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Fall Barbarossa Ausf B.

Kaiser Martens

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**Classified to Canada**

Aotearoa wishes to join this fight. We have monitored your movements out of the pacific and into the atlantic. We wish to collaborate, and use your staging points for our forces. They are en-route to the atlantic as we speak.


The fleet and flotilla have left Wellington, traveling west. CAPs are being flown, with YF-45 Missile truck support and High power Airborne Radar planes providing powerful radar out to 1000km to aid fleet awareness. BattleNet is on full slave standby, and networking links are on full test.

SIAC operatives are being move to a classified location, with full operational wargear.

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Republic of Carthage formally sends its support for the Nordlanders.

Leader Cutlass stated, "These brave people have made a perfect example of nationalist success for attaining unity for a common cause. The strength of their national unity is an example to our State for a level of nationalism to be strived for in our deverse republic. I praise these people and wish them luck on their front."

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Kotka, Molakia

The damage from the recent air attack is very heavy...for the civilians. The military has pulled out of the city, getting ready to counter attack the invaders. Many civilians have been killed, but the soldiers have escaped with moderate casualties. The AA Defenses are getting weary of these attacks, and load up with some more modern AA Missles.

No bombing run would come away without casualties AGAIN.

Anna Ivanova-Romanov, Tsarina of Molakia, and several other important goverment figures, contact their allies...

----Message from Tsarina Romanov----
The Goverment of Molakia cannot risk staying in Kotka anymore. So many enemies are attacking, and we cannot hold out. We request to evacuate ASAP to a more sheltered location.

---Message to NC allies from Molakian MILCOM----
Kotka is still being bombed mercilessly! WHERE IS OUR AIR SUPPORT?!

(OOC: I havnt seen many attacks responding to the many allied fighters over kotka...just because someone doesnt respond doesnt mean the fighters are not in the skies.)

St. Petersburg, Slavorussia

Molakia troops, weary of Air Attacks, Push into the city with gusto. The weakened yet effect army takes the city from all sides, with the 10,000 strong flank pushing in aswell. The Remaining artillery moves into clearins in the city, ready to fire at any enemy coming in, while the AA Missles and Guns do the same.

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Kotka, Molakia

Ruins, nothing but ruins, while the smell of death lingered in the air. The Tsarina and much of the Molakian medical staff had begun to evacuate the city taking much of the medical equipment with them. For many of the workers in the White Cross, this had been their baptism of fire and it had opened their eyes to a whole new world of pain and misery. Immediately after the bombing and gone quiet, at least for a moment the doctors and nurses, dressed in military field wear ran out into the streets to recover those civilians who had been injured in the bombing raid.

"C'mon Alexandra we have to move. We have to hurry!"

Running as fast as she could, Alexandra was barely able to keep up with the lieutenant as they mingled their way through what felt like zombie crowds that were following the evacuation force out of the city. The brutality was extremely, collapsed buildings and rubble lay in the streets and those unfortunate enough to make it out before the bombs had been dropped lay bloodied and gored amidst the stones.

"Alexandra over here!" The lieutenant grabbed her arm and yanked her to the side of one of the crushed buildings where an old man was trying to crawl out from the rubble. He wore and old gray suit with khaki pants and his gray hair shook off dust with every one of his movements. The lieutenant, who was a doctor back in Brisbane immediately pushed off the rock and tried to help the old man to his feet, but his legs were broken and as soon as he was out from the rubble he screamed in agony.

"No! No! Let me go! Please I'm dying! No more pain!"

"Sir, we have to get you out of here! There's an evacuation procedure leaving the city as we speak, we need to get you to safety."

"Don't you understand I can't make it." As the old man spoke, drops of blood began to drip from his mouth and onto the lieutenant's shoulder. "Put me down." Hesitant to put the man back down, the lieutenant laid him on the street uneasily.

"Sir we really have to get you out of here."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of white paper. "I have a daughter who lives in Slavorussia, Natalia Pikatova. If you happen to reach Minsk ever, please find her and give this to her." As he placed the paper in the lieutenant's hand, his life finally was drained and he breathed his last as his head tilled to the side and died.

