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Imperial Decree

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Up until last night OV knowingly had a blackpebble spy leader in their government.

you know, i'll just stick to my standard quote regarding spying:

[23:45] <away_srqt[RIA]> so how did you guys get teh SS of Ovs forums anyway

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> we didn't

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> someone gave t hem to our ally

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> who gave them to us

[23:54] <away_srqt[RIA]> so really your ally (I am assuming TPF) acceoted leaked Screen shots of a privat alliance forum?

[23:58] <away_srqt[RIA]> I am sure you can see how tihs is slightly concerning to me considering the implications it has for some of my closest allies

[00:00] <Moo-Cows> you know as well as I that every alliance accepts information

[00:00] <Moo-Cows> how else are spies caught thesse days?

so by your standards Moo is a spy as well.

Could we please go back to some usefull arguments? at least the discussion 3 pages back was articulated to a reasonable extent.

If all you are going to do is throw out wild accusations in one-line posts you might as well save the effort, that achieves nothing.

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Not cool to leave the mediator in an uncomfortable position by going and attacking while he is still engaging one of the parties in dialogue. being a mediator takes effort and time on part of the person/alliance mediating. What is OV/VE supposed to think of the mediator now? Was he just engaging them to distract them?

PS: Not a comment on the mediator, just on those that left him/them hanging in the wind.

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This will work out well :v:

You know I thought the exact same thing when I was made aware of NPO's strike amidst peace talks involving a mediator which wasted their time trying to prevent the war. Does NPO really think this war is in their best interest? Are they really that oblivious to their situation?

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I have, as I'm sure many others have, been waiting for NPO to make this mistake for a very long time. Give them hell OV, I'm sure you will not be fighting this war alone.

Also lol@hypocrisy. Classy as always, Pacifica. :)

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You know I thought the exact same thing when I was made aware of NPO's strike amidst peace talks involving a mediator which wasted their time trying to prevent the war. Does NPO really think this war is in their best interest? Are they really that oblivious to their situation?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes.

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Blackstone perhaps or have we forgotten about the other party. Anyone who was dumb enough to deal with those "guys" should have known full well that when they were done those who worked with them were going to get burned.

Wait wait wait. I know this is prolly way late and I dont really have time to read the whole thread right now considering the 50 pages it has become, but let me get something straight. Are you saying that sethb got screenshots from BC, then BC provided screenshots of sethb accepting screenshots? And to think most people around here would have thought that NPO was the one pulling strings. i know that many see this as the end of the NPO, and if what I am asserting here is correct, NPO how does it feel to have been setup by BC?

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Lovely, you all preach for non-usage of EZI, hard peace terms, etc, but your statement above makes you a hypocrite to your cause. Got to love irony. Also quoting Steve Jobs, “The reports of our death are greatly exaggerated.”

His opinions are his own. I don't know where you got the "you all" part. Nice try.

Do I personally preach one way or another actively. No I, don't as for current situations on that is beyond my ability and influence.

As for what is being said and by who and what causes they preach verses what they say they will do to Pacifica if she loses, you cannot say that all of that is not hypocritical behavior compared to what you say Pacifica has done to you. Bias and desire can only go so far. Vultures circle, bandwagons form, but in the end can that overcome the heart with Pacifica stands for.

What about the spies you obviously had/have floating around? Wasn't it your own emperor who tried to brush that little piece of ugly information aside with something along the lines of " Every alliance accepts information" or some such nonsense? You want to talk about hypocrisy? Look in the mirror. You want to talk about Vultures? Look no farther then the corpses you and your own ilk have picked clean while they were crippled and down( in some cases for a year or more.) You have benefited from bandwagon mentality more than any other alliance on Bob. While we're at it, what exactly does Pacifica stand for? Other than serving it's own bloated self-interests at the costs of the security of our own alliances?

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OOC:1200 posts in 12 hours..100 posts an hour. more than a post a minute. Pretty good clip/ooc

Also no U!

I reiterate everything I said in this thread with the exception of the evil laugh in parentheses 17 pages ago. that was uncalled for and I apologize.

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When you understand that you are talking to a group of people who have been waiting for Pacifica to make a move that could paint them as an aggressor (fairly or unfairly) for quite literally *months*, then you'll understand that your logical argument is being given to a brick wall.

No, OV had absolutely no reason to do anything in this matter but to become stiff necked and resolute when under normal circumstances they would have given up whoever they needed to give up and VE would have been poking them in the ribs until they did.

Having a bunch of rifles poking out of the weeds in back of you pointed at the bad guys in front of you tends make you far braver than you might be otherwise....

Lets see...you aggressively attack our allies...Nope not aggressors there. Guess we'll just leave then.

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