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He Said Wha?!

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Then why continue to support and be a part of the propoganda attacks on your enemies, something the NPO is famous for developing?

Because propaganda is universal?

For example: NSO is only as large as it is because Ivan founded it on a whim. Nobody else could do that.

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Nice try. You guys really should keep up -- you're about 3-4 months behind.

What Vox has not pointed out (likely because the query logs have never been leaked...hmmm, wonder what that could mean...) is that I was one of the first Continuum leaders to tow the "Gramlins aren't evil/plotting our downfall"* line and aimed to patch things up with them as much as possible in the wake of that spate.

I also loved the glaring omission of a certain other IRON leader's far more abrasive posts. Nope, you're not trying to manipulate the information for your own political gain. Not at all. How ever could such an honorable group engage in such behavior? :awesome:

* - Next time I'm on IRC, you're all welcome to pick my brain on this particular topic. Of course, I can only give generalized/vague answers for obvious reasons.

Well, you caught me, show's over.

Seriously, why do you think attacking biased report for being biased is going to do anything?

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This was an interesting read.

I disagree, to be honest, it wasn't really interesting for me... and I think that the same thing happens to MOST of the CN players.

The Vox propaganda is often filled with so many "insider jokes" that I honestly have no idea about what Vox is talking about :unsure:

Indeed, I'm quite sure that the post had the intention of showing a poor image of some Alliances, but after reading it carefully I am still unable to know which ones (though I assume that probably the NPO is one of them, 'cause this is Vox, but if that's the case then I don't get how).

Vox Populi:

If you expect :popcorn: reactions, then try to be less *hermetic* :mellow: .... or less *tongue in cheek* :blink: ... or less cryptic :wacko: ... and make an user friendly version... I mean, something that somehow makes sense for the ones who don't know it all about CN ('cause our Nations don't spend the whole day on IRC probably :excl: ).

Interesting? No, not at all... I don't even get what you're talking about.

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I disagree, to be honest, it wasn't really interesting for me... and I think that the same thing happens to MOST of the CN players.

The Vox propaganda is often filled with so many "insider jokes" that I honestly have no idea about what Vox is talking about :unsure:

Indeed, I'm quite sure that the post had the intention of showing a poor image of some Alliances, but after reading it carefully I am still unable to know which ones (though I assume that probably the NPO is one of them, 'cause this is Vox, but if that's the case then I don't get how).

Vox Populi:

If you expect :popcorn: reactions, then try to be less *hermetic* :mellow: .... or less *tongue in cheek* :blink: ... or less cryptic :wacko: ... and make an user friendly version... I mean, something that somehow makes sense for the ones who don't know it all about CN ('cause our Nations don't spend the whole day on IRC probably :excl: ).

Interesting? No, not at all... I don't even get what you're talking about.


I mean, I didn't think it would be that hard to understand...

Besides, the fun was in playing the game, which, nobody did.

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I mean, I didn't think it would be that hard to understand...

Besides, the fun was in playing the game, which, nobody did.

'No I agree with the last gentleman. Vox neds to dumb it down a little and stop being so enamored with their own cleverness. Their propaganda will be more accessible that way. Seriously.

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brb leaking more continuum sekrits (that I don't even have access to)

Thanks for making it clear that the NPO doesn't believe GTT's rantings, Triyun :)

And yeah, if rehashing this is the best you can do, I'm sorry. We already had an issue of TWiP about the arguments over us leaving and even some of the posts quoted here have been shown before.

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brb leaking more continuum sekrits (that I don't even have access to)

Thanks for making it clear that the NPO doesn't believe GTT's rantings, Triyun :)

And yeah, if rehashing this is the best you can do, I'm sorry. We already had an issue of TWiP about the arguments over us leaving and even some of the posts quoted here have been shown before.

Once again.

I wasn't trying to expose anything. The whole point was to have a game. Nobody played. Anybody that did, didn't post what they guessed, thus voiding one of the points of seeing how many people would guess and be wrong/right.

Next week I just won't include the answers or screenshots and hope people actually post. It was supposed to be a game.

Edited by MegaAros
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I enjoyed the OP very much and I hope MegaAros will make this a weekly thing.

@Bob Janova: This wasn't meant to rehash anything. It was supposed to be a little bit of fun, but unfortunately people didn't understand that and treated it like just another Vox gripefest. MegaAros purposefully used older stuff so that people would have their memories tested. It's a shame really because this is one of the more original ideas anyone has had in a while. Hopefully the next edition will be better understood.

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This was a good one, hats off to Mega, entertaining.

Yeah, we jerks at NATO speak up when there's something on our minds, but that was during the discussion period of Gramlins leaving, and we didn't particularly enjoy Vox then as much as we do now.

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Just because we felt the need to leave doesn't mean we wish anything on Q. I mean heck we're still allied to a good many in there directly. Bob nor Syz have given anything to vox. If anyone of us from Gre was planning on giving something to vox it'd be way more interesting I'd say, maybe all of our guides and full embassy access? Who knows.

Aw, c'mon. We all know this thread is a hoax. It's obviously an advert for Sponge.


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It's a shame really because this is one of the more original ideas anyone has had in a while.

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike, than those who think differently.

Hopefully the next edition will be better understood.


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