"Damn." The lieutenant said, looking back up at Alexandra who had tears running down her face. He scowled. "If you can't handle this, I would go back to Brisbane. Its only going to get worse." He said pushing himself off the ground and began to walk back down the street calling for survivors. Alexandra only stared at the old man, she wished she had never come back to Europe.

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*** Encrypted Message to Canada ***

There are no Nordic Confederacy vessels in Gibraltar, which is legally under the jurisdiction of the Ferrous Pacific, of which Tahoe is the only nation currently occupying the city in number.

Hold your fire, the vessels in Gibraltar are either civilian or of the Tahoan Navy, which has been keeping the straits open for all traffic, regardless of nation. Our anti-ship missile system has been engaged to prevent either side from attempting to blockade the strait.

That said, since we are monitoring the traffic in the strait, we are logging the information and as a neutral nation not giving the information as an effort to not help either side. We know the Nordic Confederacy and the Russians are both monitoring naval traffic in the Mediterranean though.

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(OOC: Im just wondering where all the fighting in europe is exactly, plus whose on what side. For the record thou, Molakia is not a Nordic Confederation nation, just a tiny little Slavic nation....whose afraid of certain nations :D)

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Battle for St. Petersburg

Slavorussias cheer the bombers who’s mission proved to be an outstanding success, For the first time since the beginning of the war Slavorussian commanders are able to report real progress. However the cheering and upbeat attitude quickly changes as the bombers reposition for another run. Molakian AA does it’s job well in defending the soldiers and provides enough suppressive fire, in many cases shoot down the bombers. They’re forced to pull back, especially when Molakian soldiers enter the actual city.

The enemy AA’s are proving to be a considerable obstacle for the deployment of reinforcements. Whole transport planes are slaughtered. The initial damage totals between 1,000 and 2,000 casualties. As a result the Slavorussian commanders lead by the Tsar himself order ¼ of the artillery to focus on the Molakian AA and decimate their ability to defend from air strikes. The remainder continue to lay down heavy fire on soldier positions and enemy artillery.

Civilians are evacuated from the inner city, or take up shelter in the numerous bomb shelters built during the Soviet regime. They’re old and outdated, but they should be effective in defending the citizens, who are not the primary target, or so they hoped.

As the Molakian soldiers enter the city they are met with heavy resistance from Slavorussian soldeirs. Although Slavorussians are outnumbered roughly 2 to 1 they are more than willing to engage in vicious and brutal brawling in the streets of St. Petersburg this definitely causes them to take heavier casualties on the ground than the invaders, but they are supported by almost two dozen tanks and the successful air campaign has boosted moral in the city considerably.

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OOC: Could someone show a list of who is on which side? It is getting confusing here... :huh:

OOC: Hm, from what I see it, it goes as this:

Nordlandic Confederacy (and these attacking Slavorussia):


Union of Western Europe







Slavorussia (and possibly the rest of RUSSIAN, except Vaule)

Canada and the Comitern



Glorious Aoterotoa

Promised Land

(possibly more)





Imperium of America

Hansaetic Commonwealth (?)

Atlantian Federation (?)

Artemis (?)

Uralic Bashkortostan (semi-neutral)

Mariehamm Arms


If I missed any, or was mistaken about anything, please pardon me. ^_^

Edited by JEDCJT
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Slavorussian engineers are beginning a massive project to fully shield both military and civilian targets from emp attacks. The cost is high, but the reward is much much higher, since right now Slavorussia only has minimal emp shielding, mostly on military assets.

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The AFS North America and AFS Europe, along with the AFS Artemis, are setting sail for the Baltic Sea, should the President decide to intervene in this war. The AFS South America, AFS Apollo, and AFS Athena have all been put on high alert.


The Federation Armed Forces are now at DEFCON 3.

OOC: Atlantian Federation- Neutral(?)

