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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox

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And to TOP: 50% of all your nations online for an update blitz? Scary as hell. :D

118 declarations out of 199 nations (3 ghosts) at update gets us to 59% at update. The number should get higher shortly though.

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Purple is pretty popular these days ^_^

That's because we kick $@!. Maybe some alliances need to consider switching to purple postwar. After all, Invicta is doing so well that we had Karma sic TOP on us to help the other 4 alliances that are hitting us. At least I won't feel as bad about my infra getting smashed. :P

Also can you get someone from TOP to hit me tomorrow? I want to be fighting someone from all 5 alliances. If possible.

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The massive war that embraces and burns the surface of Planet Bob is a sad one that never should have been initiated. There is no "Just", there is no "Right", only the worst of men is shown in this conflict. They have cried and cried like no tomorrow or just struck violently without knowing the consequences of doing so. Children is the only word that comes to mind.

Many will scorn this message The Order of the Paradox has sent out and please do so. This is by far a good solution to a very complex problem, but it stands as the only option. We do not expect anything else and in time I hope there will be understanding for the decisions made in the last few days.

There is no glory in this war. Not even honour is up for the grasp. It is only the duty that demands action and action will come a plenty.

My people have heard the call of duty. Once again they arm themselves to prepare for the inevitable conflict. The children and wives who won't know if their beloved will return, weeps. The media is silent this morning. The industry is quickly re-tooling from peaceful activities to those of merciless war. The young men are being trained to join another endless wave of the Prebennian Army. The universities and secret agencies develops new weapons of mass destructions for the future as we speak. The already standing army is currently engaged in early skirmishes and initial results are at least promising.

No, this is not a good war. The mourning of tomorrow is one I am going to dread.

Falalalan will roar where my men will go and it's peaceful tones will create fear in all who hears it.

May Bars protect all who fight against my worthy opponents and may those I fight receive the fury and destruction only a deity can provide.

Paradox Vult

alpreb, High Champion of the Order of the Paradox


TOP's war flag. Giving headaches to friend and foe alike

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Way to join in a few days late while ignoring MDoAPs and not even hit the Legion... I mean come on!!!

Been there, done that? :P

Please TOP, don't betray NPO!

Oh, wait. You already did that. Nevermind.

By the way, why did you just ignore the treaty we still hold?

Oh hey, you were the guys who launched a sneak offensive strike in the middle of peace talks we were moderating in god faith right? Maybe if you hadn't used our good intentions as a diversion we'd be less inclined to think you weren't living up to your end of the treaty.

Edited by Meercats
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Oh hey, you were the guys who launched a sneak offensive strike in the middle of peace talks we were moderating in god faith right? Maybe if you hadn't used our good intentions as a diversion we'd be less inclined to think you weren't living up to your end of the treaty.

The funny thing was they were initially acting for a member of your own OUT bloc, whom you say you're defending in this war. The hypocrisy of it all is mind boggling.

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The funny thing was they were initially acting for a member of your own OUT bloc, whom you say you're defending in this war. The hypocrisy of it all is mind boggling.


OV is in OUT?

VE is in OUT?



Oh wait, TORN. That's right, the alliance that is no longer in this war because they were betrayed. If TORN cared, they would probably still be fighting.

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Thank you! at least now I've a chance of hitting 1M casualties, seriously the amount of abuse I get in BAPS for having such a pathetic casualty count is becoming unbearable!

Welcome to the fray TOP, please try the fish it's good, don't mind the 3rd eye it just adds to the flavour and my medics have assured me that the radiation won't kill, just make us twitch a bit.

If you'll form an orderly queue my military will be along to deal with you presently.


oh and as pointed out do stop by for a Guinness, just because we're at war doesn't mean we need to be uncivilised about things.

edited for spelling. Blowing things up I can do, spelling not so much.

Edited by Talon
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United Purple Nations, Invicta and Echelon, Boards Alliance of Protectorate States.

A handy list of alliances you don't want to be in unless you're a masochist.

I have to criticize you, TOP, for giving Telchar a target. He should've been ordered to go to peace mode :v:

Edited by Lord Gobb
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o/ TOP

I'm a bit lost (might be the early hour), but which alliance from "for attacks upon R&R, upon Orion, and upon several OUT signatories, respectively." did we attack? And nice blitz, have to see how I will adjust my tactic now that I'm actually losing NS :). Can I feel honored to get targeted by your #1 or did he ask for an Echelon target because he was once a member?

[OOC]Anyway, off to uni now, talk once I'm back.[/ooc]

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o/ TOP

I'm a bit lost (might be the early hour), but which alliance from "for attacks upon R&R, upon Orion, and upon several OUT signatories, respectively." did we attack? And nice blitz, have to see how I will adjust my tactic now that I'm actually losing NS :). Can I feel honored to get targeted by your #1 or did he ask for an Echelon target because he was once a member?

[OOC]Anyway, off to uni now, talk once I'm back.[/ooc]

You declared war on all alliances at war with NPO, that would include some of the above in question.

Clear it up for you?

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