [quote name='Tromp' date='15 February 2010 - 12:34 PM' timestamp='1266237287' post='2182812'] I agree with Meer here... [/quote] It had to happen one day.
  23. [quote name='assarax' date='12 February 2010 - 07:17 PM' timestamp='1266002257' post='2177924'] I wasn't ready to let you guys off the hook just yet. [/quote] If you're not to busy posturing could you ask your number 1 nation to actually do something other than fling the occasional nuke, I'm keen to see the mighty Legion military machine in action.
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