Edited by Arkantos
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OOC: Uralic Bashkortostan is semi-neutral. We are providing refuge for Slavorussian civilians and also Bosporanian civilians should Bosporan be attacked on their own soil. But WHERE'S THAT DAMN LUMBER??? :P I can't build more refugee camps with no wood in my system. Good thing some Slavorussians have family in my country :lol:

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*Private to Slavorussia*

75,000 Beijing troops request permission to move through SlavoRussia into Molakia. We will have the Beijing arm bands on to difference us from attacking armies and will not shoot unless shot first.

*Private to Bosporan*

We thank you for keeping our soldiers well and healthy. But now it is our time to fight. They shall be moved through Slavorussia if the permission is granted.

Thank You,

CEO, Keshav

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The Border Guard, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega Divisions (A total of 120,000 troops/520 MBTs) have flown back to Norden Kingdom. They have set up defensive positions on the coastal and inland borders.

Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, and Iota Division (200,000 troops/800 MBTs) remain in Nordheim's bunkers.


We urge all civilians who are in neutral countries to remain there until the war is over. Thank you.

Edited by Californian
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Prussian-Nordheimer Army Groups:

Conditions (As recognized by Slavo) - Russians Outnumbered 5 to 1

Finally the retreats had ceased and there were no more minefields or dragonteeth to buy minutes with. It was time for the decisive battle that would make or break the Prussian and Nordheimer Army Groups, and odds were in their favor.

The forces under Feldmarschall Martens started to receive enemy fire as they came to the line, and for a few minutes actually seemed to be retreating, not pushing on the attack - actually, they were simply getting ready. Pushing right away would have involved heavy casualties, but the advantage of Russian Initiative would be negated:


The rest of the Army Group caught up, the Heavy "Martens" Tanks and the Heavy Assault Guns move forward then and act as a spearhead or carefully coordinated wall that rushes the enemy positions. Given the literally extreme, even unreasonable amount of Frontal Armor in the AGs and all-round (Yet especially frontal) armor in the Heavy Tank, as the T-90s and AT Infantry open fire, they find that their shots have no effect whatsoever on the advancing metal berserkers. Some lucky shots were able to destroy non-essential equipment such as lamps, maybe an extremely rare occation may see a shell heading directly into a cannon once in a blue moon to destroy one of the beasts, but save for extreme luck, they seemed so far absolutely impervious. Their cannons simply shot off enemies one by one, working on enemy tanks first - they'd go down in one hit, as the Nords were trained to hit the spots not protected by their Reactive Armor.

To make it all worse, artillery was pounding furiously on enemy positions and lines, making it feel like a constant earthquake to the point in which even aiming a large gun would be difficult, the rain of shells was constant and omnipresent. As the Heavy Armor would move close enough to the Russians, something else was going on: The Light and Medium armor groups had surrounded the line to cut them off from supplies and fire from 360º towards the enemies, this happened after the Heavy Armor had taken the enemy's attention. Bombers joined in with the struggle to cause yet even more explosions in the zone, and several auxiliary units remained around ready to seal any breakthroughs. The bombing was such that many ammo depots would simply explode, destroying supplies.

Attempting to finish them off, once all armor was close enough, Nordheimer Infantry rushed forwards, "going in for the kill" from all directions. It was all a massive meat grinder at Lithuania's north.

These tactics were also used at Belarus by the Prussian Army Group, this included a detachment of Nordheimer Heavy Armor in order to make the situation almost identical, resembling a macrophage going forth to consume a pathological agent within the body.

The Russians had been engaged, and this time, there was no retreat - only fighting in the sea of blood until glorious death.


Reinforcements for Molakia:

Molakia was simply being bombed into stone age. Nordheim didn't stay idle. AutoFLAK 128 AA guns were deployed by sea to Molakia and hurriedly deployed before the enemy caught up with their prescence, firing away. Although having to hurry so ment that the AA was not deployed perfectly, not deploying would have meant the destruction of the equipment.

But the main thing were the operations from the Luftwaffe. 60 Fighter Squadrons were sent forth, along the way, with rather improvised yet useful packages they passed through some of the Isolated Molakian Ground Forces to drop them parachutes with supplies. A few of these supplies would miss. They included ammo in the calibers used by the Molakians, as well as foodstuff.

They were not done, the fighters, now freed from their luggage, rushed to Molakia proper. Right before they are seen arriving, Nordheim shoots forth five Cruise Missiles armed with FOAB-type Warheads, these explode not on the ground but on the air, serving as AA. They were used like this, but this was improvised, thusly, not perfect. It had bought time enough for the Nordheimer Luftwaffe to reach the zone, and amidst the chaos of explosions they head towards the bombers, attacking first from afar with coordinated arrays of missiles which resembled the old musket warfare of the past ages, and after having used the deadly volley, the time for dogfighting comes. It really was a massive fleet deployed to defend Molakia, then again, massive amounts of bombers had been sent to them too.



10 more Cruise Missiles are shot at the Slavorussian railways which managed to survive, 20 more are sent at the Main Connecting Roads in Slavorussian Land, big craters would be made, although the usefulness of such tactic was not certain and had been a matter of discussion in the Nordic HQ.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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St. Petersburg, Slavorussia

"Tsar Sir, Reports of heavy fighting in the city. Those Slavos are holding steady. We are taking moderate casualties. Of the 51,000 we came in with, we now have 45,000 after wounds and deaths. The AA Vehicles are getting targeted by artillery aswell. Luckily, some of the buildings are providing enough cover for the people to evac. Sadly, the vehicles are useless. We have some left, and are now only target transports. I doubt slavo would bomb his own city to the ground."

"Very Well LT. Keep me informed." replies The Tsar, lighting a cigar.

The Molakian ground forces, experts in guerilla and urban warfare, start to cleanse the city block by block of combatants. Any civilians found are sent packing to known shelters and hospitals. The peoples are scared but not entirely resentful. "Atleast you are russian!" commented one older gentlemen.

As for the supplies...Most landed in hostile parts of the city, but a decent amount landed within the bounds of the Army, so the Molakians are good on 7.62 amm for their AK47s...But the APCs and other vehicles are running low on fuel and ammo after so much fighting.

(OOC: Troops are rearmed, have food. AA Guns will fire only on Paradrop planes and low flying aircraft. APCs are not as mobile due to lack of fuel. Molakian army now is in city, so bombs will be slightly less effective....hopefully.)

Kotka, Molakia

The People of the city cheer as Allied Planes commit to Combat Air Patrols over the city. The troops of Molakia are still fighting the invaders from the sea, with mixed results. The Molakian Coast Guard has evacuated to friendly waters, while the two ice breakers are moored in Iceland.

"Tsarina! We are ready to leave!" yelled Gen. Roe, grabbing his Rifle. The Lady of Molakia is donning armor, hoping that her husband is safe....

"Roe, How can we leave?" she ask softly, putting on a helmet.

"Simple: I have orders that i am to ensure the Goverment of Molakia continues on, at all cost. I dont argue with orders from the Tsar!" he remarks.

"Well....Im his equal as Tsarina right? Well...We Stay! I know we built some hardcore bunkers under the palace...we move there, but we stay in the city!" She replies, doing the Romanov Patented fist slam.

"Well...I....If you wish My Lady. I will inform the troops." Roe replies, distraught.

----[b]Public[/b] Message to Kotka and Allies-----

We will not abandon Kotka at all cost! Keep fighting soldiers of Molakia! The Royal Family needs you! White Cross members, The Imperial Palace is open for operations still. Please use it!
-Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov

(OOC: National Guard Morale Raise!)

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Major OOC Notice: (!)


Sargun has decided to void my Tech (Year 2009) after he has chosen not to acknowledge my Tech Sharing with Triyun, on the grounds that it was too vague apparently where mentioned. This basically voids every single thing I've done ever since Nordlandic Confederacy was created, this means the war never happened, nor i ever signed the NAP with Vaule, nor, well...anything.

So, this is the "Thread that wasn't".

It is not accurate to say that the war is over, because although it is: Technically, it never happened.

I don't know if I should laugh or !@#$%*, I guess I don't care enough to do either. Also to the participants: It is noteworthy that OOC !@#$ between combatants was minimal, we should be proud as it's a first.


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